We arrived, and my pregnant fingers and feet have swollen to 3x their normal size. I can barely get my widest shoes on! Any sure-fire remedies for that?
I will be able to check in sporadically, so until next time, thanks for reading!!!
Cut out ALL salt from your diet, as well as carbonated beverages, right now! Drink your water like a good girl, put your feet up with icepacks on your ankles, and just RELAX.
(I know it is hard to do with littles, but have the hubster help out).
Good luck, girl! I know how hard being pregnant in the summer is...just drink your water!
I wish I knew how to help the swollen feet. Even though I don't feel swollen, none of my normal shoes fit. It's flip-flops all the way, I guess! Hope you can sit down and put your feet up for an extended period of time!
Elevate!!! Drink more water than you think possible and if all else fails ice your feet... it worked for me and I have pregnancy induced hypertension and gross swelling of all limbs/digits.
Have fun, I have no remedies for swollen hands and feet because when I was pregnant and we left to go out of town for a hurricane, my swelled up and never came back down! I was prettty late in my pregnancy those!I hope the swelling subsides because I know how miserable it is!
My midwife said down the water by liters for swollen hands and feet. And of course, stay off them. But if you can't do that, the water should help tremendously. Keep a bathroom nearby.
Put them up! I hate to say it b/c I know you're on vacation with inlaws and you want to be chasing the kids and letting your hubby visit and doing all the things they expect you to do, but your going to have to rest on your left side with your feet up and relax. Your growing a new member of the family, it's hard work! I had no luck with cutting out salt - I did it, but it didn't help. Water and rest were the only things that helped me. I will be praying you find an instant rememdy though - I may need it next time:)
Oh no! Maybe water, water, and more water might help? That always seemed to help me at least enough to get my wedding ring on...or maybe make that OFF ;o) LOL
A certain amount of edema is normal in the ankles and feet during pregnancy. You may also have some mild swelling in your hands.
Call your midwife or doctor if you notice swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, or excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles. This could be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition.
Also call your caregiver if you notice that one leg is significantly more swollen than the other, especially if you have any pain or tenderness in your calf or thigh.
Nothing sure-fire. Drink lots of water and put your feet up. Diurex tablets can be good for reducing swelling. My box says to ask a health professional first if you're pregnant, though.
I feel your pain. I was swollen the last two months of my pregnancy - fortunately, that was October and November!
Glad you made it! I know it doesn't make any sense but water, water, water. Drink lots of water and that will help with the swelling. I hope it gets better. Lynn :)
Oh, honey, I sympathize. I was blessed with the luck to be able to fly to Hawaii when I was 5 months pregnant with Braden. The trip was lovely, but the plane travel both there and back caused such horrible swelling in my feet/ankles/calves that I wanted to cry. It was so painful!
The best I could manage was drinking a LOT of water to help flush extra fluid out (lemon and tea help, as they are diuretics) and elevating my feet if I was seated, whenever possible.
It also actually helped when John gently rubbed my feet with a sweeping motion over the tops. I think it helped displace the extra fluid so it wasn't all resting in the tissues of my feet.
Oh ugh! I can't imagine...I retain water when flying and not pregnant I can't imagine how much water I would retain while pregnant. No cure from me other than drinking lots of water (sounds counter intuitive) and propping your feet up when you can.
I don't have any sure fire remedies, or I'd be using them on myself, but I've found that elevating my feet, a foot rub and drinking lots of liquid does help some.
If you have access to a pool, doing some water exercise there may help. I took water aerobics through two pregnancies and had almost no swelling, compared with one when I did not do water exercise when I did swell quite a lot. The pressure of the water is supposed to be a good thing for your extremities while pregnant, or so my instructor said. I hope the swelling subsides quickly for you as that can be somewhat miserable.
I'm eight months pregnant, and I know what you're talking about! Every time the temperature goes above 85, my fingers and toes turn into hot dogs!
To get rid of bloating, elevate your feet and hands, wiggle your fingers and toes, and let the fluid make its way back down towards your heart and kidneys, where your body can get rid of it.
To prevent bloating, stay very well hydrated and keep your feet and hands up as much as you can (a challenge during a wedding weekend, I know!)
A nice long bath in epsom salt should do the trick... I checked it out, and as long as you are bathing in the salts and not ingesting it, it is fine to use if you are pregnant.
