Saturday, December 08, 2007

Colored lights

...a true sign of parental love.


sherri said...

Before my husband and I married we had to hammer out the details of Christmas lights. I, of course, wanted white while he wanted the big bulb colored variety. We weren't planning on having children so I thought I was very clever to negotiate that we'd have colored lights (small) if ever there were children in the house. Needless to say God's plans were far different from my own and we were unexpectedly pregnant 6 months into our marriage. We've had those colored lights ever since and I now find them lovely. I think love is the fastest way to change your perspective on such things. LOVE you blog and look forward to every post.

Jenny's Vegcafe said...

I like the colored lights. Right now our 4 year old has redecorated our tree so all similar ornaments are hanging on the same branch. She even wrapped some toilet paper on one branch for extra decoration. I plan on removing it before we have company but for right now I'm just letting it go. It's hard to surrender that control sometimes but I enjoy her 'joy' more than I enjoy my own attempts at beauty.

Cathy said...

When I finally gave in and bought colored lights, the kids' mouths dropped open in disbelief and they whispered "you mean, people can BUY these lights?"

I guess they assumed our neighbors somehow were born with a strand of colored lights and we were born with white.

I enjoy your blog :)

Nicola said...

oh, i disagree! we tried white lights one year and the tree just wasn't the same. bring on some color and spirit, i say! :)

Martha said...

Ah - here is how I solved that one. I got the kids their own tree for up by their rooms in the entry way upstairs.

Now - they have "their" tree - colored lights and all - and I have "my" tree - white lights and all. :)


Amy said...

We did colored lights this year too and sucked it up for the kids :) The tree that was on sale in the Kmart flier only came in the colored variety so we are enjoying color for the next few years :)

Anonymous said...

cathy, that's FUNNY!

We have the big monster colored lights on our tree and love them.

In a sweet move of deference, (or was it the early cold descending on New England?) the family let ME do white lit candles in each streetside window and balsam branches in the urns and gathered in a swag for the door. WOO-HOO! No outdoor bush lights or blinking deer or Frosty that has been their decor of choice for childhood years!


Jane said...

LOL! Isn't it funny how this splits pretty evenly down gender lines! And children, well they love colored, &flashing. All the excitement gets to them!

MommyLydia said...

This lady likes color, NOT just plain white, or blue, or anything. all the colors of the rainbow please.

Amy said...

I have several trees-- some white lights, some multi-colored. :) I like any and all Christmas lights.

LynnMarie said...

Both my husband and I grew up with colored lights and we still have them all over the tree. I love them when the lights in the room are off and the different colors glow from the tree. One thing that we have done for years - In the windows, we have white lights everywhere except in one window, where it's blue. My husband is a police officer and so we put one blue light for the police officers who will not be home for Christmas since they have given there life in the line of duty. People use to ask us all the time why we have one blue light but now they know and really think it is a wonderful idea. My cousin is married to a fireman and they do the same thing but with one red light. When I drive up at night, and see the one blue light,I am reminded to give my husband a extra bit hug when I see him.

Tamara said...

That's funny. My husband and I also had to iron out our light differences our first Christmas together. I decorated the tree with white lights, but he didn't like it, so I stayed up into the wee hours of the night, redecorating it and crying! Then I prayed about it and got my heart right and rejoiced at having a new way to celebrate Christmas! Now, we use white lights around the trunk of the tree, and color on the branches. The white lights around the trunk add depth and sparkle, and I've grown to love the combination. Outside, we use white lights on garlands, and colored lights on two small trees which flank the doors. Sherri's does change your perspective.

My Blessings From Above said...

We use colored here since we have had the kiddos! For several years before we used white. I have to say I love the colored lights!

Jenn @ Frugal Upstate said...

I personally prefer the white, but my MIL gave us a prelit tree with colored lights (she downgraded to a small tree she can put up herself) So now we have the one with the colored lights up in the front window-where it looks spectacular from the street, and we put the one we've had in the den with the white lights and decorations. So now everyone is happy.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

We've always done white, but the colored look pretty. However, your tree is the perfect size/shape! It reminds me of the trees we got back when I lived in Oregon.

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

I'm a colored-lights girl. My husband prefers color, too, thankfully. But I understand that most women prefer white.

Rmomof3 said...

I am right there with you - as our tree looks just like that for the first time this year! Ahh well, maybe in about 20 years or so we can switch back to white lights again - except perhaps when grandkids visit!

Anonymous said...

Amen!! This year I decided to be a fun mom and do colored lights for the kiddies. I used to love colored lights growing up but when I had my own tree preferred white lights. Crazy how a little age changes you.

Anonymous said...

I even have my contacts in and you look like the calmest person in the world with your tree on fire! Maybe I need stronger contacts or else I need to pull the computer monitor up to my nose! It's lovely!