Sunday, January 27, 2008

From my home to yours

Thank you for bearing with me during the last crazy project. Time and time again, you friends step up to share your wisdom and experience!

With that in mind, I'd like to pass along two hospitality books from my bookshelf: To enter, please leave your name (plus a blog or email address) in the comments below. You can find more great giveaways at Rocks In My Dryer this week.


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Sarah M said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
Sarah M

Anonymous said...

I loved to be entered in your generous giveaway!


Anonymous said...

Your food always looks great! Please enter me in your giveaway. Thanks!
accrisanti at yahoo dot com

Taya @ Delightful! said...

I would love a chance to win! I'm also thoroughly enjoying your blog!

Meangoose said...

What a wonderful end to a fascinating series of posts!

Anonymous said...


Glad you had sucess!

Brandy V

Satchell said...

Count me in!

Anonymous said...

You are an inspiration to me, Meredith, and I would love to read what inspires you! :-)
danamcnair at hotmail dot com

April said...

What a great giveaway! I'd love to be entererd. And I love the idea of lessons in blessing! I may have to check that one out of the library!

Kimberly @ Raising Olives said...

Great. I love your blog for ideas and encouragement.


Kelli said...

Woot! I would be totally blessed by these books :)

Cindy from Upstate NY said...

I have certainly enjoyed reading your wonderful posts. I am sure the bride's family was thrilled to have you working with them. Thanks for letting us take a peek at your labor of love.

oh and enter me in the giveaway as well. I for one could use a helpful hints for hospitality. :)


Gina said...

Please count me in for a chance in your giveaway :) I've been thoroughly blessed by your blog since finding it a few weeks ago. Thank you!


Eleanor Joyce said...

Your blog is always an inspiration to visit!

Amy said...

How nice of you! :)

Wendy said...

This series has been such a delight to read; I'm sorry to see it end. I hope you will have the opportunity to do something similar so we can watch and learn again. :)

Anonymous said...

You rock, Meredith. I would love to be included in your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your great posts! Please enter me.


Missy K said...


How kind-- we all learn so much from your adventures! Please enter me!

Missy K

Anonymous said...

I love browsing cookbooks. These look delightful.

Sandy said...

Sure, count me in. Sounds great!
(you know where to find me!)

Jen said...


You are encouraging and inspiring!

I love visiting your blog. Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered please!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet and kind thing to do. I know that who ever wins your books will enjoy them very much.

Thank you for taking the time to blog while you were so very busy with your party and your daughter was ill too. You amaze me no end.

Take care. Roxie

Layla said...

I so enjoy following along with your projects!

I'd love to be entered in your giveaway.

Edi said...

I enjoy books on hospitality - please enter me in your drawing. Thanks.

Megan said...


Thank you for this opportunity! You are a blessing!

Monds & Mayberry said...

Your blog is a big source of inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I am so excited to enter this!

Nicki said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I found your blog a few weeks ago and I have truly been blessed by reading it. I have been very sick since my normally controlled asthma reared it's ugly head. Through the ER and Dr. visits, the pills and the numerous breathing treatments your blog has been a breath of fresh air! Thanks!
Bright blessings, Kim
mytupkim2003 at yahoo dot com

Nicki said...

I was just recently introduced to your blog this past week. This weekend I spent quite a bit of time reading through your archives. I have to say that you have inspired me in my homemaking, hospitality, and many other areas. Thank you for sharing all of the things that you do. I cannot tell you how much I have learned this weekend. As a matter of fact, the majority of my family's conversation today at brunch, after church, stemmed from my telling everyone about your blog. :)

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm sugaring you up to get an edge on the book prize! LOL! However, I've been thinking that I need to tell you how much I enjoy your this seems like as good a time as any. :)

Thank you for sharing with all of us. This little place of yours is truly a blessing.

livinginmymind @

Tammy and Parker said...

Oh! How wonderful!

Thank you.

Tammy and Parker

Rachel said...

I'd love one of the books, Thanks for your blog!!!

Jeana said...

Sign me up, please!

Momala said...

Love your blog, and I'd love to win the books!

Sheree said...

If this is the book that helps to give you such wonderful inspiration, I would very much like to be included in your drawing.

Nikki @ Saving For A Rainy Day said...

