Lindsey's still Finding Contentment In The Suburbs, but the bloom is off the rose. Cheer her on.
Cheap Healthy Good shares gourmet recipes and advice for treating your foodborne Affluenza. Kris, love your blog, but my husband strongly disagrees about eradicating mayonnaise from the face of the earth.
I hope you'll be as creatively inspired at Golightly Place as I was.
Hi Meredith! Thank you so much for the link. Your blog is fantastic - the layout is neat, the pictures are awesome, and your kids are beautiful. :)
Hello Mrs. Meredith. I am so thankful that you shared this links. I am so excited to search them. Thanks!
Meredith, thank you once again so much for your wonderful blog. The links in this post were so helpful and touched on things that are ongoing issues for me. Very inspirational!
Bless you.
This is a very timly piece for me. I am struggling with getting my closet in order and to get rid of things that do not belong in the closet. My husband has his own closet and I am NOT happy to admit that his closet is more organized than mine. His closet is bigger too. (he has uniforms as well as his street clothes) Anyway, thanks for the ideas. I am sure I will find lots of ideas I can put to use. For one it is going to be PAINT and a light. My closet has neither. My husband has told me he will put in a light for me, I have to take everything out and paint on my own...okay...Again thanks for the blog. It always inspires me. Roxie
I just love your blog! I do not have a blog of my own but I do love to read them. Your blog is full of neat little tips and tricks and I really enjoy it! Take care and blessings to you!
Meredith, my traffic at Finding Contentment in the Suburbs was more today than in any given WEEK! :)
Thanks to you!
As always I love you and your blog and all your words of wisdom. Thanks for cheering me up!
just wanted to let you know that i LOVE your blog!
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