I don't know which impresses me more, the resolve I see at Where the Lilies Bloom or the wonderfully simple way she created an heirloom nursery out of scraps.

Above: thrift store games for Friday night; placemats from the church yard sale & bulk almonds for snacking.
Ah, thrift store games- we used games we picked up to decorate the walls in our game room. Ad, of that stack, we played Settlers of Catan TWICE this week!
Joanna, I saw that photo! Using the gameboards on the wall is a great decorating idea. I believe a recent Southern Living or design magazine did the same thing?
About Settlers of Catan: it seems too advanced for the 6-yr-old, at least this version, but I couldn't leave it there for FIFTY CENTS, could I?
He ended up making his own simplified rules for the game. Does anyone know at what age Settlers is fun for a bright kid?
Wow, three great links for fresh inspiration and encouragement. Thanks, Meredith!
Meredith, your bargains always amaze.
AND, you are answering your own question. Settlers is fun for bright Andrew right NOW, at this age. Making up his own rules just so he can play it ... now that's fun!
Maybe invite a young couple over to play with you and hubs so he can hang on the fringes and see how it is done with actual rules, but no pressure on him. (Wouldn't be surprised if he joins in occasionally).
deb m
As always Meredith you link to the best blogs. I so enjoy it when I see that. Thank you. Hope your game night is wonderful. Roxie
Thanks so much for those inspiring links. You always find such interesting blogs to share!
For 50 cents, I would have snapped it up, too! I've not played that version- there's a travel version of the game with a few less pieces, would that be simpler? The rules would probably be the same...
Of those sorts of games, you might try Bohnanza with the kids- it's fun for young & old :)
Great links Meredith - you introduce me to new friends and remind me to visit old dears all the time! Thank you! Again!
hope you're having a fun game night! Kelly
Thanks so much for the link, Meredith. It brightened my week to know that my words and recycling inspired you. I will think of you and the friends you sent my way frequently when I need a lift. :-)
Brandy ~ Where the Lilies Bloom
You always unearth the best treasures, Meredith, whether it's at a yard sale, thrift store, your own closet, the grocery store, or the Internet. Thank you for these links. I left a comment at the Frugal Hack link because it drove home some healthy humbling that happened this weekend due to a post of mine.
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