You could try soaking them in Epsom salts. It also helps to relieve stress. Then have your hubby rub them..if you can convince him (mine never wanted to...lol). Hope the swelling subsides soon!
Drink LOTS of water and keep those toes elivated as much as possible. I always got really swollen in the humidity. Hope it isn't too painful and you can still enjoy!
Meredith, from my experience the only things that help are bananas with orange juice and firm massage from outer extremity up. Feet elevated a few inches above your heart having someone firmly slide their hand from the far end of your extremity in towards your body. Their hand should be full length around the area (toes up length of foot to ankle and up leg)while applying some pressure (compression combined with elevation) because they are moving the fluid from the extremity towards the body cavity. Does that make sense? If you do this the right way you should be able see visible results after a few minutes. While you are laying there with your legs elevated to ankle circles and flexes up and down.
If any area stays swollen, turns red or feels hot to the touch go directly to a doctor, don't wait to see what will happen!
Don't eat anything salty, and keep your feet up as much as possible! Also, diuretics like caffeine and lemon water could help... Anything that makes you pee!
Oh sweetie, no fun! I swelled up horribly with my first. Eat some Watermelon! It will help a lot! Drink your water, but not too much excess and prop your feet up as much as possible. Also avoid salty meals while you are there. Everything I've read (and due to timing didn't have much luxury to try) says watermelon will do wonders for swelling.
Lots of water for the first 24 hours! I've done loads of flying. Also, with your toes pointed - do the abc's with your foot rotating your ankle. I will be praying that the swelling goes down and you will have a wonderful time!
The only thing I know that actually works is drinking water and laying down. This happened to me when I recently flew, and I just had to go to bed to get the swelling to go down.
I know it seems the opposite of the right answer, but drink lots and lots and lots of water! That sure helped me with swelling! Blessings, Susan in Manitoba
baby powder! whenever I was sweaty/swollen/stinkyfeet put baby powder in the soles of the shoes and they should slide right in/stay nice and dry and smell like lilac! :0)
Put your feet up for an hour after soaking them in cold water. Eat as many cucumbers and or parsley as you can. I know these sound weird, but I was a dancer and this really works.
Also, if hubby could give your feet a massage that would help too.
Water. Drinks lots of water. Drink until you think you can't hold another drop, then drink some more. There is something about the dry air under pressure in an airplane that causes me to swell like that, and I'm not even pregnant any more. Have a great time! Jan
Dandelion leaf tea is FANTASTIC for getting rid of retained water while pregnant. Here is a website for good herbs during pregnancy... http://www.motherlove.com/faq_usefulherbs.php
Yes, rest, put your feet up, drink water, lots of water, and watch your blood pressure. As someone who had an emergency C-section 3.5 weeks before my due date because my blood pressure was so high that I lost my eye sight from pressure on the optic nerves, had a migraine, and every other symptom of eclampsia except a stroke, I can't emphasize this enough. I'm not trying to scare you except to say that you really, really need to watch the signals that your body is giving you. Rest and rehydrate!
P.S. I totally understand if you don't post this because there are a lot of pregnant women who read your blog. I just wanted to say this because it's really important to me. BTW, my daughter is now 12, healthy as can be, and just passed me in height, so all's well that ends well in our case. And I have great stories to tell from tripping out on the morphine they gave me to keep me sedated for the 24 hours after she was born! :)
Just put your feet up as much as possible and relax! :-) I understand the swelling; been there done that. I wore my wedding band on a necklace for a long time before delivery and after!
Wish I could give some helpful advice, but when I was pregnant this last time, my feel swelled so much that my loose flip flops left indentations on the top of my feet. Not pretty!! Hope all is well otherwise... Elise
You may find water retention going away after you've been off the plane a few hours. If not, try these simple detox routines.
*Drink lots of clear water
*Sip 1 cp. warm water with juice of entire lemon to flush lymph system. NO SUGAR.
*light skin brushing (soft bristle brush or dry soft washcloth)going away from the heart, assists lymph elimination.
*simple jogging in place in the surf (easy bouncing stimulates lymph flow, salt water pulls water out of your skin, submerging in water increases bouyancy and therefore comfort) I AM ASSUMING SEA WATER IS OKAY DURING PREGNANCY. It's been a few years for me, so don't remember...
