Today I was there for two hours, running interference for two preschoolers while my team of aunts selected fixtures. The lights! The silk! Webert Italian Faucet Alexandra AL750101
Everything has that new sheen of perfection sadly missing from the Habitat Homestore. I'm not sure it's possible to browse without feeling a bit shabby when you come back home.
Don't get me wrong--there are items I would never choose, even if I had the money (the black programmable commode my little one loves, for instance).
Expo does have products that beat their low rent cousins over at Home Depot, both on price and style. You just have to dig a little deeper for those red markdown tags.
Besides, inspiration is always free. You can tour a warren of deluxe kitchens and baths in minutes--just don't let the preschoolers turn the corner without you.
I feel the very same way... sort of trashy because I have slavaged cabnets or something...but then I get home and thank God he provided the cabnets and they didn't cost a dime... some days I just think I would be content in a bubble!
Followed your link on PHC. Wonderful blog. I know what you mean the Expo. We get most of our supplies from salvage places, or outlets. Home Depot is uptown for us! LOL. Sometimes I want to just be able to go out and buy what I want and not spend months looking for the right thing at the right price. Then I remind myself that most of the fun is being able to put something together on a budget that looks good. There is a great deal of satisfaction in that.
Still...I love those Expos!
We have yet to install it, but not long after the Habitat store opened, I got a great looking faucet there -- that they still sell at Expo. Mine looks as good as new and cost $10. The one at Expo -- $375. That made my day. Now to just learn how to install faucets...
But yes, I only go to Expo for inspiration. The only things I've ever bought were red tags and even those are usually too expensive.
Next time you are in my part of town though, let me know. :)
Wow, Jordana, that was a smart buy! I haven't had much luck at Habitat lately since restricting myself to one trip every week or so. I'll email you next time before we plan our next stop, though!
The worst of the worst customer service. I purchased a $5000.00 stove Thermadore that has been a nighmare. The idiot salesman who sold it to me forgot to mention I needed a back splash that has been on back order for over thirty days, and now they have the nerve to tell me it was the wrong part number she ordered and now it will be another 30 days. It also came with a defective insullation strip that will take another week to get. The management staff for the most part is arrogant and full of nothing but empty promises. NEVER DO BUSINESS WITH THESE TYPE OF STORES. They promise it all and deliver a bunch of BS.
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