I wore mine there, too.
I don't own heirloom jewelry, but I loved this inexpensive freshwater strand with its irregular shapes. Wore them every during my pregnancy, and every day after, including to her baptism.
One day while nursing, she ripped them from my neck. We never recovered them all. I should put them in the safety deposit box with a note for Elise.
Maybe one day we can sew them to her wedding veil. Anyone have creative ideas for recycling them in the meantime?
If they're special and important to you, take them in to be restrung! Although, I guess it's cheaper to just buy a new strand of freshwater pearls...
If you have any crafty friends who make jewelry, I'm sure you could trade their services in making something from your pearls for some yummy meals and/or treats.
They look so pretty in the bowl--and that is so sweet how you wore them in the delivery room---what a sweet story to tell her. I would re-string them:) (Not very creative, huh?...LOL)
There are not enough pearls to restring.
Also, my husband bought me another twisted strand for Valentine's, so really just looking for a sentimental way to give these a second life.
I would look into remaking them into a bracelet or ear rings for your daughter. Sewing them to her wedding dress some how would work too, but if they were restrung as something else JUST for her...it would be special. Roxie
I also wanted to say that the pearls are beautiful. I got my first real pearl last Sept. for my wedding anniversary. I got 3 pink pearls, one on a necklace and of coarse 2 for ear rings. So pretty. I love them very much because husband picked them out for me himself. Roxie
Are there enough to make a little girl necklace for Elise for when she's a tad older?
Awww. The only thing I wore every day was a pushed out belly button. ;-)
Your idea of weaving them into her wedding veil is touching, what an heirloom that would be for future generations.
Meredith - What quickly came to my mind is that you should write a short story in special dedication to your babygirl - Painting the story in 1st person of the "Journey of Pearls" - Your story could not only include how you wore them during pregnancy, but how she ripped them while nursing, and how they were suddenly strung together by love/magic - as a bracelet and a few left over to pin to her veil (something old portion of the good bridal tradition)... That way, the Journey of Pearls story is passed down beyond your generation to the next and next and... Before you know it - You've left a legacy - If your memory is like mine - THESE days I have to write things down! Storytelling is an honorable way to leave your beautiful footprint upon your baby's heart... What do you think?
Working Mama in NW
They would make beautiful earrings for her wedding day. I wore my grandmother's pearls and my mother's pearl earrings for my wedding day. I got my very own first set on my 30th b-day :) I waited awhile for that!
The pearls are beautiful!
I found you through my sister's blog (at home with Kris); I am a jewelry designer and will re-string them for a very minimal charge. I like the idea of making a bracelet and having the leftovers for the veil or to have sewn into a handkerchief that she can carry down the aisle with her. If you need me to help ya out, contact me, my info is on my blog, and my sister's blog addy is there, too!
AND if you aren't going to have them re-strung to wear anytime soon, then you should wrap them in some cloth away from the elements or the nacre (outside surface)will dry out and go dull on ya! And I am sure you don't want that! Wearing them keeps the nacre healthy because our natural oils help keep them "moist" and shiny.
I would sew them to a handkerchief
and maybe frame them in a shadow box untill the time comes for her to carry them at her wedding. I too would put the "story" that explains them on the back of the box. I have a picture of myself (my one year photo) in a dress crochet for me by my aunt. When my daughter celebrated her one year birthday her photo was take in the same dress....when her daughter was born her photo was taken in the same dress. We now have the photos displayed next to each other in all of our homes. Precious memories.....Pam, South Bend
I have the same advice as Pam! Sew them to a beautiful hanky that she can carry on her wedding day.
I carried a hanky that had originally been my baby cap (many ladies make these, and you just undo a few stitches to turn cap into hanky). It was wonderful to have something old that was meaningful!
I would look into how much it would be to have them restrung - you might be surprised!
Queen Victoria gave each of her grandaughters a single pearl every year on their birthday. When they were adults they were strung for them to wear.
Maybe you could add one new pearl to the old each year and liken each to a new vitue. When she marries you could have the new and old strung together for her wedding day and explain how her old world and new world are merging into a beautiful new creation through her marriage and how this neclace symbolizes that.
(Individual pearls are very inexpensive.)
Oops, I meant virtue!
I have a similar story, right down to there being not enough pearls recovered to make a full necklace.
What I decided to do was have a necklace made anyway, with the pearls covering about a third of the chain, anchored by two small round gems (my daughter's birthstone) on either side that transition to the rest of the necklace which is a plain gold chain (not the open loop kind, it's more solid - I know there's a technical term for this but it's escaped me). It took me a while to save up for this treatment, but it wasn't too expensive as these things go. I had it made in an adult size and the idea is that I'll give it to her on a "special" birthday, maybe her 13th or 16th.
I had thought about having a child-size bracelet made instead, but my mom pointed out that she had already given me my own little-girl jewelry and I was too chicken to allow my daughter to wear it. Admitting as much, I realized it was pointless to add something else to the collection I'd be afraid for her to actually use!
oooo, I like Heather's Queen Victoria idea!
I was thinking a beaded bookmark (believe they are also called book thongs)
deb meyers
A kind of silly idea is to make them into stitch markers if you knit or crochet. You'd be the most stylish knitter out there!
But like someone previously mentioned, I've seen these kinds of pearls strung nicely on a thin gold necklace with them just covering the centre section. Very pretty and understated. Makes a great necklace for more casual affairs.
My daughter is 6 and simply loves going into my jewellery box and wearing all of my 'stuff.' So while I wouldn't allow her to wear something of this quality, she would get lots of pleasure out of the story behind the necklace and would likely cherish the single pearls themselves. So your daughter might just turn out that way too!
I vote for restringing--I've heard you're supposed to get your pearls restrung every couple years anyway, depending on how often you wear them.
not sure if someone already mentioned this, but what about making her a bracelet she can wear as a child? I remember having a special freshwater pearl bracelet that my grandma brought back from a cruise, and I LOVED that thing! It always made me feel so special when I wore it. There were other beads interspersed, you know the lady you should ask about that is the one who prompted the post, Mrs. Fussypants!
Are there enough to have a floating necklace strung? I've always thought freshwater pearls on fishwire are particularly lovely.
I love your blog ! It is so fresh and engaging. Keep up the good wrok !
Hi Meredith;
I bet you have enough to make a pair of earrings. No? You could find someone who makes jewelry (either professionally or someone you trust) and have a one of an kind pair made. Something to have and to hold and treasure...perhaps something old and something new...if another 'jewel' is added with your pearls?
mama to 6
one homemade and 5 adopted
You could make a bracelet for her and one for her future little one (even silver with just one of the pearls for the small bracelt)and give it to her as a baby shower gift with the story printed out and framed..(or at her wedding for "something old") then she could save and pass down the pearls. Maybe a double sided frame with story of the pearl of great price from the Bible on the other side.
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