Friday, May 16, 2008

In which I ask for more free advice

Last week I took your words to heart.

I marched myself into the most expensive maternity stores in town. If I could find a wedding outfit that looked great, I'd buy it without hesitation.

But y'all--I'm not going to pay $140 to look this horrible! I'd just as soon buy a Singer and make myself a muumuu.

Below are the top 2 choices, out of the many dozens I've tried, from mall to consignment.

I looked at everything with an open mind, but I feel most comfortable in in solid colors with sleeves. Keep in mind I'll be chasing children, in 90% humidity, on a patio. Dressier shoes would be bought for either outfit.

Option A: aqua linen cut on the bias.

Do you know how hard it is to find a linen outfit without beads, patches, or watering cans embroidered along the hem? So much for simple elegance!

Option B: midnight blue pant set.

Synthetic, but you try finding a maternity outfit this season which isn't!

Do we have a preference, or should I go ahead and buy that Singer?

(For more fashion faux pas, visit Fight The Frump each week.)


Anonymous said...

I like the midnight blue pant set! The top is very flattering!

Dianna said...

I like the pantset, too! Or maybe the dress without the cardigan.

Marie said...

midnight blue.

Holly C. said...

I would go with midnight blue.

Anonymous said...

DEFINITELY the pantset. The navy is such a classic whereas the kind of not, LOL.

The fun thing about the navy set is you can introduce colour and interest with groovy jewellery And the strappy heels idea is fantastic. You're probably more likely to wear the navy again after the wedding or, once you've had the bubs, it will probably consign a little better than the aqua.

The last time I was pregnant I attended a wedding with four days to go before my due date. I was actually originally asked to be bridesmaid but when we worked out my due date realised that was probably pushing things juuuuust a smidge, LOL. You look MUCH, MUCH lovelier than I did with my pulled together Puffy Pregnant Lady outfit, let me tell you!

Lizzie (main blog) (resources and encouragement for new christians)

Blooming said...

I'll have to go against the grain here and say NO to the pantsuit. The top looks nice, but the pants are too much with it.

The aqua as a skirt would be nice too, but it is also too much as an entire outfit.

I think part of the problem is that it is not easy to wear a single color outfit and be pregnant. I tried on lots of single color outfits when pregnant, and I always felt like a giant round fruit. I favored colors opposite each other on the color wheel.

Anonymous said...

I'm just concerned that the pantsuit in a dark color and synthetic might be too hot. I think the aqua is very pretty and it's long enough you wouldn't need hose, would you? Does your husband like one better than the other? I love linen but would it wrinkle too much? Which one do YOU like?
Mrs. L.

Meredith said...

As a point of refernce, my mother-in-law will be wearing some type of silky pants.

Anonymous said...

I think the color and soft lines make the pant suit an elegant choice. The pant suit is the more flattering of the two. -Melissa

The Sheffields said...

New to commenting here, but I love reading your blog! I agree with KayleighJeanne. The solid colors are a bit overwhelming. Have you looked at Motherhood Maternity online? I've seen some cute options there. Or what about a just-below-the-knee skirt and pretty top? (Dressed up with jewelry and appropriate shoes, of course.) I applaud your courage to undertake such heat with little ones to chase and another one on the way! Hope all goes well!

Heather said...

I think the pant set is very flattering on your figure. The dark color looks nicer too. I think you found a winner!
I just hope it's not too hot since you will also be dealing with the extra heat of pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

I vote for the navy. Could you crop the sleeves a bit more to make them more 3/4 and a little cooler.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE consider something like this! This top is awesome and a flowy wide leg trouser would look so much better than a tight ankle...

or this dress! Just find some shawl or short sleeve cardigan (Target, Wal Mart) to put on top!

Best wishes!!
love you blog...


Anonymous said...

Navy pantsuit!!! Classy, comfortable and the most flattering.

Anonymous said...

Definitely the blue top. Could you sew a white skirt to go with it since I doubt you could match the blue and fabric type exactly for a matching skirt? On the other hand, if you MIL is wearing pants, I don't know that there would be a problem if you did, too. Actually, I am warming up to the idea of the pants. Dressy shoes with some sparkle of sorts would glam up the outfit perfectly.
Happy choosing.

Chicky said...

Definitely the pantsuit of the 2 options. Just an idea, but a friend of mine made me a pretty dress from a silky jersey tee and attached a skirt just below the bust to almost mid-calf. I loved it so much I had her make me another in a light summer fabric...

Melissa Stover said...

love the dark blue. very slimming and elegant looking.

Anna said...

The midnight blue is much prettier, but I also worry that you might be too hot in it.

Kay Brooks said...

The midnight blue pant suit...but see if you can add a colorful scarf to liven it up and draw attention toward YOU and not your growing baby.

Anonymous said...

Given your size, I think a mumu would be the best choice.

It's not like you are going to fool anybody anyway...right?

Darla said...

I think you struck gold with that navy blue skirt outfit.

Momala said...

Definitely the blue. It's much more flattering.

Tiffany said...

option b is the way to go. it looks the best on you!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely the midnight blue. To combat the heat, wear strappy sandals/shoes. Seriously. The feet are the temperature regulators of the body. Spoil yourself and get a pedicure (even if its done by your husband!) paint your toes red (there is just something about red toes that makes me feel better, anyway) and you'll be good to go.

Try to wear the pants *under* your bump, if you can, because, obviously, it will reduce the amount of fabric over your belly, and will make you feel cooler.

I agree with the poster who suggested cutting off the sleeves to 3/4. I would suggest adding a cuff of lovely fabric for something a little extra.

Anonymous said...

Definitely the navy blue.

Anonymous said...

The pant suit looks very nice on you. If you think you would be comfortable in the heat (we all tolerate it differently. I don't tolerate it welL!), then go for it. I love linen, but it does wrinkle. Would that be problem while traveling? Bit I still think the pant suit is more flattering of the two.

Christine said...

I think the aqua with a few changes.

Lose the shoes. You should wear a strappy sandal with that outfit as well. Also, maybe consider a better bra. I think the problem with the outfit is the breasts. A nice supportive bra would give you more life and look more tailored (and I mean a NICE SUPPORTIVE bra) trust me, I know what I'm talking about. I am large breasted and look best when my chest is well clothed as well.

I love the bias cut of the skirt.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Definitely B! You look sophisticated but at the same time, adorable.

I remember what it was like (even though it was a very long time ago) trying to look good when pregnant.

It seemed slacks and tops always worked best for me since my legs stayed in good shape but everything else uh... blossomed.

amanda said...

I agree with many above . . . the navy pants suit is great.

But as someone who lives on a 90% humidity tropical island . . . synthetic fabric, long sleeves, and dark colors . . . VERY HOT!!!

The Nester said...

all i can say is--Where is you head? I want to see your pretty face and your hair and your smile! I think these clothes would look so much better on a person with a head.

