Thursday, January 17, 2008

Still talking!

Our discussion about fighting discontent has been so fruitful! Here are a few posts inspired by the subject:

If I missed something you wrote in response, leave us the link in the comments below!


Anonymous said...

I think what all of these posts are saying is really very simple. A person has to be content with their own life. Not keeping up with the Jones's....I think that turning off the darn TV works wonders..if you do not see it on TV or in magazines etc. you do not know you are missing anything..not saying that all TV is bad, or magazines for that matter, but within reason...get off your duff and DO something.
There is another site I visit often. Have you seen Cindy's Porch? She is wonderful. She tells people to DO instead of BUY...To shop at home first....things I find myself repeating to myself from time to time...She is right. If you do instead of buy the money adds up fast. I admit that even shopping at thrift stores etc. sometimes I shop too much...a person only needs so much....

martha said...

I'd like to pay you a compliment, Meredith. Your blog is so visually beautiful and creatively fresh, the frugal part of the equation doesn't shout at me. So that's a real mark of success for you!

Anonymous said...

How can you post a picture of such delectable food and not share about it? :)

Perhaps it's a frugal gift of the heart for a friend?

Catherine at Frugal Homemaker Plus said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Catherine at Frugal Homemaker Plus said...


Thanks for linking my blog! It's truely an honor!

Anonymous said...

Its grammea!! first chance to hop on-line in months.May be internet available soon though God willing.
Tried to log in at PH but I guess I'd been gone too long.
Please give them all my best and tell them to write if they can,Mel has my address.
Love your blog and its one I miss visiting every day.
Love and God bless,