I agree! Due to our method of buying all year long from unconventional sources, we are rarely pinched for time or money this time of year.
Where I feel the Christmas pressure? In being the chief provider of all family memories and traditions. It's a big job!
I've been buying all year round for years and I agree, it has saved money and sanity! LOL
My husband usually has a house renovation project going on during Christmas break (he's a professor). I always feel the pressure to get the house set back to rights before the big day arrives. He never disappoints me -- the house gets improved and he makes sure it's spotless by the 23rd of the 24th, but I stew about it too much.
On the agenda today: we'll get a Christmas tree and he'll install 6 recessed light fixtures in the kitchen. Never a dull moment!
I enjoyed Ramblings post - especially her attitude "it is a joy to sit and wrap a gift tied up with heartstrings of love."
I know what you mean about being the chief provider of family memories and traditions. Is this the case in most households?
It's the case in our home - especially where Christmas in concerned. My dh did not grow up celebrating Christmas of any sort and so he totally doesn't "get it".
It's hard for me to get into Christmas when my dh doesn't really care about it. I'm not trying to "diss" him - he's a great husband and provider...he's just not into holiday celebrations. I think it's due to the fact that the reason why some things about Christmas are special now - are b/c they are linked to happy childhood memories.
But slowly we are developing what I hope will be traditions that our children can experience. And I am the one that needs to think about what to do and make the plans/suggestions and carry them out.
In our house, we set aside money in a savings account for gifts each month, half of the funds are for Christmas gifts. We make a list of everyone to buy gifts for, anyone one not on the list receives a baked good or other simple homemade item. We've done this for nearly three years and never have to deal with financial stresses when it comes to buying gifts, giving becomes so much more enjoyable.
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