I have days when I can't show my head too. So, i understand.

thanks for the link, i knew something was up when i checked my numbers. you rawk, girl!

Kimmie said...

As a girl who loves her clothes...I'd go with A. The color is younger and more vibrant. The second looks 'mature' (that is the nicest word I could think of)...and isn't as 'springy.'

Soon you will have more post- pregnancy choices...

But as a girl who has many years of infertility, I'd like you to know that you look beautiful (well, with a head I'm sure you are RADIANT)....and I'd love to be in your shoes (or your maternity fashions.)

....And I'd go for a cute black shoe...simple but elegant (and go for comfy, as if your feet hurt, your face is sure to show it!)
Okay, enough wisdom for one day!

mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted

Anonymous said...

The nester is funny. "Where is your head?"
Mrs. L.

Indie Pereira said...

Option B is much more flattering for your body type. I wonder if you could find something similar in a more summery color and fabric. At least find an accessory to set it off.

Anonymous said...

Hi ,
Go with the navy pants suit! It looks great. Anyway, by the end of the day, the linen dress would be nothing but wrinkles...and make you look frumpy. You will look beautiful in the navy. Put some beaded thongs with it for comfort on the feet and some dangly earrings to offset your beautiful face. You will be comfortable and elegant at the same time!
Ruth, PA

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

I'm voting for "A" -- you'll be on a tropical island so one must where linen in a delicious color! Get yourself so strappy sandles and some really poppin' jewelry and you'll be stunning... and cool.

Anonymous said...

The aqua is a beautiful shade, but the cut seems too, hmmm..., matronly? for a young mother, though as another "curvy" gal, the undie advice is very sound. The navy is cute, but agree that the synthetic will be extra warm with the heat/humidity, also a bit much all in one color, and maybe not quite dressy enough?

How about a cotton twill knee length skirt? You've got great calves. The green/brown dress recently was a great length for you. Something like
one in navy, one in stone(khaki)
Three tops (white, bright and print?) plus a cute cotton cardigan or a light wrap or pashmina when the sun goes down would give you options for several days. I know you prefer sleeves, but pack one wide-strapped tank top. An unbuttoned shirt will act as a light jacket, but you have the option of cooling off if you need to (90's and expecting, remember?). Mid-length skirts dress up or down and work with heels, flats and tennies. I love wearing knee length skirts. They look polished, but are as comfy as shorts, and offer great mobility for chasing kids. If your wedding is super dressy, probably better to look for a dressier fabric. Another plus is that with tights they transition great into early fall too.

Also consider a visit your local fabric store. They almost assuredly have business cards from sewers who could custom make a mix and match set that would reflect your personality and preferences.

Have fun. There's still time for the right thing to show up.


Anonymous said...

I like the midnight blue too! That will look great!

Rebecca said...

Midnight Blue. Looks great!!

Anonymous said...

*didn't read ALL the comments*
That aqua blue linen looks just right to me - cool for a hot location, nice summer color, and simple lines. Very fresh and easy to dress up or down. The midnight blue looks nice too, but not as much for an island, beachy wedding.
Good for you for shopping hard for this!!

sherri said...

I prefer the aqua set for a tropical wedding. The navy suit would be great for the office or a fall dinner out. Plus, never underestimate the ease of wearing a skirt (potty trips) versus pants.

Ultimately, I encourage you to wear what feels right/best for you. Your lovely face and shining personality will be noticed far above anything you wear.

Tracy said...

Honestly? Neither! I like the suggestions from Old navy from the commenter above. Or the mumu dress. Seriously. Like someone else said, you aren't hiding your pregnant belly anyway, and it would be so much more comfortable, and tropical looking to boot.

You'll be miserable if you wear that dark pantsuit.

Tee said...

Definitely the navy outfit with pearls. So classic.

Shannon said...

I like them both, but I'd pick the aqua for the wedding. No outfit is going to look good if you're melting inside it!
Also, I wouldn't normally comment on someone's underthings :> but... it's always a good idea to buy a really great, "hike 'em up" kind of bra when you're pregnant just to make some space between the girls and the bump. It makes a world of difference in how clothing hangs.
And speaking of baby bumps, yours is too cute!

Niki said...

pantsuit for sure!

Anonymous said...

Pant suit ... perfect for chasing and squatting down to help munchkins. I like it!

Caroline said...

I really loved the aqua color and how it was cut on the bias like that. So very modern looking and refreshing! ;-)

That muumuu...oh my.

Sarah E. said...

First, Congratulations Meredith. I've had your announcement post marked to remember to congratulate you and I haven't done that yet, things have been crazy for us.

Anyway, everyone has given you great advice. I like the navy top as well. I just had one thought. If you look at the fashions today, the "in" tops to wear look like maternity tops. So I am thinking for my pregnancy, I'm going to look not in the maternity section but in the normal clothes. I think I'll find better deals there. Just a thought.

The Fosters said...

A - Aqua - Skirt -

Whatever you want to call it, it looks better on you.

The dark one looks "old" and like you're trying to hide....the lighter one makes you seem more optimistic and happy....seems more eveningwear, not busy mommy trying to look cute.

Edi said...

For an outdoor, tropical wedding - I have to say go with the aqua or go with something else - but not the dark blue. The dark blue looks more appropriate for winter months.

I know how you feel though - I usually don't have anyone around to give me advice on my attire...since my ma and sisters live so far away.


What it all comes down to is what you like best and what you feel like looks the best (and dh's opinion would play a big part).

Even though I wish for my sister's opinions at times - I also know their style is a lot different than mine and just b/c they think it looks great or bad doesn't mean that's how it really is - it's just someone's opinion.

Kerry said...

I think you look stunning in the navy pantsuit, but it might be too hot. Go with comfort; you didn't say which was more comfortable.

Karla Porter Archer said...

Oh Meredith! That pantsuit is gorgeous! I love that top and look how flattering the entire outfit is!


Forget the Singer - wear this one, look stunning and spare yourself the frustration of trying to fit up to a sewing machine with a pregnant belly.

xo ~K

Angela S said...

I actually like the aqua but don't LOVE love either.

Anonymous said...

You look very nice in the navy pantsuit but I can't see a synthetic, dark fabric for this wedding. Keep it for other occasions. If you are going to the rehearsal dinner, it could work. I like the linen but if I were wearing it, I would shorten the sleeves to 3/4 length and also shorten the skirt to just below the knee. I would also lose the pearls and go with some more casual necklace. I think it would look younger and more appropriate on an island. As for wrinkles, forget them. Linen wrinkles but well-to-do people have ignored them for generations! DO buy yourself a well-fitted bra. That is super important for a good look and of course, the right shoes. Remember that you are a young woman and just because you are pregnant doesn't mean you have to look matronly. Linen, sandals, cute jewelry, good bra, good haircut. By George, I think you may have it!