Thank you Meredith!
You're blog has been a source of light on these blah winter days!

michellenotdawn said...

Here's hoping!
michelle dot rutherford at gmail dot com

Robin Green said...

Sounds like something I could use. I would love to win.

Michelle said...

Hi Meredith,

I would love to enter!


Julian said...

very nice blog. I love your blog, its very informative, and I admire what you are trying to do, and the way you live. Please add my name to the drawing!
Christina Gomez

Rachel said...

Oh! Enter me!! Wonderful idea, as usual, Meredith!


mommyofmany said...

I'm really enjoying your blog. And thanks for the opportunity in the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure these are inspirational books, thank you for offering them.

Anonymous said...

The books sound wonderful! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

This is a fun end to a busy weekend. I'm sure that any one of your many readers would enjoy it. Good luck, everyone! And now, on to the new week!

Anonymous said...

OOps!! Forgeto to sign my entry above!

Martha said...

Thanks for you offer. Please enter me.


Anonymous said...

Oh pick me pick me! I hope I win as I would so love the books!

Anonymous said...

oops forgot to sign

Kathy said...

Thanks, Meredith, for the opportunity to win one of these lovely books!

Anonymous said...

These look good, especially the second one!

greyhoundgirl29 at

the momma said...

ooh aren't you a sweetie!
I'd love a chance to win
actually, I'd love to win :-)

Amanda said...

What a lovely giveaway -- please include me!

famille_huggins at

Catherine at Frugal Homemaker Plus said...

Your lunch looked so beautiful! I strive to be even half the gracious hostess you are!

I'd love to be entered to win the books!

Miss G said...

This is my first ever blog giveaway to enter! How fun! Thank you for offering it! Kelly

Mary said...

Hi Meredith,
This giveaway is just like you. Thinking of others and how to bless them. Thanks for taking the time to share about your project.

Mary of

Anonymous said...

Love reading your blog and those books sound great. Please enter me!
mmsmith at nextcent dot com

Anonymous said...

love your blog...daily reader :)
love the giveaways...~Connie
cmhesh at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

love your blog

Liz said...

Oh, I'm so excited. Those books look wonderful. Elizabeth

Stuart and Beth said...

I have enjoyed your blog such an inspiration.


Rex said...

Our family has made a New Year's resolution to practice intentional hospitality! Either of these would be great for us!

Raquel said...

I love all of your wonderful ideas! enter me please =)

Karen said...

Your blog is one of my favourites :)

Count me in for the giveaway

(I'm hosting a giveaway for the Bloggy Giveaways carnival this week too!)

Leigh Ann said...

How sweet! Count me in.
Leigh Ann

Pen In Cheek said...

How on earth will you decide? Well, I'd be honored to be considered.

By the way, I thought of you today when I woke up inspired to make a pot of chili and invite some friends over for lSunday lunch. I had everything I needed on hand and thought, "oh, Meredith would be so proud that I stocked up on all these canned goods when they were on sale so I can have people over at the last minute!"

penincheek at hotmail dot com

Mary in MN said...

Please enter me, thanks!

Laura said...

Sounds wonderful!

Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith,

Enter me!!! heathhughes@comcast dot net

Thanks for everything you do!


Robin said...

Those look like great books.

The Chatty Housewife said...

Yay! Those books sound great.


Ginny said...

I enjoy your blog and would love to be entered in the giveaway.

gingram (at) truevine (dot) net

dixymiss said...

I'd love to enter for a chance to win. ThanX for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

Looks like a great giveaway. I've never read either book.


Lynn said...

Please enter me in the draw Meredith. Hospitality is one of my goals for 2008.

Niki said...

Both books sound very interesting, please include me :)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. Please enter me in your giveaway.
Thanks, Amy

Joanna said...

Enter me! Thanks Meredith!

Karen said...

Hurray for giveaways!
I'd love to be entered. Thanks for including us in your journey!


Anonymous said...

I'd love to be entered in your giveaway! I am personally working on the difference between entertaining and being truly hospitable.


Anonymous said...

lizzykristine said...

I'm always on the look-out for hospitality & cooking books!! Please enter me in the drawing! :)

pizzlewigg said...

I enjoy my daily visits and the information I learn here.
Thank you!

pizzlewigg said...

and I would love to be entered.

Kris said...

