Saturday, June 14, 2008

What to do with leftover poundcake

Perhaps you need to hide it before your husband eats the rest. Call it "planned leftovers."

Pound cake freezes beautifully. My mom suggested I slice some of my stash for a new baby visit.

What do you do with leftover pound cake?


Anonymous said...

I had a pound cake the other week that completely fell apart when I tried to get it out of the pan. Half was in good shape and I sliced to take with some strawberries and cool whip to a game night with friends. The rest was a mess, so I cut it into chunks and froze it. Yesterday I was craving something sweet and took the chunks out of the freezer and put them in a bowl with some berries. It hit the spot!!

Dianna said...

I'm so glad to know that it freezes well! Our family is small, and we always end up eating the whole thing because it's so good. Next time, I'll freeze some for later.

Julie said...

We love to spread butter on sliced pound cake and pop it in the oven to toast up. Not very good for you, but oh what a special treat!

Lunch Buckets said...

Toast it and eat it buttered for breakfast!

Anonymous said...

What's "leftover pound cake"? LOL

Anonymous said...

LEFTOVER pound cake? Never met any and none would ever achieve that state in our home! cjb

Anonymous said...

I like to spread it with butter, toast it under the broiler, and eat it with a little ice cream. Yum, yum!

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

I'm not trying to be glib, but honestly, I've never had any leftover.

Anonymous said...

Drizzled with chocolate sauce or strawberries (lightly mashed with a bit of sugar or sweetener). A little whipped topping on top never hurt. ;)

Meredith said...

LOL! I guess when I bake a poundcake, I have "planned leftovers."

My small family could certainly eat a whole cake if it were left out for a few days--and remember, my husband's diabetic, so I try to keep temptation largely out of his path.

After we've had guests or a dinner I cut it up in quarters and freeze wrappedin aluminum foil. That way, we can't eat too much, and it's a hedge against unexpected company.

Meredith said...

Emily, have you tried using a spray like Baker's Joy or Pam with flour?

I used to try the frugal method with Crisco and flour, but I have since learned that a light coating of baking spray on the Bundt pan has saved many a cake.

I get a perfect result every time, without even holding my breath.

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

Oh, now I think THIS is what I've been craving. Bummed I have none lying around my kitchen!


becka said...

I got this idea years ago from my trusty 30-year old plus Better Homes and Gardens cookbook: Put a dollop of whipped cream or whipped topping on the cake then slice on some banana slices. Drizzle with caramel sauce and top with some chopped peanuts or pecans. This makes a very lovely dessert in a flash!

Anonymous said...

Leftover poundcake? I have no idea what that is or what you are talking about! :)

Michelle Smiles said...

I don't understand...leftover cake? Huh...will wonders never cease?

Anonymous said...

Leftover poundcake makes for part of a great tiramisu, though I don't make either pound cake or tiramisu very often. Now I'm craving it though.

Premee said...

Leftover poundcake makes good parfaits! A shot of Hershey's, some frozen raspberries, and Cool-Whip make the inner layers. I served this at a barbecue a while back (like Emily, had a poundcake that went to bits so I froze it). In tall glasses with skinny forks, this makes an awesome dessert. :-)

Anonymous said...

We use leftover pound cake for strawberry shortcake or make a trifle out of it using whipped cream, fruit, custard, and cake.
Ruth, PA

GMS said...

How about a some fondue fun with fruit and cake?!

Debby Brown said...

with teenagers, you will learn that there is no such thing as leftover cake.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! I was sitting here, eating pound cake thawed from the freezer, when I saw this post! I am actually eating mine with chopped peaches and pourable custard over it (like thin vanilla pudding). Delicious!

TracyMichele said...

LOL. Hubs was reading this over my shoulder and quickly said, "WHO has leftover pound cake!?". haha. Too funny not to share. :)

New Mom said...

This is THE BEST: Toast two pieces lightly using a George Foreman grill or panini press. Spread on a thin layer of Nutella {or a thick layer-- even better}. Then layer some sliced strawberries and sandwich with the other piece of cake. Now that is a SANDWICH!

Anonymous said...

