Seems like my house can be clean or organized, but not both. Not at the same time. Some of you just don't believe me, but it's true.
I'm kind of a slob.
Oh, I like things to look pretty, but I have a high tolerance for dirt. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't.
And even though he would never, ever say so, I can tell that the gritty floor does more than stick to his bare feet.
It gets under his skin.
The last few months I've had renewed energy about doing my best for him, just as he spends every day working so hard for me. The nice thing about the Internet is that someone else has probably undergone the same transformation.
In this case, Elizabeth (In The Heart of My Home) writes it more beautifully than I ever could.
I read this a few days ago and thought of you when I did:) I remembered a post you did showing a photo of your counter top and breakfast. The milk was in a beautiful cut glass creamer. There were no cereal boxes in sight. There was no difference in the food served -just the serving pieces. You had no guests. You were simply serving those most important to you. When I read your post a few days ago where a lady had asked what you got out of being frugal, I thought she must not have been reading long or that she only read certain topics instead of a wide selection of your posts. The joy you have from serving your family and the sheer love of your time with them is apparent. You and Elizabeth are both right. Thanks for your example -Melissa
My husband also dislike dirty floors. I don't mind them so much-or more correctly, I don't notice them that much. Recently though I have been thinking that it would probably make him feel more comfortable and taken care of if the floors were actually cleaner. So, I've been cleaning floors better than I ever have before so I know what you mean!
Thank you so much for the congrats, Meredith! It is a very exciting time! Kelly
I know what you mean, too. I'm sure your husband has noticed your renewed attention to his likes/dislikes and appreciates it. It's really the little things that make a marriage :)
Thanks for the introduction to Elizabeth's wonderful blog. I'm probably going to stay up too late pouring over it:) My husband and I are the same way. I'd much rather spend my time making one thing pretty that cleaning something else, but he could care less as long as everything is clean and put away:) I'm working on it!
i'm always glad to hear i'm not the only slob in the world.
Amen! so nice to see that someone else suffers from this as well. I had to force myself to create a series for spring cleaning on my blog just so I'd have to be accountable and actually do really good cleaning this time. I love keeping things organized but when it comes to the down and "dirty" I can take it or leave it lol. Unless its the kitchen. Since I spend so much time in there, it pretty much stays somewhat clean. But thats only because I clean it up after I prepare dinner every night. The nights we "treat" ourselves to take out or we go to kids eat free night, that poor kitchen looks terrible!
I'm sooooo there with you. If we had the money, I would hire someone to wash my kitchen floor and clean my bathroom each week. I just don't care that much about doing it myself. My hubby, though, grew up in Germaphobe House #1 (his parents took organized and clean to the unhealthy extreme) and so I make an effort. I cannot stand it though. Why can't someone come up with a self-cleaning floor?
"Oh, I like things to look pretty, but I have a high tolerance for dirt."
That line alone has made me laugh for a solid 10 minutes. All I have to say is AMEN, sister! :o)
You have not seen dirty floors till you look at mine at the end of the day. Let me tell you, 6-8 kids (my own and the day care) 4 dogs in and out the dog door, the traffic of the day care parents in and out...well you get the picture. The best thing we ever did was to do away with carpet 100%Now we have hard wood floors. One of the last things I do at night before bed is use my large dust mop on the floors in the den, kitchen, and entry area. Our bed rooms do not get too bad, I do them twice a week or so. I always sweep up a large pile of dirt, aninmal hair, and dust bunnies...but I feel better when I get up in the morning and go get my coffee while in my bare feet and I don't have to go wash my feet..
Someone mentioned a 'self cleaning floor' and I too would like that, however I am looking at one of those Roomba floor cleaning robot things. Some friends have one and it does a good job, (not perfect, but good) of their floors. They have no children but 5 Basset hounds. (they do Basset rescue) Roxie
I once had a friend that had a cute little sign on her front door. It said, "This is a house with children. If you want to see it clean, come back in 20 years." I always wanted a sign like that!