Sea or epsom salt and baking soda soak (1 cup salt, 1 cup baking soda per large tub of water) to soak swollen feet and hands. 20 minutes.
1-2 cups apple cider vinegar in tepid water, soak body for up to 1/2 hour.
Google Ann Louise Gittleman for up to date info. I retain water easily and these work for me.
I had pre-eclampsia when pregnant with my first. I was due in mid-October and the the 4th of July we went to visit family in Lubbock, Texas. Hot & dry! I was sooo miserable. A cold shower kept me most comfortable. Everytime my hands would swell I would run them under cold water & I'd soak my feet in ice water.
By mid-August my OB had hospitalized me...BP was 160/112!! While in the hospital I was instructed to lie on my left side for optimal blood flow. Also keeps your feet up as much as possible.
My biggest piece of advice....take it easy! I did not and wound up with a preemie who weighed 4lbs at 34 weeks! He's a totally healthy 9-1/2 yr old now, but it was a scary time when he was born.
All I can share is to elevate your feet and try to rest. Drink plenty of water. I have also taken a cool shower which has helped to bring the swelling down and just plain cooled me off!! Kim
Get those feet up, I started that during my last pregnancy and the Dr. was concerned, can't really remember the medical issue, but as long as they were up it was not a problem. Flip flops were the only thing I could get on. I know it will be hard with wedding and all, but try. Hope you will come by for a visit when you get back. You played a part in inspiring me to start my blog.Have a great trip!
Lie down with your feet raised up on a pillow so that they are higher than your heart and just rest for a while. That always worked for me. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and take good care of yourself!
Surefire remedies? Hmmmm...maybe if you stand on your head? ;-)
Actually, elevating your feet (using a more comfortable methodology) will probably help. Avoid salt and eat some cucumbers and watermelon which are natural diuretics.
Ugh! That happened to me after long car trip while pregnant. Essential oils (lavendar, geranium, lemon) in bath can help greatly with swelling but doubt you have any there. Stretching out with feet & hands up (have your husband prop pillows), cool bath & "dry brushing" feet, legs, hands & arms to encourage circulation back to heart. Plus get really well hydrated (perhaps counteruntuitive but think of how a starving body conserves calories--similar process with dehydration). Here is a link to explain what dry brushing is...try to ignore the health nut aspect & just look for the hints on what to use. http://www.naturalhealthtechniques.com/HealingTechniques/Dry_Brushing_Technique.htm Hope you are more comfortable soon and can enjoy the trip!
A friend told me that a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of cider vinegar and a glass of water (warm or cold - your preference) all mixed together once a day would help you lose water like nothing else.
Since you're pregnant, you decide what you're comfortable with.
Personally, all I ever had to do was put my feet up, lay off the salt or get in out of the heat. (My feet only swelled when I was pregnant.) But you're at a destination wedding, right? You probably don't have any of those options. :)
I hope you have fun, despite the swollen "digits"!
It sounds counter intuitive, but drink more water. Like, chug at couple of gallons in a day. Yes you'll have to go pee all the time, but the swelling will go down. And walk. and then rest, hahaha.
And make sure you are getting lots of protein and fruit and veggies too, just in case you are risk for pre-eclampsia. Better safe...
This happened to me while pregnant, also. My doctor told me to walk and get some light exercise. Sitting for a while makes it worse. Hope this helps. Nancy
I can't help with the finger issues (I sure can sympathize though!) It always helped me when I elevated my feet, but you have to elevate them above your heart or it does no good. Only downside is you can't breathe & it's uncomfortable, other than that you will have nice ankles! :)
Oh you poor thing! What always worked for me was bananas and filtered water. Lots of filtered water. The postassium in the bananas helps your body flush the extra water, and the filtered water helps it get started.
Plan to not get very far from the facilities for the rest of the day :)
Get those feet UP now! (Elevate as high as you possibly can!) Ask someone to rub/massage beginning at the toes, then foot, ankle continually using upward motions working toward the heart.
Be sure to keep hydrated and in the cooler indoors, certainly stay in the shade if you must be outside.
The LAST thing you want to happen is ending up at the hospital with edema and blood pressure issues.
I have the same problem (I'm due July 4). Try watermelon and elevating your feet and hands for a little bit. I know you're busy with your two little ones, but if you can find 20 minutes to an hour to rest and elevate your feet, I promise you'll feel better! (oh, and watermelon is a natural way to reduce edema) Good luck!
