Those we have in abundance.
These Valentine posies are inspired by the war-era book The Party Table

You can use crepe paper, tissues, Charmin.
Love is worth celebrating--even when you can't afford those dozen rose bouquets.

If you ever want to feel grateful for your husband, ask a widow to tell you about hers. It's humbling.
Those are so creative! I know your friends will appreciate them.
I love it! Kids need to see results fast!
I love it! They turned out awesome! I have a link of our visit to the assisted living center last year ...
Happy V week!
I love to make things with sticks and glue! My daughter and I will have to give this a whirl. Love your vintage tablecloth too.
Found you through a Blissdom post link earlier this week. I have enjoyed your frugal tips and realness.
oh my gosh! those are the cutest things. Maybe i'll send a link to this post to hubby lol
Very cute!! And of course the sticks. I find so many of them in the house, but mom thats my....... or I am using that later for...... Sticks, LOL
You are so right when you said "if you want to feel grateful for your husband, ask a widow about hers." My dear friend lost her husband in an awful way almost 2 years ago. She is still deeply in the throws of grief. I am at a loss of how to help her. This month is especially hard for her as it would have been their 37th wedding anniversary and of coarse Valentines. Chuck always gave her a rose for every year of their marriage. Chuck was my dear friend and I miss him too. Anyway, the craft is so cute. Thanks for sharing. Roxie
What a great idea! I've stumbled this one.
i love those!
What a neat idea! I'm not very crafty, but I think even I could make those. Thanks!
The part of your post about widows made me so sad, and you are absolutely right. I worked as an RN in a nursing home when my oldest boys were little, and I will never forget one particular couple. They had been married 47 or 48 years, and on their anniversary one summer evening, she came into the nursing home,as usual, to feed her husband who was dying and was aphasic (couldn't speak). The staff didn't know it was her anniversary, but I will never forget going into her husband's room that night, to take his meds to him, and hearing her reminiscing with him about their wedding on that day so many years before. I remember her leaving later that evening, the late afternoon sun streaming in the windows, shining on her as whe walked down the hallway alone...I wept watching her, realizing how they must have been a beautiful young couple one time, thrilled to be getting married, and how it must not really seem like that many years ago to her. It gave me then, and gives me now whenever I think about it, a much needed perspective on my crazy, busy, day-to-day life with my kids. Sometimes I feel like the endless messes and stresses that go along with raising a family will never end....but,sadly, they will, for all of us! You are right to remind your readers that even though all our lives are sometimes far from the "perfection" we wish we had, we need to reach out and tell our husbands and our children how much we love them while they are still ours.
With gratefulness that you are going to continue your blog!-
Those are beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing.....
Wow, who knew crepe paper and sticks could be so pretty?
So very cute...it's amazing what crepe paper can do!
-sandy toe
I almost didn't put that in about the widows, but they always appreciate a chance to share about that part of their lives...and I always leave reminded of how blessed I am in this full season of life.
Very nice craft.
Wow...the widow comment is so profound...thank you for sharing that. I know that sometimes I take my husband for granted. I can't imagine losing him!
Oh, how pretty! And I agree about the widow comment...something to think about, for sure!
What a beautiful and sweet gesture...I'm sure that the old folks will take absolute delight in knowing that those were handmade for them. My grandma spent her last years in a retirement home, and absolutely loved getting homemade crafty stuff made by her family so that she could have something to show to the folks who came over for tea and Scrabble.
absolutely adorable!!! Kelly
I read your blog each day and have commented a few times.
I love the crepe paper flowers - we will be making those. I have leftover crepe paper from the birthday party I just gave last weekend!
As for your widow comment - AMEN! I am a widow - at 48. My husband was killed last July and he was 47. I still have small children at home. I would give anything to have him with me right now.
I am currently doing a series of posts on my blog concerning widowhood and preparedness, if you're interested. I am writing it for mothers in particular, but it is helpful info for anyone.
I hope you have a lovely Valentine's Day.
That is SO cute! Great craft, thanks for sharing!! :)
Found you while meandering around in the blogworld! I wanted to stop in and look around and your blog is beautiful!
This idea is absolutely adorable! I love it.
Happy Friday
Robin Rane'
~All Things Heart & Home
Thanks for this post. I don't always appreciate my husband the way I should and I needed the reminder. After reading your post, I sent him an email love note that said, "I love you. I'm glad you're not dead."
He got a chuckle out of it and got the message too. Thanks.
Those are so cute, Meredith! My daughter and I made them yesterday. They came out looking more like rosebuds, but cute, nonetheless. Thanks for the inspiration. Susan, your comment made me cry. Gena, I am so sorry for your loss.
such a cute idea!
and I love how you blessed others with your creations!
Please remember that not all widows are in retirement homes....I am a widow with a 2 1/2 yr old son.....make sure you appreciate all the little things your husband does for you every day!
in the same vein, i read lizzies blog and adustyframe...and when i have "issues" i try to remember that so many are struggling..and yet show so much more faith and grace than I...i bed you brought smiles to all of them..
What a lovely bouquet!
Thank you for linking to me and sending me your great readers! It was fabulous to meet you last weekend!
Those are so beautiful, Meredith, and I am so proud of you for sharing what you do with your community in such an authentic & real way. I adore these paper flowers. I can't decide what to put in the notebook- that amazing Lego card or the paper flowers. :) I am so thankful to call you my friend!
My kids loved this craft, even finding sticks in the snow.
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