Friday, December 28, 2007

A gift for myself

Mom and I stopped by the Goodwill after returning a snow globe to Walmart.

I took a small portion of the refund and treated myself: a cozy mohair throw ($2) and a package of Florentine paper (49 cents). Much better!

Of course, I had to dig through a bin to find the stationery, but isn't that part of the fun?


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful throw. I would love to have that. I often wear a shawl around my shoulders when we go out. It is not super cold here in central Texas so a simple around the shoulders cover is plenty. That color is so very pretty. Thanks for sharing. I am really pea green with envy. I look every week at the Goodwill and Salvation Army Thrift store and I do not find such nice things. I really do look hard too. Thanks again for sharing. Roxie

Anonymous said...

Meredith, I think I'd like to move to Nashville just for the thrift stores!! Amazing!

Edi said...

For me the thrill has always been in the "hunt". Even though I might go to countless garage sales or thrift stores and come up empty - it has still be an enjoyable time for me.

I don't like antique stores or malls as much - because the prices are higher and you don't have the pleasure of stumbling upon an unclaimed treasure that you realize is much more valuable than the 50 cent tag on it.

The stationery border is so pretty is reminds me of the decorated edges in illuminated writing books.

In the days BC (before computer) I was a big letter writer (all by hand) and I enjoyed searching out beautiful writing paper.

Anonymous said...

I adore the Italian stationary and I have purchased enough to know this is pricey paper. Good for you!

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

Good deals! I still don't know how you manage to find all those goodies with two little ones in tow.

Dianna said...

Much better than a snowglobe!

TJ said...

I took hubby to the thrift store Sunday because he was going to spend money on new dropclothes to cover the ATV's int he garage. While we were searching for the right sized bottom sheets, that weren't girly colored, and had the 50% off red tags I said "isn't this fun?" Unfortunately his answer was "No." Oh well I enjoyed it!

Amy said...

Love the stationary! You always find the best deals at thrift stores! :)

I've been itching to hit the local thrift store outlet- haven't been there in a month or two. I think I'll have to go on Saturday and see what treasures I can find, now that you've got me thinking about it again. :)

Mimi said...

You always find the best things!

Christian - Modobject@Home said...

I find that much more likely to write meaningful notes to people if I have pretty to paper on which to write! Even better that yours was cheap.

Meredith said...

Roxie, I don't have your email address.

Would you mind emailing me at when you have a moment?

Kathryn said...

Ooo. What pretty paper. Good finds and good deals. Fun! I love thrift stores and I just moved, so I have a whole new city of them to discover. Whoo-hoo!

I had seen your blog before, but I plan to become a regular visitor if you don't mind. SO, Nice to meet ya!

Donna(mom24boyz) said...

Great finds as always!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering since you are in-the- know about thrift stores - when do you think is the best time to visit after Christmas? I would think many give before the end of the year for donations.

Anonymous said...

Just a side thought, but I'm wondering if you have any personal frugal-living goals for 2008? I'm working hard to kick it up a notch or two and love to hear how others are doing the same. Thanks for the practical thoughts you share.

Anonymous said...

Goodwill is my second home!

Anonymous said...

It really IS part of the fun! (o:


Martha said...

I love Goodwill - so much so that my husband actually went in there before Christmas and asked them if he could purchase a gift card. (They looked at him funny - but that is the one place I would LOVE a gift card to!)

I love the throw.


Anonymous said...

Great finds, I just love the throw. Such a soft pink colour.