A few ideas - avoid salt as much as possible, elevate feet whenever possible, lots of water and high-water foods (watermelon, cucumbers etc..), celery is a natural mild diuretic.
Lie on your left side as much as possible and drink lots of water.
You may also want to check out one of those do-it-yourself blood pressure cuffs in a grocery store or drug store if you see one. Given that you just got off a plane, you probably don't have any BP issues - but checking might relieve any nagging anxiety about it.
When I was pregnant with our twins, my feet and legs were horribly swollen. I literally gained 40 pounds the final 2 weeks and it was mostly fluid from the swelling. I had to either wear slippers or flip flops everywhere. Maybe you could try mens adjustable sandals...not very pretty, but they go wider. Hang in there!
You poor thing. Yikes. I didn't have too much trouble with my feet, save for the day we were moving and I overdid it, turning them into swollen balls of ouch. I lay on the floor and put my legs up on the wall and it felt SOOOO good. I hope you can find some relief too.
Be cautious about cutting all the salt out! Getting too little salt greatly increases your chance of preterm labor!! Cut out processed foods, of course, but salt your food with a high quality salt a little.
I had pre-eclampsia and preterm labor with my first two (in labor at 31 weeks, delivered at 36, then labor at 33 wks, delivered at 37 weeks). I ate according to all the 'proper' guidelines, little salt, lots of water etc. I was told not to have more babies, as they would come earlier and earlier, until they were too little to live.
Then I learned more about the need for salt and eggs, etc. I read it at www.blueribbonbaby.org.
My next three babies came at 40 weeks, 41 weeks, and 40 weeks with no pre-eclampsia or any other complications.
I agree with mamaofmany about the salt. Unless you're being totally obsessive about the salt, don't cut back. A lot of women get too little during pregnancy.
Put your feet up! Drink lots of water. Watch your salt intake.
I'm so loving your blog. I just discovered it a week ago. Now I'm reading all your old entries. Thanks so much.
Take Care!!
Cut out ALL salt from your diet, as well as carbonated beverages, right now! Drink your water like a good girl, put your feet up with icepacks on your ankles, and just RELAX.
(I know it is hard to do with littles, but have the hubster help out).
Good luck, girl! I know how hard being pregnant in the summer is...just drink your water!
Dandelion tea is a sure fire way to rid yourself of excess fluids during pregnancy! Drink about three cups a day.
Prop those feet up and take advantage of Grandma taking over with the kids. I hope you can get the swelling down for the wedding!
I wish I knew how to help the swollen feet. Even though I don't feel swollen, none of my normal shoes fit. It's flip-flops all the way, I guess! Hope you can sit down and put your feet up for an extended period of time!
Elevate!!! Drink more water than you think possible and if all else fails ice your feet... it worked for me and I have pregnancy induced hypertension and gross swelling of all limbs/digits.
Good luck!
Have fun, I have no remedies for swollen hands and feet because when I was pregnant and we left to go out of town for a hurricane, my swelled up and never came back down! I was prettty late in my pregnancy those!I hope the swelling subsides because I know how miserable it is!
My midwife said down the water by liters for swollen hands and feet. And of course, stay off them. But if you can't do that, the water should help tremendously. Keep a bathroom nearby.
Put them up! I hate to say it b/c I know you're on vacation with inlaws and you want to be chasing the kids and letting your hubby visit and doing all the things they expect you to do, but your going to have to rest on your left side with your feet up and relax. Your growing a new member of the family, it's hard work! I had no luck with cutting out salt - I did it, but it didn't help. Water and rest were the only things that helped me. I will be praying you find an instant rememdy though - I may need it next time:)
Oh no! Maybe water, water, and more water might help? That always seemed to help me at least enough to get my wedding ring on...or maybe make that OFF ;o) LOL
When should I be concerned about swelling?
A certain amount of edema is normal in the ankles and feet during pregnancy. You may also have some mild swelling in your hands.
Call your midwife or doctor if you notice swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, or excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles. This could be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition.
Also call your caregiver if you notice that one leg is significantly more swollen than the other, especially if you have any pain or tenderness in your calf or thigh.
Would a quick soak in cold water help ? Just a thought.. glad you are there safely!
