Saturday, March 07, 2009

Still Mixing My Paint

This paint dries darker. I'm taking a bucket of white and adding the gold cup-by-cup.

Not only does this create a custom color, it increases the total quantity of paint.


Shell in your Pocket said...

Have fun...creating and painting.
sandy toe

Emily said...

It's a gorgeous color - happy painting!


Leila said...

Love the mirror!

I sort of dread that feeling, well known to me, of standing out there in the garage, wanting to get started on my project, adding "just one more cup" to try to get the right color!

And of course you can't really see it in the garage, and you don't want to schlep back and forth to your wall each time you make a small adjustment.

I suppose it's better than schlepping to Lowe's each time :)

It's a good incentive to go with a funky color! (But I like that yellow!)

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I painted my kitchen this great Ralph Lauren yellow that I got ...for free...from a yard sale. The problem was like yours, when I put it on and it started drying - too bright, so I kept adding a little of my craft $.99 white acrylic paint til it was perfect. I loved it, but now that I want to touch up...oops. I didn't save a little Tupperware of it. So save some for touch ups. Now I have to repaint the whole thing. It needs it. :)

Tubo Family said...

Looking forward to seeing the result, I loved the yellow at your old house.

Kathy said...

That color looks like spring, so cheerful! And yet, it is so sophisticated too. Have fun!

Best, Kathy

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

That mirror is really pretty!

Mimi said...

It's a beautiful color.

Amy said...

Can't wait to see the finished walls!!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, Meredith, I really like that color! And your mirror is divine, as is your hutch in the other room! :)

Carla said...

We did this for our laundry room we started off with a miss tint green we got cheap but we wanted to change it some We were surprised how much paint it took to change the color of it very much .If you are not wanting it a whole lot lighter its going to take allot of white to add to it.
A good tip is when you get the color you want paint a white index card with it. and label where its at then you can take it in and get it color matched.
We did this when we mixed paint and needed another gallon and you couldn't tell the difference at all.

Sandy said...

yes! love the color!

Anonymous said...

I love yellow. I have a pale, creamy yellow in my family room and a warm, golden yellow in a hallway and my living room.

I like it so much, I wanted it in my bedroom, but with so much yellow, I thought I'd try something different. It was a disaster. I can't wait until we repaint, but at the rate we make changes around here, it'll take years. I'd better get used to the TEAL.

Teal is pretty, but it's not me. Not in my bedroom.


Hill upon Hill said...

t'is looking good. Nice photo too.

Samantha said...

Yellow is my favorite color. It is so fresh! Is this just a spring spruce up or is time to sell again?