Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The Aftermath

Here's a moving post about Katrina from Lori Seaborg, of Keeping the Home.

The earlybird news reported that gas prices will be $3/gallon by midmorning, thanks to the lack of oil from the Gulf. I can't help but think these stations are contributing to mass panic. Yes, there will definitely be lines at the gas stations today...and they'll be right there to record it for the evening program.


mothersong said...

I read the post, and then I gave money. Things here are always tight, with all these kids and one income. But even if we don't have a lot, we have a lot more than nothing.

Thanks for the heads up.


Meredith said...

"Even if we don't have a lot, we have a lot more than nothing."

Beautifully said, Vicki.