Nothing sure-fire. Drink lots of water and put your feet up. Diurex tablets can be good for reducing swelling. My box says to ask a health professional first if you're pregnant, though.
I feel your pain. I was swollen the last two months of my pregnancy - fortunately, that was October and November!
Glad you made it! I know it doesn't make any sense but water, water, water. Drink lots of water and that will help with the swelling. I hope it gets better.
Lynn :)
Oh, honey, I sympathize. I was blessed with the luck to be able to fly to Hawaii when I was 5 months pregnant with Braden. The trip was lovely, but the plane travel both there and back caused such horrible swelling in my feet/ankles/calves that I wanted to cry. It was so painful!
The best I could manage was drinking a LOT of water to help flush extra fluid out (lemon and tea help, as they are diuretics) and elevating my feet if I was seated, whenever possible.
It also actually helped when John gently rubbed my feet with a sweeping motion over the tops. I think it helped displace the extra fluid so it wasn't all resting in the tissues of my feet.
Hope you get some relief soon!
Drink lots and lots of water, and cut back on sodium intake. It's probably the travel that made you swell. Try and take it easy today!
Nothing sure-fire, but try eating a tad more salt, drinking LOTS and going swimming to stay cool. The pool always does wonders for me!
I always swell when I travel. Drink lots of water and put your feet up for a nap. I know that is obvious but will help you out so much!!
I usually go down in a few days. Hope this gives you some encouragement.
Feet up! Drink lots of water and pregnancy tea (red raspberry and nettles). Rest as much as possible. Hope it goes down with rest.
Mrs. S
Get in the bath or the pool. Not too hot though! Also drink up your water.
flip flops?!?! ;-)
fresh asparagus if you can find it. Help get the fluids moving ;)
Lots of water
walk a bit
Get hand and foot massages.
Remember that you are carrying life and that you are beautiful!
I don't have any remedies unfortunately other than drinking water and putting your feet up. I hope you have a good time anyway, though!
Keep your feet up and don't sit with your feet down for long periods of time.
Have a good vacation!
Oh ugh! I can't imagine...I retain water when flying and not pregnant I can't imagine how much water I would retain while pregnant. No cure from me other than drinking lots of water (sounds counter intuitive) and propping your feet up when you can.
Hope you have great weather and enjoy yourselves!
I don't have any sure fire remedies, or I'd be using them on myself, but I've found that elevating my feet, a foot rub and drinking lots of liquid does help some.
I hope the swelling gets better soon.
Have fun down there!
Glad for your safe arrival.
Drink LOTS of fluids!
lots of water. lots and lots.
If you have access to a pool, doing some water exercise there may help. I took water aerobics through two pregnancies and had almost no swelling, compared with one when I did not do water exercise when I did swell quite a lot. The pressure of the water is supposed to be a good thing for your extremities while pregnant, or so my instructor said. I hope the swelling subsides quickly for you as that can be somewhat miserable.
I'm eight months pregnant, and I know what you're talking about! Every time the temperature goes above 85, my fingers and toes turn into hot dogs!
To get rid of bloating, elevate your feet and hands, wiggle your fingers and toes, and let the fluid make its way back down towards your heart and kidneys, where your body can get rid of it.
To prevent bloating, stay very well hydrated and keep your feet and hands up as much as you can (a challenge during a wedding weekend, I know!)
Good luck, and I hope everything goes smoothly!
Glad you made it. Enjoy!
Juice from real lemons -- I drank as much of it as possible in water. It always seemed to help.
A nice long bath in epsom salt should do the trick... I checked it out, and as long as you are bathing in the salts and not ingesting it, it is fine to use if you are pregnant.
You could try soaking them in Epsom salts. It also helps to relieve stress. Then have your hubby rub them..if you can convince him (mine never wanted to...lol). Hope the swelling subsides soon!
Mrs. Q
Drink LOTS of water and keep those toes elivated as much as possible. I always got really swollen in the humidity. Hope it isn't too painful and you can still enjoy!
Meredith, from my experience the only things that help are bananas with orange juice and firm massage from outer extremity up. Feet elevated a few inches above your heart having someone firmly slide their hand from the far end of your extremity in towards your body. Their hand should be full length around the area (toes up length of foot to ankle and up leg)while applying some pressure (compression combined with elevation) because they are moving the fluid from the extremity towards the body cavity. Does that make sense? If you do this the right way you should be able see visible results after a few minutes. While you are laying there with your legs elevated to ankle circles and flexes up and down.