Chief Family Officer said...

Like Angela, I don't LOVE either outfit. But for the occasion, I think you have to go with the aqua. Thought the advice to look at non-maternity tops is a good one. I went shopping a couple of months ago for an outfit to wear to a bridal shower and I was so frustrated b/c every top made me look pregnant!

Anonymous said...

I would keep them both. The navy pant suit is beautiful, but for a wedding in July on an island with 90% humidity??? Miserable. But the pants would work great with another top. Find something with a few flowers on it..maybe???
Same with the aqua suit. It is pretty, the skirt looks nice. I would keep it and get a 2nd top to wear with the skirt.
As far as the 'underware' goes, have you seen the Spanks? They work wonderful. I love them for comfort.
What ever you do, I am sure it will be fine. You have wonderful taste. Roxie

Ahorros y cupones en Español said...

Please DISCARD the first one!!!!!!
dont leave it with the choices, NOOOOO!!!!!
then I think the Navy blue fits you great and embelish you proudly pregnant figure!

Anonymous said...

Roxie, I don't think that they make Spanx in a maternity line. They are great undergarments, but judging by mine, I don't think a pregnant woman could wear them and I think they are hot, too. Do you know whether they are available in maternity?

Anonymous said...

You have the cutest pregnant tummy ever!
Honestly, I think you look better in dresses. I think you would look fantastic in the blue/white pattern one from this thread:
Out of all the one's you've shown, it just seems to suit you. Dresses seem to suit you better, and to top that off, it's supposed to be a tropical wedding, right? I would be sweltering in a pant-suit!
Hope you find something soon. :)

mama k said...

I like the navy top. Can you wear it w/ a skirt instead to make it a little dressier? Even if not, it is the better choice by a long shot. :)

I remember the same frustration when I was preggo. Finding a flattering dress was pretty much an impossiblity even when purchasing in-season and full-price... don't even get me started on that maternity swim wear. hehe

Michelle Smiles said...

A is more seasonally appropriate but B is more flattering. Both look good so which ever you like best! (But you are right, that first dress was horrible!)

Thinking of you after your post yesterday (or the day before...memory is faulty) hoping that all is well in your world.

Kimberly said...

Thank you for NOT buying the mumu!! Eww. I'm glad you took the picture though--it was good for a laugh!
I REALLY like the top on B. It flows so nicely.
I love linen, but can't see chasing kiddos in it as I wrinkle it all up!

Monica said...

Being that it is a beach wedding, I would go with something like this:
A lightweight/wide leg pant.

And a colorful shirt like this:

With a cute strappy sandal and the right jewelry I think you'd be comfortable and adorable, too.

Just a thought.

Kimberly said...

Geez. I went back and read the comments. I wish I could delete others' comments. Especially the anonymous ones. Why do people think they can be rude, just because they are "anonymous"? Ugh. Would they make the same comments to our faces, I wonder?

BessieJoy said...

I actually like the top one. If you could sew one like that, I'd go for it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith. I love the top of the navy suit. The pants aren't so flattering. Something with more of a flare would be more suitable for your body. I really like the options someone posted from Old Navy, too. They are very fashionable, yet not too trendy for a conservative look.

In all honesty, the aqua dress gives you a "grandma" look instead of maternity look. You look fabulous with a V-neck!!! You shouldn't be afraid of the brighter colors with patterns. The orange dress looks outstanding on you for color, although it doesn't do much for shape.

And strappy shoes, a must. They don't have to have tall heels, as that's horrible when you're pregnant where comfort is concerned.

You're getting closer. Don't give up!

Have you ever watched the show "What Not to Wear?" I've learned so much from that show. I know that they can be kinda brutal on there, but they are desperately trying to help jolt people out of wrong dressing habits and help them see that no matter WHAT a person's body looks like, there are ways to flatter it with the right clothes.

PleaseRecycle said...

Meredith- I love your blog! I agree that the navy top is much more flattering- it's because it is cinched under the bust/above the bump which is the narrowest part of your body at the moment. I found this style worked well for me when I was 9 mos. pregnant and had to go to a formal Christmas party!

If you can find a similar style top/skirt or dress in a more summer-y color that would be perfect!

Best of luck! And can't wait for the final verdict!

A few suggestions from Target (fav. place to find maternity clothes because of fashion, price, and return policy):

Since you like linen:

Or I think this one is particularly cute:

Or, you could pair a top like this with one of their linen skirts:

And for some sleeve/arm coverage, how about a little sweater?

April said...

I actually think the aqua linen would be just fine, if you were able to hem the sleeves to elbow length. Or use that iron-on tape stuff.

OR you could use the linen sheath and a lacey shrug to cover your arms? The jacket could be used elsewhere on your trip, but again, I'd get those sleeves a tad shorter.

I personally think the pantsuit is too out-of-season for a tropical summer wedding.

You ARE indeed getting closer! Well done, Meredith!

Anonymous said...

I like the midnight blue. It looks sophisticated and can be as dressy as you want it to be. Hunt for some matching jewelry and a great handbag and have fun at the wedding!

Cat said...

I have to agree that the midnight blue style is more flattering. Perhaps something in a similar style but brighter color would work? And the bra suggestions are right on...actually, it would be good to see the aqua with an appropriate bra. It might look much less matronly.

Happy looking!

Anonymous said...

Neither one is attractive.

If you lost some weight before the wedding, maybe you oculd fit into a cuter dress.

L Harris said...

Option B all the way!!

Kelly said...

I suggested linen as a choice for a summer wedding. But , the cut and the color of the navy suit are very flattering on you. I agree that the pant leg is to narrow . I would love to see that cut on you as a solid color dress , or that top with a skirt , maybe a white one. Sort of a Ralph Lauren Yacht club look that would compliment your sons polo shirt , and Brooks Brothers jacket . Your photo vignettes are charming , I am sure you can create as charming look with your clothing choices as you do with your home and your blog.

Jenni said...

Brutal honesty: The pants set makes you look pregnant, the skirt suit makes you look... large. Definitely go with the pants set!

Anonymous said...

I much prefer option A it's much more islandy and wedding-y! Although I'd ditch the jacket and replace it with a smart white cotton cardi or a sheer white shirt to lift the colour.
I think the navy pantsuit looks really smart but I honestly don't think it would work for this purpose, and you'll be roasted.
Best of luck in your decisions!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

I love the color of option A. I like the style of the top in option B. As a whole, though, I don't care for either. Option A looks really dressy for the type of wedding you'll be attending. Option B looks, um, mature. Like something my mom might wear. (You and I are probably around the same age.)

I think the top from option B could work if you wore it with a skirt or something in a different, but complementary color. However, I do worry that a dark synthetic in a hot, humid climate will be too uncomfortable.