Roxie, If you get one of those Roombas, make sure the store has a good return policy. I had one and it was great entertainment for awhile but I got tired of "Roomba-sitting" the thing, setting up the special barriers, getting it un-stuck, etc. Yup, put it under "entertainment" in the budget.
I'm so glad to hear that there are other women out there like me. I am obsessive/compulsive about having a place for everything but not so much about getting rid of dust and dirt. I don't mind cleaning but it just never hits the top of the to-do list as often as is probably should. We need clean dishes and clothes and meals need to be cooked but the floors or the bathroom are much easier to put off for another day. I like Meredith's comment on serving her husband by doing a better job of cleaning.
Thanks Vicky. I have heard that before. But when I see it on TV the darn thing looks so tempting. I guess I will stay with my old dust mop. It works, it is quite, and I do not have to replace a battery. Just need to do it every evening...Roxie
Far be it from me to call another lady a liar, so I'm TRYING to believe you. Really, I am. LOL.
My husband was born a cleanie and I was born a messie.Unfortunatly I have rubbed off on him more than he rubbed of on me. I am trying to tackle a few things I know irritate him, I know he appreciates it.
Hi Meredith, remember my "balancing act" post? In bold, "My husband was the one who helped me ..." realize I couldn't do it all. I wonder how many women really ask their husbands before they dive into commitments. Saying NO to too much, and then getting your kids involved, worked for me.
BTW, we have to sweep our floor almost daily. But my hubby never complains if it's not done. I've got a good guy! :)
Heh -- your floor looks similar to mine after that m&c meal. LOL
That link was very encouraging. Thanks for that! I'm usually a SAHW, but I work each spring tutoring middle schoolers for the reading portion of the TAKS test. I'm working 2 days a week right now, and I'm finding it harder to keep up with all my regular duties at home. This really encouraged me, especially as I desperately need to clean the house today. I woke up to a funky smell in the kitchen.
Does Elise eat with an adult fork or was she just in someone else's plate? My toddler manages the plastic child size fork and spoon pretty well, but I have not tried giving him a real fork yet. And my floor looks like yours after a meal here, too!
I know exactly what you mean! I can either have a picked-up house OR I can work on a project. If I'm gardening, the house is a disaster. If I'm crafting, dirty dishes and everything else. I can't do a little of anything--I guess I am all or nothing.
Great post!
My husband and I had A Great Epiphany last year: he grew up with a mom who never really cooked, so her kitchen was never really messy and dirty. I, however, make lots of stuff from scratch and I love to cook, so our kitchen is always messy, with flour lurking in the corner or dribbles down the cupboards. Once we realized that good food meant a messy kitchen, we both laughed AND we both redoubled our clean up efforts. Bless the man, I got a good one too!
yup. clean and tidy are 2 very different things! one of the things i am learning as a new SAHM is that mostly what i do gets undone very quickly and all it takes is the smallest acknowledgement and appreciation of it to make my day!
No kidding! I often wonder what my house would look like if I had no one going behind me to demolish it. My husband too really dislikes messy floors. The days that the kids and I have a popcorn party in the living room make him really grouchy if I don't get every last kernel. It seems like I'm always busy doing something but it looks like nothing ever gets done.
I think our husbands are related!
Meredith, this entry reminds me that my #1 favorite things about your blog are honesty and your subtle humour. The content is great but I could probably find similar elsewhere, it's your writing style that has me hooked.
A little dirt is good for you. It's healthy. :)
Ah, my sentiments precisely and my tolerance of dirt and hubs not so much...luckily I've really begun nesting! AND we too are waiting out all these weekend rains for a sunny saturday to actually hold the yard sale! Think it'll be May before we can! ugh. Luckily we can store the stuff in my parents garage while we wait since we have no garage and virtually NO storage.
Just found your blog via GoLightly Place - I LOVE these quotes!!!
"I've worked all day throughout the house; Elise has de-worked right behind me."
"Seems like my house can be clean or organized, but not both. Not at the same time."
I have a 5 year old. I can totally relate!
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