Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Library elf

Waltzing Matilda has just simplified my life with her review of Library Elf! I just combined all 4 of our library card accounts into one easy-to-manage page, with email and RSS alerts.


Charlotte (WaltzingM) said...

Yeah! Happy to help! We have benefited greatly from the assistance of that friendly elf!

Meredith said...

I've been managing our books online for a couple of years now, but this Library Elf is so much easier.

Now I have a complete list of everything on all 4 cards, along with overdue alerts and items sorted in order of due date...without even having to type in each library card number!

Apart from the occasional lost book, now I have no excuse for overdue fees!

Anonymous said...

I think it's terrific that Elise has her own card. Start 'em young.

Just another simplifying tip ... Except for rare occasions, everything is checked out on MY card. That way, only one account to monitor online.

What happens if DH or the kids show up at the library without me? We live in a small town, and the librarians know us ... they'll let the kids check out books or pick up my holds without a card.

Meredith said...

Each of our cards has a 25 book limit. We check out about 50 books a week.

Two cards would (in theory) suffice, except that our convenient branch takes a REALLY REALLY REALLY long time to check our old books back in.

We could be browsing for an hour and our cards would still show 50 books checked out, leaving us no room for our new load.

So two more cards give us a little more flexibility with the check-out, check-in delay.

Anonymous said...

I've been using Library Elf for about six months now, and it really is terrific. Another wonderful feature my library has is online reserving of books. I just drive up to the library, and they have a huge stack of books waiting for me at the desk. It's like having a personal shopper, lol.

The only drawback to this is that the kids don't get to go into the library and browse as much, but my 3-yr. old is dealing with some "wild boy" issues that seem to come with being three. When he settles down and is more reliable, we'll starting going into the library for exteded visits more often.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the link to that tip. I immediately signed up. I have 4 cards at 4 different county libraries. This will make my life sooooo much simpler.