So, all that to say that I think you should keep looking. You've still got plenty of time. Don't settle for good enough.

Kelly said...

I just googled classic maternity and ended up on Figure 8 Maternity. In the dark navy they had two dresses I thought would flatter you. One was called Juliette and the other was the Euro bubble dress . They also had cute and on sale shorts and crop pants that you might like .

Anonymous said...

I'll join the navy pantsuit crowd. Having just experienced a randomly hot & humid day today, even while in a swimsuit at the river, I gotta say: if it's hot, you'll be hot regardless of what you're wearing! The neckline of the navy suit is prettier, imho, and the way it drapes is more flattering and feminine looking than the turquoise. Whoever said you'll be a bag of wrinkles in the linen at the end is right; I love the way it feels but am always sad with the way I look after wearing it all day. I hope our opinions have helped!

Anonymous said...

double commenting! forgot to add: in response to those suggesting a wide-legged pant, my fashion guru says if you have a loose top you wear a tight bottom, and vice-versa. So, Meredith, I think if you tried on wide-legged trousers with that pretty maternity top it would look just like a box, straight down, whereas the tapered legs provide a nice contrast. Once again, my humble opinion!

Anonymous said...

I laughed so hard OUT LOUD about the muumuu comment that I had to explain the whole thing to my husband! The pantsuit is the best of the choices, but I'm going to say I think the sewing machine would be a better investment. I ran into the same problem trying to find dressy clothes when I was hugely pregnant, and it was no fun! Good luck!
Homemaker Barbi

Anonymous said...

The aqua outfit is pretty, but the midnight blue is sophisticated and wouldn't need to be ironed (hooray). Have you looked at bridal boutiques? I noticed that David's Bridal has a selection of maternity bridesmaid dresses (in-store only). Their website has a photo of a beautiful pashmina wrap that might be a nice accessory if you were to go sleeveless.

Lucy said...

I would go for the linen - it is a pretty colour (and I think you deserve a pretty colour!), will be cooler and look more festive than a pantsuit. Maybe you could add some really bold colour - some red or red/white to add a bit of pizzaz?

I can see the pantsuit is less blatant about your bump, but you are delightfully, bloomingly, abundantly PREGNANT not fat. For fatties like me, hide and disguise and blend into the wallpaper is the order of the day, but for you, your bump is something to be proud of!

But Meredith, which makes YOU feel prettier? If you look at your face, which colour gives you most glow and confidence?

Susie H said...

LOve the color of the linen outfit, but it doesn't drape beautifully, the way that navy set does. I REALLY like the look of the pants ensemble! Thanks for letting us have a peek into your choices :)

An Adventurer in the World said...

The aqua. NO QUESTION!

Color is SO flattering to your skin
Looks youthful
It's linen and tropical.
LOVE the bias cut detail!

Have the jacket sleeves shortened to your best length (3/4).

Buy a great bra

I think everyone likes the navy because it does make you look slimmer, but it looks SO ROASTING HOT for the tropics. If you were going to New York, maybe. Even then you'd need a wider leg on those pants.

good job!

deb meyers

An Adventurer in the World said...

and thanks for the laugh:

"Do you know how hard it is to find a linen outfit without beads, patches, or watering cans embroidered along the hem"

yes, sadly : )

deb meyers

An Adventurer in the World said...

it really is all about which you feel best in.

I love the cut of that navy top, it is uber-flattering.

sorry to be so verbose.


Anonymous said...

Meredith, Of those choices, I would go for the navy, definitely. It is flattering and classy - you will be somewhat sweltering - but let's face it, if you are pregnant in the tropics, anything except a tank top will make you feel sweltering.

Do you have any Target stores near you? The designer Liz Lange does such a nice job designing their maternity clothing, and the prices are not bad. I was browsing for clothes the other day and started looking there before I realized they were maternity clothes (I'm not pregnant) - might be worth a look online if you have none nearby.

Lots of luck - everyone will be paying more attention to how adorable your kids look, anyway, so I wouldn't stress too much! :)

Kate in NY

Anonymous said...

Meredith - Either of these outfits looks way too hot! I had 2 September babies in Florida and can still remember how uncomfortable the heat was. I just LOVE the outfit from oldnavy that Anny suggested and think you would look beautiful (and comfy) in it!

Sue said...

Of these choices, the navy is the most flattering and classic. Linen is nice but NOT for traveling- imagine what it will look like by the time you get there! The pant suit will not wrinkle. The MUMU is awful. My only concern has been voiced by many- you will be warm. Too bad you could not find some different pants with a wider leg to go with that navy top. I also like taking a few inches off the sleeves for comfort. Sandals and some jewelry and you are set to go. The pant suit can be split and reworn with other combos to make the most of your travelling wardrobe too.

Anonymous said...

Pants suit - looks very flattering seems like you could rewear it more often - either as separate pieces or as a set.

mamanugget said...

Love the midnight blue pantsuit! Very chic and versatile, you could dress it up or down. The question is, which one do you FEEL the best in? That's most important.

Anonymous said...

If you're looking for "special-occasion clothing" underwear, Spanx does make maternity underwear. I'm 30 weeks along, and the spanx do a lot to smooth everything and make me feel pretty, without being too constricting.

About the outfits, the fit of the navy one is way more flattering, but linen would be more comfortable and "islandy" I'd love to see how the linen looked with a different (less boxy) top.

Candace said...

I'm sorry. I don't realy like either. I think that you would get hot in the pant suit. The dress would be much more comfortable, but would you be comfortable in it? If so I choose it over the hot suit any day.

If you do decide to break out your sewing machine make a maxi-dress. It is very flattering to more-to-love ladies like you and I. And it will show the baby bump up top but be free around your hips.

Sarah M said...

I thought the aqua looked great--it's also a very "summery" color, whereas the dark looked like something you'd wear in winter. I think you will be sweating in that dark outfit! Pick the light one!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I like option 2 best, and if you have a Kohl's near you, there are some nice blue accessories I just saw there that you can dress that up with. And if you still want to shop around, I suggest this smocked keyhole dress at Old Navy Maternity in plum or blue (free returns, too) paired with a light cardigan over your arms like this cotton cropped cardigan I just got from Banana Republic in any color (I am pregnant and think this is great even though it's not maternity. I wear it over everything right now, just not buttoned!) I think I even have a coupon you could use- let me know!


Anonymous said...

have you tried Motherhood on line? They have many cute dresses that have sleeves, if you are concerned about that. Also they are only about $20 and would be much cooler than synthetic fabric. Also the fabric will travel well. I had a fancy wedding with my last pregnancy and went there to buy something... found a cute outfit for under $50. Hope this helps!

Beck said...

Instead of going for a super long skirt, could you wear one that's slightly past your knees with a pair of very low heels? Both option A or B would look very nice with a shorter hemline.

Nancy said...

Blue pantsuit....hands down.