I am a new fan of yours. Thanks for the interesting and helpful blog!

Anonymous said...

Say "giveaway" and we all perk up - including me. Thanks for sharing

~~Deby said...

Add my name in, please

yesipray at gmail dot com

Alicia said...

Please include me...
(I love your blog!)

Anonymous said...

I would love to be in the giveaway! Thanks! Lynn

n. said...

What a wonderful offering! Thanks

The Stepford Stepmom said...

I would love to be entered in this giveaway, please. :) The hospitality book is one I'd die to have!

Tiffany said...

Thank you for the contest. Your blog is always a joy to read!

Janis Rodgers said...

Enter me please! I love your blog!

Momala said...

I'd love to win those books! Thanks!

sherri said...

What a lovely giveaway. I'd be honored to host either of these books in my home. Thanks for the continued inspiration.

Marsha said...

What a lovely way to pass on your knowledge. Thank you!

Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

Enter me! I haven't heard of either of these books.

HilLesha O'Nan said...

Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I would love to read those books. Thanks for offering them up!

Jamie - Family Focused Fun said...

Those look like great books! I'd love to get a chance to win! :-) Thanks for the fun contest!

tiffany said...

I love to entertain and do not have either of these books. Please enter me in your generous give away. :)

Coach Paulette said...

These books look like they'd be a real inspiration!

Christie@tisbutaseason said...

I've so enjoyed "watching" the process you've used during the last few weeks. I check everyday for great ideas. Thanks for being so sharing of your creative/frugal side. It is a blessing!

Ginny said...

Count me in for the contest. I wanted to add those turkey pita sandwiches look good, I think my daughters would like those! Thanks for the tips :)

Anonymous said...

This is such a great blog! Thanks so much for the chance to win the books!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for holding the drawing. I think the pita pockets are wonderful. Lois Cavanagh-Daley

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance to win

Anonymous said...

Love your blog, and thanks for the chance for the books!

Beverly said...

You have been quite the inspiration to me and your blog has really made me rethink how I and my household does thing!

Thanks for giving your readers a chance to win the books!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

Love your blog - it's always so inspiring. I look forward to reading it every day. Thanks for hosting this fun giveaway!

Britni said...

I hate cooking for others so these would be great to get me inspired!

Queen B said...

These look like wonderful books! Thank you!!

Judy said...

Please enter me in your drawing! I LOVE your blog, and feel so inspired by it!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to enter! I love reading your blog! You inspire me often!

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a lot of interest! I would love to be entered also. Thanks!!
athomeelise AT yahoo DOT COM

*carrie* said...

These look like wonderful books, Meredith. Please enter my name!

Betty Canuck said...

I'd love to enter this round! If you'd rather not post to Canada, I fully understand!

email: r vriesema at yahoo dot ca

martha said...

Look how many entries you have! Proof positive that you're a real inspiration!

Becky @ BoysRuleMyLife said...

Oh, I think I'd love these books! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love your blog!

Jackie said...

Please enter me!

Grandma P said...

I would love to be included in your give-a-way. You're one of my favorite bloggers.

Anonymous said...

Hi Meredith,

I enjoy your blog and check in on you daily.

~Babychaser~ said...

These look great! I'd love to be entered! :)

Bebemiqui said...

Great giveaway!

BessieJoy said...

You continue to amaze me! And I think of you and your family every time I make baked oatmeal!

Amanda Jayne said...

Please enter me!

Amy said...

I would love to enter. Big thanks Meredith :o)


Mommy said...

Please count me in too! Thank you for giving these away! :)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful books! Please add me, thanks so much!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Please enter me!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to enter. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

These books look great!



Anonymous said...

Please enter me to!

Anonymous said...

Lovely books, please enter me

Andrea said...

Great giveaway!
Can I play if I'm from Canada?

Anonymous said...

Those both look very helpful. Count me in!

Anonymous said...

Would love to be part of your drawing! Right now I am practicing hospitality with four 10 year old boys! My son's school has a day off so 3 of his friends are here to sled and snowboard down our big hill in the backyard. They enjoyed sloppy joes, french fries, chocolate cake and fruit punch while I threw their wet clothes in the dryer. They are back outside, thank goodness! Dianne

Natalie said...