Left over poundcake and angel foodcake both make an excellent base for french toast (can you say sugar overload?!!?) Or you can put a bit of butter on the poundcake and grill it with a few peaches and put some ice cream on there! Enjoy!

Liz said...

I was going to say french toast but Sarah beat me to it...

Or try this:

Anonymous said...

There would be mutiny at my house if I froze leftover cake! We all look forward to having some more later. I, too, am diabetic, so I have to watch my portion size and remember to include the carbs in my allowed daily total. If I wanted to have some on hand in the freezer, I would be more likely to just bake two when I was in a baking mood and freeze one of them whole. I admire your discipline in exercising "planned leftovers".

Christi said...

I often freeze half of the poundcake to begin with. Then when I pull it out again, the boys love it cubed with chocolate syrup for dipping. My husband likes it toasted, and I usually eat it sliced with whatever fruit we have around.

Let's face it, poundcake is always yummy!

Anonymous said...

I like it plain with coffee. Sitting on the back patio, with the dogs at me feet. Heaven on earth for me. Roxie

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh pound it! And yep, I would have to freeze it to keep my hubby from polishing it off. He loves anything sweet. It does freeze well though. I havne't made one in awhile.

Great yardsale find...the bride's present.


Anonymous said...

I'll have to try that Baker's Joy or the Pam with flour. I've always gone the criso/flour route. Thanks for the tip!

Anonymous said...

I like that phrase - "planned leftovers." I usually do that with sweets because we are a small family, too, and my husband does not have a sweet tooth.
I've enjoyed the ideas here for using leftover cake. I LOVE pourable custard. (By the way, that's also the base for "Floating ISland" a classic vintage dessert that I discovered in my 1960s Joy of Cooking that I'd heard of only in books before).

Amiyrah said...

Obviously, freezing it is the best way to re-use it. I recently had bits of desserts leftover from a Mother in law visit and I also had a few yeast rolls and pieces of bread left. I basically made bread pudding out of the leftovers. I let sonny boy have it for breakfast for a few days and hubby and I topped it with vanilla yogurt and had it as our dessert for that week. There still was some left, so I did freeze that. It will be used in a dessert platter that I am putting together next week for co-workers.

The Proverbs Wife said...

Leftover pound cake....What's that???

We don't often have leftovers of anything sweet.

Count yourself a lucky woman.

Gini (Hallquist) Young said...

You're supposed to have leftovers?! Haha! Well, I am pregnant.

Carrie said...

makes AMAZING french toast!! Sounds like that was a popular answer!!
Also makes a killer bread pudding!!

Alfreda E Neuman said...

I just eat it with fresh strawberries and nothing else. Pound cake is a pretty heavy cake and it doesn't need any more sugar ie. whipped cream, chocolate etc.

Linda said...

Make tiramisu (dip it in coffee, then top it with mascarpone, eggs and sugar)

Or any other type of 'dip it in something' - like strawberry syrup, honey syrup.. anything like that..

It will be moist again, no matter how dry it became and it'll taste just..... delicious! ;)

greetings from holland!

Sheila said...

Mmmm. I am going to have to purposely make some pound cake so I can have this delima!!

Meredith said...

Making two at a time sounds like a great idea! Unfortunately my recipe batter is so thick, it takes all my Kitchenaid mixer bowl to contain it.

I will, however, keep my eyes open for a second Bundt pan at the yard sales : )

Anonymous said...

I have always baked pound cake in a loaf pan. Does everyone else use a bundt pan? My recipe will make 2 loaves, so it very convenient to wrap the 2nd one and freeze for later. A "whole" loaf seems a little more generous when given to someone, I think. Although I don't anyone who wouldn't appreciate a few slices, too!

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of baking two! I double everything else, but never a pound cake. Our large family seldom leaves leftovers, but would love to have them--my Mom always froze them in slices with wax paper between for packed lunches. Due to my mother in law's Alzheimer's disease, I now have two kitchen aids. I'll keep my eye out for another bundt pan--but I know I can divide pound cake into loaf pans for now.


Anonymous said...

ok, now you have me craving poundcake ;-) share your recipe, please?


Debbie J said...

I had to laugh because my husband's family calls all leftovers "planned overs". :o)