I recommend purchasing some accessories -- strappy summer sandals, chunky necklace, earrings and bracelet.

You'll look stunning.

Stephanie said...


I haven't read all the comments, but have you tried eBay? I have had to attend summer weddings while VERY pregnant, and I had good luck with auctions. You get a wider selection with more reasonable prices.

I have found that empire waists work well for me...they give some definition while skimming over the baby bump in a more flattering way. I'm a plus size girl, so flattering and pregnant in the same breath are not easy to come by!

I can also understand the pressure of the in-laws. Have confidence in your beautiful self, your beautiful family, and hold your head high no matter what you choose to wear. You're carrying their grandchild...that should make you beautiful to them regardless of whether you're wearing silk or burlap.

Hang in there!


Anonymous said...

I really think both the aqua and the pant suit are nice!

Anonymous said...

I love the color of the linen dress, but the lines of the pant set are more flattering, I think. The neckline looks especially nice :)

I remember how difficult it was to shop for my sister's wedding weekend. I was due 3 weeks from my due date and was the matron of honor. I haven't read all the comments, but ditto the ones that said hold your head high. I think the most important factor in looking good is YOU feeling good. Take care of yourself, mama :)

Unknown said...

the midnight blue pant set. You look great in it!

nancyr said...

Definitely Option B, because it is flattering, chic and is appropriate.
I don't like the aqua dress, as it is very matronly. The print dress is cute, but not $140.00 cute!
If you are comfortable in the navy pant suit, go for it.

LynnMarie said...

I love the top of the pant set -can you crop the sleves to make it more comfortable for you in the hot climate? How about a lighter colored pant to go with it. You would still look great but cooler I think.

Anonymous said...

First off - I love your insightful blog, it's one of my favorites!
Of the two, the dark blue looks so much nicer. The top is a very attractive cut. I don't love the pants, but I think the eyes are drawn to the top and overall it looks really nice.
I really have to say the aqua looks so, um, 75-year-old-lady, which is great if you are one.
And someone else mentioned jewelry - you could do a lot with the navy one - but I would maybe add a bracelet/earrings and keep the neck simple since there is enough going on with the top already.
Hope you have a really great time no matter the outfit you choose!

Beth said...

Can you stand any more opinions? Yikes!

I love the color of the navy outfit on you. I think from what I've seen in your pics, you and I have similar coloring and I know navy does great things for my skin and I bet it does for yours, too.

BUT...synthetic fabric? How do you handle heat? If you're usually always chilly you'll be fine. But if you're a furnace during pregnancy you will wilt!

Here's one other thing to think about. It's still a while till the wedding, isn't it? I think one problem people are having with any of these dresses is that you're in that stage of pregnancy where regular clothes are getting too tight, but maternity clothes look a bit odd.

In a few weeks your bump will be a lot more obvious and you will look beautifully pregnant in any of these outfits.

Having said all that...what I personally would do is get something: solid, best color possible (knowing that you always have to compromise), and most comfortable fabric possible. I wouldn't worry about wrinkles. This is a beach wedding and the people who fret about wrinkles are going to be melting all over the place and getting sand in their fancy shoes. :) I think linen is very appropriate for that kind of occasion.

Then with a solid dress (and if you're sick of dealing with this KEEP THAT AQUA ONE!) I'd add something really bright and bodacious in the way of jewelry or a scarf or something.

Antonella said...

Hi Meredith
I'll take the photo of top B to a seamstress to have it made in light color or floral cotton. The pants are not very flattering, I suggest a bootcut leg, not too clingy (hot) nor too large (matronly). Good luck for your choice.

Anonymous said...

I vote linen. I honestly think it looks better. The ligher color is better for a wedding, and the lighter color combined with the linen just seems more appropriate for a tropical wedding. The linen will keep you cooler throughout the event as well. I don't find the pants on the second set nearly as flattering, either.

TracyMichele said...

Oh.. the midnight blue by far. It is beautiful, Meredith. VERY flattering. It is also a very classic look. So consider this: At a later date it will still be in style and you will be able to consign it to recoup some of your cost. Yeah.. definitely get the midnight blue one!

Anonymous said...

Gotta be honest here -- I think you're crazy to wear either of your choices to a tropical wedding while pregnant.You are going to faint from the heat and humidity. I think the mummuu is the best. It's fun, flowing and comfortable. Get yourself some cute little flip flops -- yes, I said flip flops. You are pregnant and should be as comfortable as possible.


Jenny's Vegcafe said...

I think the dark blue is the most flattering and versatile. However, I think you'll be too hot wearing it.
Your arms don't look bad in the sleeveless dress. I think you should keep looking and find a sleeveless/short sleeved tropical print. You know- one that doesn't look like a muumuu.

Monica Wilkinson said...

Meredith -

I am wowed by your courage at posting your choices! And, I am simply dumbfounded at some of the thoughtless comments others have left. They should truly be ashamed to leave words like that on someone's blog.

I do like the midnight better - but like others, am afraid you may be too hot. I agree with many of the commenters wondering which one YOU like best and which one makes you feel pretty. For me, that is the key - if I feel good in it, it works so much better.

Praying for you, my friend -

Amy Ellen said...


I can relate to the problems of finding good dress clothes while pregnant. I have 6 children. I would also second third or fifth or whatever everyone else who said you will be melting in these options. Shockingly enough right now WALMART, yes Walmart, online that have some darling maternity dresses and a number of them are on clearance. There was some listed for 8 dollars. They had fun colors and patterns. Also I agree with buying some undergarments that would say ummmmmm lift and define. I am a curvy girl and I KNOW how important a good bra is. The rest just looks better with this good begining.


Julie Clark said...

I think the pantsuit is the most flattering - very classic and agree that it can be dressed up nicely with some hip accessories. But as others have said - it might be hot! I can totally relate, too! I just had a baby and finding nice things to wear was one of the biggest struggles! Luckliy, I didn't have a wedding to attend during my pregnancy.

Oh! And yes to a good Bra! I have eard raves about Rebekah Vaughn here in Nashville - Maybe spend some money there - the bra will go with you through ALL outfits and will be a good purchase!


Anonymous said...

Wow!! Over one hundred comments!
I am in total agreement that the pantsuit looks the best overall. I would shorten the sleeves on the top, and possibly even crop the pants to more of a longish capri style. If you think I am nuts, look at JC Penny's maternity section on their website. They show a cute pair of dressy capri pants paired with a dressy top. I like the idea of some strappy, low heels with it. Along with the capris, on the JC Penny website, I also like these tops:
A) the woven bow top
B) the Emma top
C) the short sleeve wrap top
D)the Bisou Bisou top

I think that separates look better on you than either the dress or the mumu-type dress. Either the pantsuit with some tweaking, or the separates from Penny's would be your best bet. And Penny's is easy to order from with a coupon code, and returns are easy, too. This sounds like a "money" wedding, and I think it's time and money well spent to make sure you look your best. Thanks for letting us in on the fun, Meredith! (even if you don't think it's much fun!)

