These blue jackets and hats are in stark contrast to the rest of her ruffles and bows, though. That's why I was so tickled to find this little knit flower pin for 10-cents at a yard sale last week.
What do you think? Does the blossom look out of place, or pleasingly pink?
Pleasingly Pink, most definitely! I love it. Good job!
Pleasingly pink, for sure. I think it looks adorable!
I think it is jsut the right touch of femiminity, and I dont think that shade of blue is too boyish to begin with:>)
I LOVE it, Meredith! Since blue is my all-time favorite color, I think the entire effect is quite nice. With the pink bottoms, especially, the flower is perfect. Desert Lady
Super cute!
thumbs up on the pink flower!
I love the pink flower! It's a hit with me!
The pink is perfect! What a great way to girl-ify an outfit. I must remember this one since I have had a girl followed by 7 boys. Needless to say, I'm a little heavy on blues, blacks, grays and browns should we be blessed with another girl someday!
Susan in Manitoba
I think it is lovely...
I had the reverse problem--three girls followed by twin boys. No way of "manlifying" all of that pink and purple with bunnies...lol
Meredith, it is precious!
The pink flower pin is just the thing to add that perfect touch of femininity. Very cute!
Beautiful! What I want to know is how do you think of these things? Do you shop with specific things in mind, or do you just "happen" upon these things and have a light bulb go off in your brain? My mommy-brain is tired. . . ; )
Love it!!! I think it's a brilliant way to make something boyish more feminine (says the mom with two boys and then a girl who is keeping this idea in her reserves now).
I think it's darling, and a very clever solution for having her wear boy's outerwear.
love it, love it, love it!!! cute stuff!
It's perfect!
What a great addition to make something boy... delightfully girl! I will be doing some of the same very shortly! :)
So cute and very creative!
She looks very stylish! My daughter was the older one, so I had very few things I could hand down. Luckily though there was a black snowsuit and an infant suit that was turquoise. But all that pink and purple had to go.
Adorable. What a sweet idea.
She is beautiful, the flower is just right. You are a wonderful Mom and a great example for a little girl. (and her brother) Thank you for the wonderful blog. Roxie
I love it! Besides, the pink-for-girls and blue-for-boys is a rather new trend that only started in the 50's. I love blue...love wearing it! Blue & pink together is especially precious!
Now THAT is cute! I think it adds just the right touch of femininity.
Out of place or pleasingly pink? Both.
I think she's plenty cute without the flower, and I think the flower is so out of place it makes me smile. The suit is sturdy and practical, and the flower is fluffy and cute and amusingly huge and has no practical value whatsoever. The contrast is strong and begs for a double-take and then maybe a giggle.
I think you're asking about "out of place" as if that's a bad thing. I hope I've explained that in this context, I think that's a fun thing.
it is very pleasing. and she's a sweetie.
deb meyers
I think it is pleasingly pink...and PERFECT! I was always to "worried" that my little girl would look like a boy if I let her wear her big brother's clothing. I wish I had been smart enough to think of something like this :)
She looks chic and up to date with her pretty pink flower.
It's perfect, Meredith!
Simply adorable!!
I think the bow looks nice, Meredith. Why not e-bay your blue stuff, and pick up some pink cheaply secondhand, though?
Love it! You are such a good role model for your children and others. Three cheers for your frugal remake of that hat!
Yeah. I was reading a book about Rose growing up (Laura's daughter) and it was pink for boys and blue for girls! Exactly opposite!
So, Meredith.. how do you decide which clothes to keep for the next kids and whic are not worth storing?
Totally adorable!
Thank you! I like the effect, but I had a moment of hesitation after I pinned it on.
To answer your questions,
*No, I wasn't thinking of this use when I bought the knit flower. I pretty much only bought it because it cost 10 cents and it came in a pretty gold paper box from a jewelry store. (Perfect for the small ornament frames I got for my mother-in-law.) The flower was an after thought.
*I also like blue for girls and prefer it above most colors. It's just the line of the hat and coat looked so severe compared to most of her feminine clothes.
*I kept these because it was hard to find matching coats and hats and snowpants secondhand (like I painstakingly assembled these outfits to coordinate on some level.) After all, I might have had another boy. And I'm still hoping to have another one. Little girls jackets, on the other hand, are a dime a dozen, and I've picked up a few more feminine choices for rain, windy days, etc.
*How do I know which clothes to keep? I'm not a fertile Myrtle, averaging only one child every four years. Plus, I've moved a lot, forcing these decisions sooner than most of you would have to. I don't believe in storing clothes past two years or so unless you have the space and/or siblings. Otherwise, strange stains develop, things go out of style, etc. I am keeping Elise's smocked dresses for a while longer. Otherwise, the rest of her clothes came secondhand, got a good wearing, and have been passed along to another family who can use them right now.
I LOVE IT. Having an older brother, my DD often wears his hand-me-downs but I typically use them as play clothes. I never considered fancying (is that a word!?) them up! Yet another fantastic idea, Meredith! Thanks for sharing. :)
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