Our 10 year marriage has never faced a more stressful year. The broken Volvo is the tip of the iceberg.
My husband's interviewing for a better job. We may stay put; we may commute; we may just move to the middle of nowhere.
We can't replace the Volvo without knowing where we'll be driving. And when will we hear? Who knows.
All I know is that on my one day with the working car, the air conditioner quit for good. The thermometer reads 82 degrees and humid, y'all.
More than ever I thank God for the little things, like tomorrow's early morning interview. Surely my husband can't sweat too much by 8:30 am!

I have been married for 35+ years. Somehow when you share life with the right man it all comes out good. Even the 'rough' times will be times that you look back on with great joy. Sometimes it is not easy, we all know that, but there is always; always! joy in life with a family like you have. I know that what ever happens, the Lord will show you the way. Blessings to you. Roxie
Praying for you all! I remember driving my 10 year old Mazda Navajo with no AC for several years in 100+ temps during the summer. I chose the tank top under work clothes method. Drive with as little on as possible, and then dress quickly before I went in to the office.
I'm having trouble imagining warm weather right now. We have had a cold snap that has likely killed up to 20% of the apple crop. Not good news for our agricultural community.
First, my practical tip: send him out with a cup of ice - he can suck on ice cubes to keep cool, and it won't fill his bladder the way water would (nothing like having to keep running to the bathroom during a job interview!). You might also send him with a barely damp cloth in a plastic bag in a small cooler bag with ice, so he can give his face and neck a quick wipe when he arrives - that would be refreshing.
Second, I just want to tell you how much I love your cheerfulness. I was thinking about it last night after I posted a comment on your yard sale post how wonderful it is to read your thoughts and be reminded to be grateful for all of the abundant blessings in my life :)
I will be praying that he gets that job!
Well, it is indeed the little things and most of them seem and feel more stressful when your pregnant . Take good care of yourself . Drink lots of water .
Thanks for sharing so honestly. Honesty is such a treasure - makes us all know we are normal - makes us long for heaven. I'm gonna pray right now for you and your family.
I couldn't help but giggle at that last line!
I know you're stuck in the middle of it right now, and being in the middle is not the best place for perspective. But, chicky, it sounds like God is really doing something in your lives!
And even though I don't particularly want to go through them again, I can say with absolute confidence that I grew more and learned more during the financially stressful years of our marriage.
Praying for you.
Just to let you know you and yours are in my prayers continually.
This soon will be a memory.
I have had so many similar experiences and all I can say is God is ever faithful and GOOD.
Blessings to you this warm day in Tennessee.
I don't think pregnant and no a/c go together too well. You have mentioned before that you now have enough money to pay an unexpected bill. Surely this qualifies, so my advice is to take that puppy in asap and get the air going before it really gets hot!
I'm going to get it fixed!!!
But I have to wait for a day when neither of us needs a car, and unfortunately, I cannot get it repaired before tomorrow and the all-important job interview : )
It's just a timing thing! And the fact that it had to happen when *I* was driving the car. My husband would never say so, but I'm sure he'll always suspect I did something to break it! : )
Praying SOOO hard that this job interview is an answer to prayers. I know we all appreciate your cheerful attitude, but it I have found I often connect more with people when I show them what i am really made of...even the sides of me that are lacking or that I am struggling with. Keep us posted on the job and car situation- love you!
I've been meaning to tell you that I've been praying for your husbands job.
Sometimes it just seems as though all of the changes just come tumbling down us.
xo ~ K
I'll be praying for you and your family.
My husband and I are in a tight spot right now too - we have debt that we're trying to pay off so we're living with our 7 month old in a very run down 'ghetto' apartment that reeks of cigarette smoke until we can get ahead on the debt, and I got T-boned a month ago and we're still looking for another car.
I hope things look up for you guys!!!
I can relate to living in limbo--it's not a good feeling. I like to know what is coming next, LOL!
My best advice is to just take it one day at a time--things have a way of working themselves out...
Meredith - I hate it when things break while I'm using them, too. Hubby is always perfectly nice about it, but there's this lingering look like "what did you do?"! I can totally identify:) And maybe ten years is just rough. I have a great marriage, but there has been so much going on and it does cause so much stress. I think it's that all the plans we had in our early years are reality now - with all the struggles that go with them. The struggles we didn't really anticipate. Even the joys bring along some stress. But the days fly right on by and things are bound to ease up eventually, right? Right? :)
We just went through the same thing.
We spent a week doing the one car thing, reading consumer reports, and shopping online for the types of cars that Hubby wanted. Good luck to you in your car search. It's a major purchase but being frugal is great for these times
We're still one-carring it like y'all, and our one car is hot too -- but at least it runs, right?!
Thanks for the link, Meredith. I appreciate it.
Timely post for us, too.
It's 10 years for us, and one of the most stressful. Lots of unknowns. Thanks for "keeepin' it real".
Hooray IT'S NOT JUST ME!!!
Everything breaks when I'm using it. Ok everything expensive. Sigh. DH would never say it but.....
He thinks I'm cursed.
I am so glad to hear others have the same bad luck.
What is it with cars right now? My husband is at this moment stranded at work because his car won't start. We're afraid his car has breathed it's last, but we've been expecting it. It's 15 yrs old, hasn't had a/c for about 8 yrs, was worth about $500 (until today's problem). We've been looking for a replacement for about 6 wks now, but they keep getting sold out from under us. This, on top of our SIL's recent motorcycle accident which is causing dau and SIL MAJOR financial strain. All we can do is keep praying. We know that in years to come we'll look back on this time and laugh (or at least smile; or maybe roll our eyes).