They look like great books. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would love to be entered in yoru drawing.
julies at fast dot net

Dollymama said...

That's great! Pick me! :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for entering me in giveaway drawing!


Daniel and Teresa said...

Please enter me. Thanks!

Me said...

What a nice giveaway!
Blessing to you!

The Nester said...

Count me in! Thanks so much! I am stalking you!

Erin said...

These sound great!! Please enter me.


Dianna said...

I would love to read any book you recommend!

Heather said...

Please count me in. The books sound interesting.

Anonymous said...

I so enjoy reading your blog! I could use these books, I need help in the hospitality arena! Thanks, Billie

mamayates at bellsouth dot net

Renee said...


Thanks so much for your lovely blog sharing. These books sound wonderful, a must have for my ever growing huge library. Enjoyed your catering and want to try the turkey pitas in my own busy household after seeing your assembly duties. :-) I've subscribed to your blog after finally finding out about how to do that (silly me, I was clicking your blog each day to see more of your fun, fun, fun here!) You have blessed many other women in blogland. Thank you also for your nice comment on my own blog today.

Katie said...

I recently heard a talk about hospitality that totally convicted me, and changed me (I hope). I would love to have these. Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance to win!

katie at dekabyte dot com

momofmhasr said...

How neat.

Hedi said...

how I like cookbooks and homemaking books!

Hélène said...

Please enter me! I love cookbooks.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway!

Maren Vargas

Christa said...

Any book that has inspired you would be more than welcome in my house ... And if I don't win them, I'm going to go find them somewhere! :) Thanks for all the inspiration your blog brings to my days!

Robin said...

A lovely giveaway. Count me in please.

Susie said...

I would also like to be entered! =)

Qtpies7 said...

Those sound like treasures to hold on to. I would like to build up a stock of cook books for my daughters for when they leave home.

Bree said...

Please enter me! Thanks!

majellamom said...

You are so inspiriational! If those books can help me become even half as hospitable as you are, I could really use them!

Kath Mattus said...

Love to read your many frugal and creative ideas! Thank you for sharing with us. :~)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and these books look wonderful to read!

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is a bright spot! Please enter me in your drawing.


Tubo Family said...

Thanks for the drawing, what a wonderful bonus on top of the great reading!

Marcia said...

I so need to learn to cook better.

Bargainista said...

I'd love to be entered. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

I would like to be entered int he drawing:


Shannon said...

I would love hints on how to be more hospitable in my home! These books look great!

Britt said...

Great giveaway! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stop by my place to win a bath set & candles or one of two copies of a book I'm giving away.

Laura @ Laura Williams' Musings

Eden said...

Oh, I'd love to win! These books would be perfect for me! Please count me in! Thank you!

I'm doing a giveaway on both of my blogs:

I'll be doing a new giveaway everyday until Friday. Thought you might want to know.


Anonymous said...

Would love to read some of the books you like Meredith! Thanks for being there to inspire us! Best wishes! Taryn

Jennifer said...

This is one of my favorite blogs! You are an inspiration!

Anonymous said...

Those books look wonderful!!!

!~ Kim

Marilyn B said...

What a wonderful blog!Count me in please :) Thank you!

Mystnrayne said...

Please enter me, thanks!

LadySnow said...

Great giveaway!

Re said...

Love the giveaway - count me in! :)

Angela said...

Sound like great books!

lydia said...

Count me in!

Our Home Schooler and Jen said...

Please sign me up


Stephanie said...

Those look great...count me in!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for entering me in your contest.

Chelsea said...

I could really use these -- the hospitality gene seems to have passed me by.

Anonymous said...

Please enter me!

Beth said...

cool giveaway, Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sounds wonderful! Please, enter me!

Ben and April said...

I truly enjoy reading your blog! Great prizes!


Heather said...

These books look good.

Rebecca said...

Beautiful books. Count me in.

Kristy said...

Count me in!

~Nancy~ said...

Great giveaway! Thanks for the chance!
Be sure to come enter mine.

Tia said...

Ooo they look interesting. Might help me improve my hostess skills, which need upgrading a little!

Jennwith4 said...

Hospitality is so important I actually posted about it recently on my blog! I'd love to win one of these! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

we enjoy entertaining, but don't do it often enough. would love a little inspiration!


Unknown said...

Great prize, thanks.

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