If any area stays swollen, turns red or feels hot to the touch go directly to a doctor, don't wait to see what will happen!
Drink LOTS and Lots of water. And elevate your feet when possible.
Don't eat anything salty, and keep your feet up as much as possible! Also, diuretics like caffeine and lemon water could help... Anything that makes you pee!
Good luck! I'm sorry - that's miserable!
Is there anyway you can sit with your feet elevated for part a time? Good luck. Cheryl
Oh sweetie, no fun! I swelled up horribly with my first. Eat some Watermelon! It will help a lot! Drink your water, but not too much excess and prop your feet up as much as possible. Also avoid salty meals while you are there. Everything I've read (and due to timing didn't have much luxury to try) says watermelon will do wonders for swelling.
I wish I had a remedy for you...I was in the same position last year. All I can say is cut back on salt and wear flip flops!
Elevate your feet.
Avoid salt.
Drink lots of water.
Pray mightily. ;)
Prop 'em up and keep yourself hydrated... that's me best advice! Have a good trip!
Stay cool.
Put your feet up.
Drink lots of water.
Cranberry is a diuretic.
Lots of water for the first 24 hours! I've done loads of flying. Also, with your toes pointed - do the abc's with your foot rotating your ankle.
I will be praying that the swelling goes down and you will have a wonderful time!
Don't sit for long periods of time, of course drink tons of water cut back on salt.
The only thing I know that actually works is drinking water and laying down. This happened to me when I recently flew, and I just had to go to bed to get the swelling to go down.
I know it seems the opposite of the right answer, but drink lots and lots and lots of water! That sure helped me with swelling! Blessings, Susan in Manitoba
baby powder! whenever I was sweaty/swollen/stinkyfeet put baby powder in the soles of the shoes and they should slide right in/stay nice and dry and smell like lilac! :0)
Come lounge in my swimming pool!
I wish! :))
Put your feet up for an hour after soaking them in cold water. Eat as many cucumbers and or parsley as you can. I know these sound weird, but I was a dancer and this really works.
Also, if hubby could give your feet a massage that would help too.
Water. Drinks lots of water. Drink until you think you can't hold another drop, then drink some more. There is something about the dry air under pressure in an airplane that causes me to swell like that, and I'm not even pregnant any more.
Have a great time! Jan
Dandelion leaf tea is FANTASTIC for getting rid of retained water while pregnant. Here is a website for good herbs during pregnancy... http://www.motherlove.com/faq_usefulherbs.php
Yes, rest, put your feet up, drink water, lots of water, and watch your blood pressure. As someone who had an emergency C-section 3.5 weeks before my due date because my blood pressure was so high that I lost my eye sight from pressure on the optic nerves, had a migraine, and every other symptom of eclampsia except a stroke, I can't emphasize this enough. I'm not trying to scare you except to say that you really, really need to watch the signals that your body is giving you. Rest and rehydrate!
P.S. I totally understand if you don't post this because there are a lot of pregnant women who read your blog. I just wanted to say this because it's really important to me. BTW, my daughter is now 12, healthy as can be, and just passed me in height, so all's well that ends well in our case. And I have great stories to tell from tripping out on the morphine they gave me to keep me sedated for the 24 hours after she was born! :)
Now go take care of yourself!
Celery and lemonade are quick diuretics which worked safely during my pregnancy.
Just put your feet up as much as possible and relax! :-) I understand the swelling; been there done that. I wore my wedding band on a necklace for a long time before delivery and after!
Wish I could give some helpful advice, but when I was pregnant this last time, my feel swelled so much that my loose flip flops left indentations on the top of my feet. Not pretty!! Hope all is well otherwise...
Eat a watermellon! It will make you pee and you will feel better quick!
Glad you arrived safely--
You may find water retention going away after you've been off the plane a few hours. If not, try these simple detox routines.
*Drink lots of clear water
*Sip 1 cp. warm water with juice of entire lemon to flush lymph system. NO SUGAR.
*light skin brushing (soft bristle brush or dry soft washcloth)going away from the heart, assists lymph elimination.