We've got a car with no AC right now, too. And a massive hail storm 3 weeks ago has likely left us with roof damage. We have a guy coming out to look at it on Friday. And this is just 6 months after having had 2 leaks repaired under our house. Everything always seems to fall at once.
I hope all goes well with your hubby's interview in the morning!
Wish I could give you a hug....the times in my life that are most stressful to me are the ones where I don't know where God is leading us, where I feel like I am lost and overwhelmed, not knowing what is going to unfold next. But I keep believing that what God says in Romans 8:28 is true- that He works ALL things together for good. You have a wonderful group of "friends" here online, and even though their comments are meant for you, they have encouraged me this evening, too! I will be praying for you that you get an answer about your husband's job soon, and that God will supply the transportation you need at the right price. You are a dear online friend, Meredith. Hang in there!
PS- My husband said to make sure that you check the Freon in the AC that quit. Apparently sometimes the air conditioner will quit when the Freon level gets too low. He said that there is a kit you can buy at the auto parts store that has a little pump, gauge, etc,along with the freon. Your husband has probably already checked this, but if he hasn't, maybe it's something he can look into. That would be an easy fix!
Aw Meridith, hang in there!!!!
(good luck for the interview too)
Barb C
My a/c wasn't working last year and a $20 can of freon from the local auto parts store did the trick. Take care and best wishes on the new baby and the car!
Well, we have a worst-case 1-car scenario on our hands.
The fan isn't working, and it's something with the belt that also powers the other 1/2 of the car's parts.
My husband is worried it won't make it to the interview, let alone to the 3:00 hearing at which he's supposed to testify downtown.
The kids' fevers spiked 104 last night, and I need to take them back to the doctor.
We are having to rent a car to get everything done for the day.
Everything looks brighter than it did at 1 in the morning, but it's not the blissfully eco-friendly 1-car situation I was hoping for : )
My heart goes out to you. You have our prayers. Please keep us posted.
We're an hour ahead of you, so praying for the interview!
Really, it's keeping a trusting, upbeat attitude during trials like these that might even give him the edge in the interview : )
deb meyers
Oh, my, "when it rains, it pours" is sure holding true for you right now, isn't it? I am sorry about the cars (I assume the Volvo has officially been pronounced dead?) I am more concerned about the children than the cars. I hope they will be ok. Cars can be borrowed, rented or bought. Children can't. A sick child puts a sick car in perspective real fast, doesn't it? Here's hoping that cars, kids and jobs are on the upswing!
You'll be on my heart today! And even though everyone and everything else seems to be breaking down around you, I'll be specifically praying that God will keep YOU- the mommy and the wife- calm and patient through this wild day. If momma is able to "keep it together", everyone does, but if she doesn't?....Well, let's just say I know the answer to that one from experience!!
So here's another verse for you to meditate on today- Romans 8:18. This verse talks about the eternal good that God is working in us through our "present sufferings". Everything's gonna be ok!!
Oh Meredith, what a pain! I hope your day goes as smoothly as possible, getting everything done.
My dh's 1992 Ford Escort died recently... he's been driving without AC for about 2 years. We now have two older-model cars (1996 and 1998) with about 100K each on them, and we are really hoping that they will keep running for some time to come. They are both in good shape I think.
I hope the repairs are not too costly for you!
I say this as I am close to being married 20 years, life happens. When you least expect it God throws you a curve. There are great times and awful times in a real marriage. But if you trust the Lord, the bond will grow closer.
What helps us is to get together and talk it all out until we are comfortable about everything.
Living in the middle nowhere is really wonderful too at times, it is where I live.
Being pregnant has not helped your brain cope either, so give yourself some slack on that.
Praying for you.
Just wanted you to know I'm praying for you this morning - keeping everything together is tough when it all seems to be unraveling. I hope the kids are feeling lots better by now and that hubby's interview went really well.
Meredith -
You, your husband and the children are being held up in my prayers today. I know it seems like "all at once" which can feel so overwhelming. I hope you are able to find comfort in the knowledge that God will see you through it and that he has promises of greater things to come.
Take care of you!!
Oh, do hang in there girl. Situations such as you are experiencing are only temporary. Life is like a roller coaster, is it not? Highs, lows and loop-de-loops.
Hang in there! Thanks for keeping it real, it allows us, your readers, to give you support while also helping us realize our challenges and mis-steps are not unheard-of.
I had to crash after the car dropoff/rental/interview/pediatrician visit!
Husband thinks interview went well, but it will be a few days before we know.
Kids have new antibiotics for ears so hopefully will be on mend.
All enjoying fancy rental car and hope it doesn't spoil us for used cars!
It looks like used cars are SO unreliable to anyone reading, but we have had 2 years of little but routine maintenance on both of these. In fact fewer times in shop than my BIL's brand new BMW.
Our worst years were our first two. Now it seems to be smooth sailing.
That's really too bad about the car. I hope that everything gets sorted out for you soon! I've always found that it's the not knowing that drives you crazy. You can put up with just about anything as long as you know what's coming around the corner.
Visit To Love, Honor and Vacuum today!
I hope your little ones recover quickly!
We had a year like that last year. Almost everything that could go wrong did- in the first three months of the year. The rest of the year was recovery, financially speaking. :-)
We had sold our 2nd car to save money. Within 6 weeks, the now only car broke down and cost way too much to fix for its age and value. We felt totally stupid having just sold the other car. Oh well...you just never know what's coming!
Keep your chin up! Things will get better. I'm praying for you today.
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