Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fails to wash top of milk bottle


As a 1930s wife, I am

Take the test!

I'm great at encouraging thrift, but my stocking seams are always crooked. HT: Mrs. Elliot


Anonymous said...

This was fun!

Lotus (Sarcastic Mom) said...

Heh. "Very Poor (Failure)"

I'm actually just fine with that. ;-)

G.L.H. said...

Ooh, Meredith. I got a 117, a "very superior" score. I can only think that it is because I am so much Closer In Age to a 1930's wife. That's scary...

Lisa said...

Oh Gosh....I got a 27...that makes me poor too! Oh was fun!

Anonymous said...

I got a 92! 21 years of being a homemaker has paid off! Thanks for the link, that was fun and now my hubby wants to take the test.

Rachel said...

107! WOOHOO!

Then again, I've been working to become more like that era of a homemaker/wife/ maybe its paying off?



Meredith said...

I know, I was shocked to see how low I scored! I think men still want essentially what the test asks : )

I graded myself hard based on my performance the last couple of weeks. I'm clearly slipping but honestly am too tired to do much about it!

Anonymous said...

I surprisingly! got a SUPERIOR score. I'm pretty shocked:

I DO NOT keep a tidy house.
I DO NOT cook breakfast.
I talk too much about family matters.
My hair is untidy, and I wear pajamas to bed.
I cook in pajamas. (in fact, I started the pot roast in pj's this morningi.)

But, I'm almost always cheerful.

I don't nag DH, and I'm awfy proud of his accomplishments.

So, attitude counts heavily in that quiz.

Or else I checked off the wrong blocks.


Anonymous said...

I got a high score. I made 126. Bad very bad. I need to wake up to the women's movement. I guess my age is showing. Roxie

Anonymous said...

Hi, Meredith - Me and My fam have been on 'holiday' -
I am a 62/SUPERIOR housewife and I can't stand myself in 'stocking feet and eating out of tin cans!' LOL! Ps. I've been telling working mama women about your blog in the airport... I told 2 women and the first thing they said was:
"I must get on and get inspired!"
Isn't that great? I missed chiming in while away girl...
I see you've been busy! :)
Latrice -
Working mama in the NW!

Anonymous said...

I scored 107 so I'm a very superior wife. But my husband scored 167, so I guess I'm not as good as he deserves!

Tracey said...

Very funny! I was poor too...good thing it's not the 1930's

Shannon said...

Meredith - I'm betting you were much too hard on yourself:) That was fun!

letterstoelijah said...

yahooo ... I'm average. That was a cute quiz! I wonder what my score would be today? hmmmm... probably less . . and that would be a good thing.

Laura Leigh Dobson said...

wow. . i got a 76. . . superior. I am pretty shocked because I didn't i was so great. hahaha. . .that was fun.

Barb said...

I just made the the Very superior category with a 77 even though I checked off whining and complaining and also, fails to wipe top of milk bottle. Too bad they didn't mention fails to wipe off pacifier when it falls on the floor!

Beck said...

I scored about 110 and I was feeling mighty smug until my husband scored 150. We're just old-fashioned.

LynnMarie said...

I got a 97 - Who knew! That was fun.