Anonymous said...

I agree that whatever you choose to wear, you must buy a better bra. All of your clothes for everyday - not just the wedding - will look much, much better with a bra that fits you correctly. I think it is easy to underestimate the importance of "foundation garments" (I know, I'm old). The prettiest dress will be ruined with an ill-fitting bra. Also, if any of the outfits show a pantyline, then I would definitely get some spanx panties since they come in maternity now. Breasts properly supported and no pantylines and your being beautifully groomed will go a long way in making you feel lovely regardless of the dress (or pants) you wear. Cover the basics, then toss on a dress and go and have fun!

melody said...

I know you don't want to hear this, but I actually like the mumuu the best: (a) tropical looking; (b) cool and "toppable" with a 3/4 length sleeve cardigan or shrug; (c) likely won't wrinkle into an accordian-pleat mess with wrinkles across all the wrong places (like the aqua linen) and (b) colorful--to bring color to your cheeks (well, if you have a head...)

good luck!-melody

Anonymous said...

Meredith - We are close to the same age and, as best as I can tell, close to the same size. I just want to chime in, even though you have gotten lots and lots of advice and opinions.

I am so afraid that if you go with either outfit pictured, you will be miserable physically. There is nothing worse than being uncomfortably hot and if you are chasing kids then you will most certainly be hot and SWEATY - which will ruin the look of either of these outfits.

I am in agreement with the people who have shown you links from Old Navy. I also agree with the idea of a wide leg trouser. It is much more youthful and flattering. And anything that makes you look more your age will immediately look more "expensive" because it won't look as out of place on your body as these 2 "older looking" outfits do. I think these 2 choices date you WELL beyond your years.

Think "YOUNG". Hip. Breezy. Fun. It CAN be done, even though I know you are frustrated right now. And I don't believe you will have to spend a fortune.

Now...My biggest piece of advice would be this: The Dress Barn! They have some great styles that would be flattering to a pregnant body. And there is Dress Barn Woman as well if you needed a larger size. They have some absolutely BEAUTIFUL things...Before you make a final decision, do take a look there. I believe it is a very well-kept secret!!

Best of luck!

Jody Sanders said...

I like both, but the navy gets my vote.

I found some great dresses at JCPenney this week in the regular clothing department. The cut of current styles is perfect for maternity clothing ... but I'm not sure about solids or sleeves, the style definately seemed to be sundresses. I paid $25 for a pretty A.N.A. dress that will get me through at least the fall, if worn with a shawl or cardigan when it cools off.

Kathy said...

I like the pants suit, it is flattering and looks comfortable. I take comfort, and looks over fashion anyday!

It is not your fault they only make what we call "clown Clothes" for a certain size and above. It is like if you are size 14 or above you love wild colors, beading and big flowers. I absolutely have the same problem and I am not PG!

Tracey said...

I like the pant suit! Your gorgeous!

pinklogican said...

(I also ran out of steam reading all the comments, so ignore me when I'm repeating others...)

I love the mindnight blue top, it looks really nice on! Sexy, but totally restrained/modest/appropriate. The pants aren't the most flattering, but most pants just aren't when you're pregnant (at least for me).

Also, the expensive tropical dress isn't great, but I think we all learned something from seeing you in it anyway: you have nice upper arms! (So, don't be afraid to show them!)

Jen said...

The pants set for sure!

Anonymous said...

You do have nice upper arms! I love the pants outfit, but it seems so hot for the environment you'll be in. Is the wedding at sunset or high noon? That would make a difference in deciding what to wear.

I like the suggestions from one poster that you shorten the sleeves if you wear the aqua one. Linen is so classic and cool, but this outfit needs something to increase the "wow factor". Something bright and lively! Both are nice outfits, though, and I would definitely keep the pants outfit. Very flattering!

Jen said...

Had another thought--I wondered if the navy might be hot too. Could you find some sort of dressy, pretty, white blouse-maybe eyelet or something linen and wear that with the blue pants? As long as the blouse were dressy enough, you could still wear the strappy heels and be cooler! Even hot pink or a coral color would work with the navy.

tiffany said...

I just came from Target and thought of you. Yep, right there at Target which my dh found very odd. Anyhow, this dress looked very cute. Not so much when I came home and pulled it up to send the link to you, but in person, it looked and felt great. I know you will find something just right! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't think you could find anything comfortable given those climate conditions. Yikes!
The pantsuit looks more elegant, but you might be just the tiniest bit more comfortable in the aqua.
Julie in PA

Anonymous said...

The pantsuit looks the best. Can you cut off the sleeves to make it short sleeved and a tad cooler? and/or pair it with a shorter white skirt to look more summery? It is more flattering on you but it doesn't look summery to me. Personally, I'd keep looking.


Beth said...

Meredith, I thought of another option you might want to consider. When I was pregnant the first time (19 years ago!) I bought some dresses for work in the plus size departments. They were sometimes very similar to what was in the maternity department, but they fit me better all over and felt very comfy. is a company I buy clothes from a lot now. Their sizes start at 12 which is a 37" bust. They have LOTS of dresses and the prices are reasonable.

Now my big disclaimer!! I am 45 years old and I know I no longer dress up to the minute in style. :) So the UP dresses might be really old lady style and a big laugh to you young ladies, okay? :) Some of them are the muumuu style, but there are quite a few that have nice fit and detail at the bust and then flare or gather a bit below to give you a comfortable fit.

Karen said...

Wow, look how many comments!

The aqua color is beautiful and looks nice. I personally dislike linen for the wrinkles, but that's me.

The navy is also very nice, I like the shape of the neckline. My biggest problem with it is that the sleeves are too short. I notice it in the photo but I would probably not notice it if I were chatting with you, etc. I think the pants might be easier than the dress for chasing after children.

I'm no help at all!!!!

I think I prefer the aqua, knowing you could remove the top and have a sleeveless dress underneath, right???? Perhaps you could go with the sleeveless dress and a pretty scarf, or at least have that as an option if it's too hot.

Which do you like best? I still like the Kohl's dress also. I can see now that you are showing -- does the Kohl's dress still fit?

Whatever you wear, have a wonderful time! Have a virgin fruity drink for all of us!

Victorian Lady said...

Hello Meredith :) Another Meredith here! I like the midnight blue the best as well, but would consider at least shortening the sleeves...I'm afraid you are going to be too hot and I always get grumpy when I'm hot which isn't good since I live in Arizona! The color is a bit wintery, but you could brighten it with jewelry, or my favorite choice, as I was scrolling down to comment is Amy's advice about old navy! That aqua top would go great with dark pant. That is the one that I would defintely pick!

Lisa said...

