Monday, January 12, 2009

Good morning son

The fog of long-term sleep loss is finally lifting! That's a feeling that can't be bought at any price.

Above, pear branch found on sidewalk, 25-cent handmade basket, Dwell Studio quilt from Goodwill


Kelly said...

No wonder your children think like artists !!!

Kacie said...

I am looking forward to getting out of the fog! Soon, yeah?

Scribbit said...

Makes you want to know what's going through their little minds sometimes doesn't it?

Mary said...

That is so sweet!

Apostle to Suburbia said...

Dwell at Goodwill! You lucky thing, you!
What a sweet baby photo. He's looking good!

Anonymous said...

Are you rooting that branch? How do you do that?

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your 'coming out of the fog' and are back in the world of the living! :)

Miss G said...

He is so beautiful! Kelly

Anonymous said...

He is a beautiful little boy. I am amazed that you know brand name items like you do. I guess I do not spend enough time looking at lables. I have trouble remembering names of people, much less brand names. I would not know a 'Dwell' from a Wal-Mart. Sad but true.
Blessings to you and the family. Roxie

Nicola said...

oh, cutie! and i also love your profile photo!

Meredith said...

Roxie, I only know the name because it is written on the tag and I googled it when I returned. It's actually a cheaper line that debuted at Target.

Either way, a good value at 99 cents and the first thing I bought when I found we'd be having another boy.

Elizabeth said...

Awww - I love newborns. Aren't they precious? They smell so good, too.

Beautiful photo!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Love how your photo captured the feeling of your words.

He's beautiful,

deb meyers

Anonymous said...

Thank you Meridith for taking the time to clue me in. I guess I do need to spend some time looking at lables and doing a 'google' when I get home. So sweet a little boy. I am the mother of two little boys now age 36 and 31. Does not seem possible it has been that long. Blessings to you and the family. Roxie

Amy said...

Sooo sweet and I love all of your thrifted treasures!!

hippos toes said...


Anonymous said...

Amen to that

Tubo Family said...

So happy for you! Sleep deprivation truly is torture. Babies are worth it but that doesn't make it any easier.

Vintagesquirrel said...

Hi Meredith, Your little one is gorgeous! I miss that age. (they don't like to be cuddled much at 14 --what's with that?) We messaged each other in the online forum for Blissdom. I'm looking forward to meeting you there.

Michelle (aka) Vintagesquirrel

Come by my blog to enter my first ever giveaway if you have a minute.

DealFinder said...

Yay for the sun coming through the fog!!!

Karen said...

We are starting to get good sleep too! Baby M. is 3 months old. It feels great!!!

WhiteStone said...

Lovely photo! And lovely baby!