*simple jogging in place in the surf (easy bouncing stimulates lymph flow, salt water pulls water out of your skin, submerging in water increases bouyancy and therefore comfort) I AM ASSUMING SEA WATER IS OKAY DURING PREGNANCY. It's been a few years for me, so don't remember...
Sea or epsom salt and baking soda soak (1 cup salt, 1 cup baking soda per large tub of water) to soak swollen feet and hands. 20 minutes.
1-2 cups apple cider vinegar in tepid water, soak body for up to 1/2 hour.
Google Ann Louise Gittleman for up to date info. I retain water easily and these work for me.
Wishing you comfort in the tropics!
deb meyers
I had pre-eclampsia when pregnant with my first. I was due in mid-October and the the 4th of July we went to visit family in Lubbock, Texas. Hot & dry! I was sooo miserable. A cold shower kept me most comfortable. Everytime my hands would swell I would run them under cold water & I'd soak my feet in ice water.
By mid-August my OB had hospitalized me...BP was 160/112!! While in the hospital I was instructed to lie on my left side for optimal blood flow. Also keeps your feet up as much as possible.
My biggest piece of advice....take it easy! I did not and wound up with a preemie who weighed 4lbs at 34 weeks! He's a totally healthy 9-1/2 yr old now, but it was a scary time when he was born.
All my best!
I forgot to add that you should make sure you're hydrating and eliminating properly! :)
All I can share is to elevate your feet and try to rest. Drink plenty of water. I have also taken a cool shower which has helped to bring the swelling down and just plain cooled me off!!
I just found your blog. I LOVE frugal blogs...AND your pregnant, it can't get any better than that=)
buy some thongs. soak your feet in cool water and drink lots of water. elevate your feet on a pillow during the night. maybe these will help. anita
Get those feet up, I started that during my last pregnancy and the Dr. was concerned, can't really remember the medical issue, but as long as they were up it was not a problem. Flip flops were the only thing I could get on. I know it will be hard with wedding and all, but try. Hope you will come by for a visit when you get back. You played a part in inspiring me to start my blog.Have a great trip!
Lie down with your feet raised up on a pillow so that they are higher than your heart and just rest for a while. That always worked for me. Make sure you are drinking plenty of water and take good care of yourself!
Surefire remedies? Hmmmm...maybe if you stand on your head? ;-)
Actually, elevating your feet (using a more comfortable methodology) will probably help. Avoid salt and eat some cucumbers and watermelon which are natural diuretics.
Have a great time, and go barefoot if need be.
put your feet up and rest them every chance you get!
Lots of water? Good luck! We have a wedding on the fifth, ourselves.
Ugh! That happened to me after long car trip while pregnant. Essential oils (lavendar, geranium, lemon) in bath can help greatly with swelling but doubt you have any there. Stretching out with feet & hands up (have your husband prop pillows), cool bath & "dry brushing" feet, legs, hands & arms to encourage circulation back to heart. Plus get really well hydrated (perhaps counteruntuitive but think of how a starving body conserves calories--similar process with dehydration). Here is a link to explain what dry brushing is...try to ignore the health nut aspect & just look for the hints on what to use. http://www.naturalhealthtechniques.com/HealingTechniques/Dry_Brushing_Technique.htm
Hope you are more comfortable soon and can enjoy the trip!
Put them up and rest! Drink lots of water. Sorry, I don't have any magic remedies. I hope someones else does.
I'm thinking it's because of the flight...I'd take a cool shower and rest, get off your feet and lay as flat as comfortable.
It will be better tomorrow.
Take care!
A friend told me that a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon of cider vinegar and a glass of water (warm or cold - your preference) all mixed together once a day would help you lose water like nothing else.
Since you're pregnant, you decide what you're comfortable with.
Personally, all I ever had to do was put my feet up, lay off the salt or get in out of the heat. (My feet only swelled when I was pregnant.) But you're at a destination wedding, right? You probably don't have any of those options. :)
I hope you have fun, despite the swollen "digits"!
Drink, drink, drink water! Watch the salt, and I pray that it will go down quickly!
Drink water and prop up your feet. This is a have-to case! Sorry you're swollen...if you keep going, you'll stay swollen. I hope you can rest!
It sounds counter intuitive, but drink more water. Like, chug at couple of gallons in a day. Yes you'll have to go pee all the time, but the swelling will go down. And walk. and then rest, hahaha.
