Friday, February 01, 2008

Winner of the hospitality books

By random number generator, the winner of the hospitality books is Miss G, who happens to blog at Sundrenched Moments!

Miss G, with a pantry as organized as yours, you're ready for hospitality! Would you mind emailing me with your mailing address?

I had unexpected company today, so I'll be back tomorrow with new posts. In the meantime, whip up a salad with some of the tasty dressing recipes people are sharing below!


Momala said...


I've given you a bloggy award over at my blog! Stop by and check it out!

Anonymous said...
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Miss G said...

What a lovely, lovely, lovely surprise! I'm just about to hop in bed after two days of being home with the virus that's going around and this is a delightful way to end the day! Thanks so much, Meredith! Kelly