You look so lovely in the navy outfit but the pants aren't great, the fabric and color- not so great either. Top is beautiful on you. Why don't you try a seamstress? Just see about the $, etc. Take these photos with you. I think a top of this style (shorter sleeves, though) but in a summery, attractive color (pale pink or very pale aqua or green) with wider leg pants in natural linen or pretty neutral shade of silk with beautiful chunky jewelry (something with large natural stones), pretty sandals and simple hair- you'd look fresh out of Town & Country magazine! The aqua is a good color for you but the style isn't. You are similar in shape to me- dresses and skirts don't wear us well!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

This is my first post on Google Blog, but I had to log on to say that I think you would look lovely in your choices. I personally like the navy the best. I live in Florida, and we often wear dark colors in the evening to weddings. Just because it's the tropics doesn't mean we wear all light colors. Not sure where you're going, but in Florida, you'd be fine. :-)

Also, linen can be just as hot as a synthetic depending on the weight, and some synthetics do breathe. Depends on what you select. Some rayons are very cool. Others can feel hot. Wear what makes you feel pretty. I like the cut on the navy top. It's very flattering.

Just for fun, the following outfit is a little on the pricey side, but I thought it was pretty in terms of the way it hangs. It has the V neck which you could tack up a little higher if the cut makes you uncomfortable, three-quarter sleeves that flare, and a skirt that flares at the knee. It comes in several shades and sizes. The orchid would work in Hawaii if that's where you're going.

Whatever the case, remember that your real beauty radiates from within. As my grandmother always said, "Pretty is as pretty does." That was said to her daughters who were two of the most beautiful women in the South, both beauty contest winners, and her granddaughters. Granny was a wise woman. She knew what really counted... a kind heart inhabited by the Lord of Lords. Trust Him, and He will help you find the perfect outfit.

All the best,


Southerner said...

Ok, I think I need to go have a day with the nester because that is the first thing that I thought of when I saw the photos. I was coming to post about where your head is and see if you had lost it.

I think that since wedding is in a tropical location that the aqua would be more appropriate and comfortable. But, I also think you need to keep looking because if you had found the right outfit you would not be struggling with an opinion. You apparently are not really satisfied with either choice. Come to Huntsville and we can go shopping- bring your head!

Anonymous said...

Oh Meredith- to put yourself under the scrutiny of so many you must be truly desperate and you must have a self-esteem of steel!
Neither of the 2 above seem right to me, although if I had to pick I'd go with A. The color is so pretty and summery- but you need shorter sleeves. I liked the style of the dress in your first post better.
Maybe you are sick of suggestions but if we were shopping together I'd deliver these dresses to the fitting room for you to consider:

Oh, and did you check e-bay? I don't know your size but this one caught my eye:

Lastly, I don't quite get the "good-fitting-bra" suggestions...? That thought didn't cross my mind at all! Of course, for the past 4 years I have been pregnant and/or breastfeeding and now have watermelons where there were once a pair of pleasant size C's. So I may not have the most clear frame of reference!
Hope you find a great dress- and soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey Meredith,
Ok, honestly, I do not love either of these on you, i'm sorry. Though the navy is more flattering, it looks out of season for a tropical summer wedding, and I agree withe previous commenters about the cut of these pants aging you.

I totally agree with the suggestion to do separates, and in different colors/patterns. Find yourself a dressy enough pant or capri (when they say wide-legged I think they mean just don't wear a pant with a tapered ankle, not that you should wear huge baggy pants!). Straight Legged cuts are usually pretty wtih these more flared maternity tops. Pair the pants (or a fairly straight cut knee-ish length skirt if you prefer it) with a cute blouse or top. There are tons of options when you go this route.

Most of these I'm pasting below come in several color choices....Here is a seersucker top that would be pretty with white pants/skirt and a pretty sandal or open toed shoe. Dress it up with jewelry, etc.

or what about this? very classic looking, and the V-Neck usually serves to minimize us on top!

This is fun and is cotton:

another simple, pretty, and easily dressed up basic blouse that looks like it would be flattering:

or what about this in the Turquoise? so lovely...

any of these would be pretty with a cotton twill pant. you could do a white/tan/khaki or even a brown or black with some of the choices. add cute shoes, jewelry and pretty hair and make up and you will be glowing!!

Liz said...

You are going to be soooooooooo hot in either! Pray for a cool day!

Anonymous said...

Meredith, I am sure you are sick of comments, but PLEASE check out the Isabella Oliver website ( which someone else suggested. I was not familiar with them, but they have some GREAT stuff. Click on the "new" section and take a look at the duo wrap dress. It has a v-neck (very flattering for you) and is reversible and adjustable for an expanding tummy. I like the sand/cranberry combination but the black/pearl is also nice. It is sleeveless, but a light wrap would solve that and everyone agrees that your arms look fine anyway. Please just look. With a good bra and underpants and minimal accessories, I think you would look stunning in this. Or, if you don't like this particular dress, they have a nice selection. This dress goes up to a size 14-16, but some of their styles go to size 18.(I am guessing you are a 14) Pricey, but it is reversible so you can wear it twice on the trip. Also, at this point, just look at the dress instead of the price tag. The rest of your family will be in expensive clothes (i.e. Andrew's little Brooks Brothers jacket!) Please, just check out thier line!

Julie said...

I love your silhouette in the dark blue. It is the neckline -- with pearls -- that does it.

Ginny said...

I like option b

Ann'Re said...

The pant suit is very flattering! It looks fabulous...and comfortable. :) If those were my choices, I would choose it.

mom23 said...

LOL. Oh Meredith you are not alone. I remember when I was pregnant with my first and My husband left my maternity clothes at home when we went out of town for my big baby shower. We had to do some last minute shopping in a different town and It was just so challanging. I believe I lost it when he told me I looked like a skittle-of course he was trying to be sweet and funny but I'm sure you know how women who are 9 mo pregnant in summer..lose their sense of humor. It's hilarious now but at the time it was tough. So you're not alone and I think you look darling.

Jan said...

Option B. The top is very flattering.

Anonymous said...

Adding yet another comment because I just can't resist... I agree with someone above who said that neither of these must be it, since you're still struggling so much on the decision.

That said, of the two, the aqua is marginally better. There's just too much fabric with either (makes them look too matronly) and frankly, I think the navy outfit looks like pajamas. It does not look like summer tropical wedding AT ALL. The aqua does, but it's too much of one color. Is the dress itself (sans jacket) sleeveless? I would wear the dress with a contrasting jacket (white, ivory, something with a pattern), sweater or light wrap, although the dress just seems the wrong length. It's hitting you at the "dowdy" spot - knee length or floor length would be better.

Loved those choices from Old Navy that someone suggested!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Option B is very flattering and has lots of style.
You will be comfy and I think you may get a lot of wear if you chose to.

BlondeMomBlog (Jamie) said...