And make sure you are getting lots of protein and fruit and veggies too, just in case you are risk for pre-eclampsia. Better safe...
In other words, take care of yourself.
Drink a lot of water for a day or two--and avoid salty snacks. Prop your feet when you can. Hope you're all having a wonderful time! Sheri
This happened to me while pregnant, also. My doctor told me to walk and get some light exercise. Sitting for a while makes it worse. Hope this helps.
I can't help with the finger issues (I sure can sympathize though!) It always helped me when I elevated my feet, but you have to elevate them above your heart or it does no good. Only downside is you can't breathe & it's uncomfortable, other than that you will have nice ankles! :)
Water; drink lots and lots of water. And put your feet up and rest them. It's the only way, and a girl's got to do what a girl has to do!
Oh you poor thing! What always worked for me was bananas and filtered water. Lots of filtered water. The postassium in the bananas helps your body flush the extra water, and the filtered water helps it get started.
Plan to not get very far from the facilities for the rest of the day :)
no real suggestions here. Just try to rest with your legs up and put on some moisturizing cream that you stuck in the fridge for a while
Glad you are there safely and I hope the swelling goes down. Have fun! and I will look forward to hearing about the trip.
Get those feet UP now! (Elevate as high as you possibly can!) Ask someone to rub/massage beginning at the toes, then foot, ankle continually using upward motions working toward the heart.
Be sure to keep hydrated and in the cooler indoors, certainly stay in the shade if you must be outside.
The LAST thing you want to happen is ending up at the hospital with edema and blood pressure issues.
Wishing you a wonderful time away!
I have the same problem (I'm due July 4). Try watermelon and elevating your feet and hands for a little bit. I know you're busy with your two little ones, but if you can find 20 minutes to an hour to rest and elevate your feet, I promise you'll feel better!
(oh, and watermelon is a natural way to reduce edema)
Good luck!
A few ideas - avoid salt as much as possible, elevate feet whenever possible, lots of water and high-water foods (watermelon, cucumbers etc..), celery is a natural mild diuretic.
Hope that helps.
thank you thank you thank you!!!
Day 3 and my fingers are still so swollen I can hardly bend them to type, so I'll keep this short.
And I was so careful to avoid salty foods before the flight! I even paid $5 for a fresh fruit cup in the airport instead of pizza : )
No signs of anything dangerous, but the heat and hard floors are making the fluid slow to dissipate.
so much for those pretty wedding shoes!!!
Lie on your left side as much as possible and drink lots of water.
You may also want to check out one of those do-it-yourself blood pressure cuffs in a grocery store or drug store if you see one. Given that you just got off a plane, you probably don't have any BP issues - but checking might relieve any nagging anxiety about it.
New shoes *wry*
I always thought some swimming helped my swelling go down...just easy stuff...not major lap swimming or anything! Good Luck!
Everyone has given you great advice as to how to deal with the swelling, so I won't add my $.02 worth, but I will pray for you!
When I was pregnant with our twins, my feet and legs were horribly swollen. I literally gained 40 pounds the final 2 weeks and it was mostly fluid from the swelling. I had to either wear slippers or flip flops everywhere. Maybe you could try mens adjustable sandals...not very pretty, but they go wider. Hang in there!
You poor thing. Yikes. I didn't have too much trouble with my feet, save for the day we were moving and I overdid it, turning them into swollen balls of ouch. I lay on the floor and put my legs up on the wall and it felt SOOOO good. I hope you can find some relief too.
Be cautious about cutting all the salt out! Getting too little salt greatly increases your chance of preterm labor!! Cut out processed foods, of course, but salt your food with a high quality salt a little.
I had pre-eclampsia and preterm labor with my first two (in labor at 31 weeks, delivered at 36, then labor at 33 wks, delivered at 37 weeks). I ate according to all the 'proper' guidelines, little salt, lots of water etc. I was told not to have more babies, as they would come earlier and earlier, until they were too little to live.
Then I learned more about the need for salt and eggs, etc. I read it at www.blueribbonbaby.org.
My next three babies came at 40 weeks, 41 weeks, and 40 weeks with no pre-eclampsia or any other complications.
I agree with mamaofmany about the salt. Unless you're being totally obsessive about the salt, don't cut back. A lot of women get too little during pregnancy.
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