I love the cut of the navy pantset. Very flattering. If you can wear some fun/tropical earrings or necklace, I think that you've got it! My only concern would be that you might get hot, but I definitely think it is the most flattering.

Good luck!

An Adventurer in the World said...

Meredith, can you stand one more comment?

I totally recant almost everything I wrote! I actually think the cut of the aqua looks dowdy after reading other opinions that opened my eyes. It was the color that swayed me.

And I remember Elise's introduction picture, you were stunning in navy.

You haven't found the right thing yet. What an education this entire discussion has been! Thanks everyone.

deb meyers

Anonymous said...

The midnight blue - definitely! It's flattering and versatile!

Amy Ellen said...

I just thought that since I was one of the people who suggested the good fitting bra, I would explain. For refrence, before 6 kids I was a B size edging toward C which hey was good. In the course of being pregnant 6 times and nursing for a total of 10 years.

Yes I nursed for 10 years of my life. Anyway I am now so heavy on top, pushing DD to it's limit, that, I have truly realized the benifits of a great bra. Some bras do not support well. The chest can tend to ummmm ahhhh here face more east and west then both going north. Sorry, LOL, this can lead to your body shape not looking as good as it should.

NOT THAT I AM SAYING THAT MERIDITH LOOKS BAD, SHE DOES NOT. But clothes in particular the tops look better, and fit better when things are properly supported. Again I am not poking fun so please believe me. I just know I felt better, even when pregnant, having things where they used to stay naturally, LOL. Trust me I am poking fun at myself, no one else, LOL. Please take this in the spirit I meant it. Good luck finding the right dress. I know it is hard. I get so frustrated sometimes.

God Bless

Anonymous said...

I think the blue pant suit is a keeper with some stappy white or silver sandals and a fun necklace that you can wear later would look great.
Target has some really cute maternity clothing too. I would wear what you feel good in (both physcially,mentally AND financially) as it doesn't work for me unless I feel good about what I am wearing
And most of all go in and "hold your head up high" as my Mom would say and enjoy the conversation and time together and let others feel the way they do. You are creating a LIFE and who cares what others might think. That way you will look great in anything you are wearing!!

Sandy said...

I'm a little late - but midnight blue is IT! Stunning!

Mirissa said...

I know I'm late, but I hope you're still reading these comments. I just want to say that we all think you're a beautiful person and we don't want you to go to the wedding until you feel beautiful. I really think you're short changing yourself with both of these choices.

Have you looked at the "special occasion" maternity dresses on If it was my choice, I'd pick the ivory dress with the bow in the back
and top it with the maternity cardigan in spanish brown
A dress is soooo much cooler in the heat and the color combination would be summery and formal, but the brown cardigan would keep you from looking too "bridal"

Good luck to you! I'm currently pregnant and I know how hard it is to find a dress that looks right!


Anonymous said...

Have fun at the wedding and as long as you are comfortable that is what matters.

I guess I simply cannot relate to the highly critical comments. I've never really cared much what others think about what I'm wearing.

I'm sure you'll look lovely because it's a blessing to be able to have a baby - and that is beautiful enough, really. Take care, Lyn

Linda said...

I love the navy set! I love it, because it makes you look pregnant.. it shows that you're actually pretty thin, and only your belly is big..

I think the green set makes it look like you're hiding a belly that may-or-may-not-be-caused-by-a-baby.. *lol* You know what I mean? ;)

Obviously you're pregnant, but there are so many people out there wearing such clothes to hide a hamburger belly..

Greetings from the netherlands!

Anonymous said...

Hi love your blog and your attitude! The navy set is the most flattering. If you decide to keep looking (the navy being too hot), you have at least learned what lines to look for. The v-neck and underbust gathering is very flattering. Also, a long dress is not as flattering as a kneelength one or a pant set when pregnant. The long dress sort of hides all the shape underneath - creating a boxlike effect. Look for something like this (wiev D looks the coolest and you have beautiful arms and legs.) Maybe in a blue, aqua, turquise colorway. Or navy with white - so fresh!

I wish you lived near me, Meredith, I'm sure we would be friends. And I could have sewed a dress for you. (And also taught you to sew - its really fun and I'm sure you would be good at it, with your eye for esthetics.)

Good luck on your hunt. Seems its not over yet.

Vibeke in Oslo

Anonymous said...

I like the dark blue the best.

Don't be too hard on yourself. It's fantastic you are pregnant, and this little frustration is well worth it. Go and have a great time and don't worry too much. :)


Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I like the light blue - I think it's springy and cool. Being outside in navy is going to be hot!!

Anonymous said...

I like the pantsuit as well -- it drapes nicely. :-)

Anonymous said...

midnight blue

Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous in the midnight blue!

Meredith said...

I wanted to thank everyone again for the helpful advice.

Honestly, seeing myself in the photos was all I needed to spot several of the problems! Boy, we really look different in real life than we do in the dressing room mirror, don't we?

I am amazed at the changes my body is undergoing with this 3rd pregnancy and see immediately that some new "support" is in order : )

I am thankful tothose of you who have shared your opinions and ideas.

Any reference to ugly comments refers to some nasty anonymous comments you wouldn't dare write on a bathroom wall. Those have been deleted as soon as I found them, and I hope you weren't reading when they popped up.

Miss G said...

I like the aqua dress! :) Kelly

Anonymous said...

I agree about the brighter colors for a tropical location. I checked out motherhood maternity online

and they have lots of cute dresses in the sale section of the website. Several are sleeveless and I know you commented on not being so crazy about it but maybe you could find a solid shrug or something to go with one of the sleeveless ones. I couldn't believe the prices! Some were $14 up to maybe $30!
Good luck and go with what you like!

SoapDoc said...

I know I come late to the party -- sorry!!

And if that top orange-y thing is the $140 frock -- I could not agree more -- that one isn't too flattering to you at all!

But I wanted to say the other two look GREAT on you! But I think that the dress would be way cooler, don't you?

Heck, I don't even look that good NOT pregnant!! You look absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Both of the outfits are really pretty (and equally so in my opinion) but for 90 degree heat, outside?? Go with the linen and stay COOL while pregnant! (I am too and that's what I would do!)

Linen does require ironing more I guess but I still think it could work well. It does kind of depend too on your skin and hair color... I have lighter skin and dark hair so pastels do tend to wash me out a bit (my husband says) but I would still go with linen over synthetic for the heat.

I'm the Mom said...

I love the midnight blue pant set!!! It looks great!

Anonymous said...

I love the aqua -- it looks BEAUTIFUL!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you about these. Well someday Ill create a blog to compete you! lolz.

Daisydaze said...

The pant suit is adorable, and add some cutesy sandals and you are a fashion statement :-) It has an elegant look; you will be more comfortable and more at ease. Have fun!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the midnight pant look smashing in it