Monday, October 08, 2007

Free festivals, yes.

Free hot dogs, no.

A young friend invited us to his church's fall festival. The kids were delighted with bouncy castles, old-fashioned carnival games, and free snow cones. Elise and I split a hot dog. I even remarked that the church's electric roaster full of hot dogs was an excellent serving idea.

Big mistake! Within a hours we were both violently ill. I had to call my mother to come spend the night. Thank goodness we are both on the mend.

All the gory details just to say that...
(1) Sometimes free is not a bargain.
(2) I forgot to link to today's column at Frugal Hacks.


Anonymous said...

What do you think about the save $10 on your next 75 order coupons I inevitably get AFTER I have stocked up. I knwo these are lost leader gimicks but I was wondering should I spend $75 and stock up on basic to save $10?

We do an electronic envelope system ( which according to statistics saves the user and average of 10% in their certainly is helping us at least that much in our mindless spending) this month there is money in the envelope, I was thinking of spending the surpolus to save the $10.

What about the months I get the coupon and there is not money in the envelope? What do you think about borrowing against the next trip to save that $10 this week?

Jennifer said...

Your post is hitting a little too close to home. I am on my second round of campylobacter (a horrible food poisoning that settles in your intestines - antibiotics for me both times). Fortunately this time it only last 1 week instead of 2. Food poisoning is not fun and I have really changed the way I think about food handling in the process. BTW I got my lovely case from a rotisserie chicken from Sams Club. You can't be too careful! I hope you and Elise are feeling better soon, it is always harder when a little child is sick too.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you are sick. I know that food poisoning is not fun. I think though that a roaster can be good way to do hot dogs for a large group of people IF the dogs are kept at the right temp. and IF the dogs are fresh to begin with.
I really hope your precious daughter and you are on the mend soon. Roxie

Gena said...

I hope you and your sweet daughter are feeling better soon. I once had a nasty case of food poisoning from fast food and hope to never have that again!

Anne Marie@Married to the Empire said...

Oh, you poor things! Food poisoning is MISERABLE. You're very blessed to have your mother close by to come take care of you!

Fatcat said...

Oh how awful for you! I've had food poisoning and it is not fun!

Anonymous said...

Gosh, I really hate it for you, Meredith, that you and Elise were so sick. I guess everyone has their food poisoning story to tell, but when you are in the throes of it, sometimes it feels like death would be a welcome relief, doesn't it?! Hope you are feeling much, much better very soon. And drink some Gatorade; it makes a WORLD of difference in how you feel after you've had severe vomiting and diarrhea from food poisoning!!

Mary Ann said...

I feel so bad for you and Elise! Be sure and drink plenty of liquids and if you need meds, take Pepto-Bismol-not Immodium!!! Don't ask how I know that...but I did have food poisoning from seafood several years ago-the only time in my life I really wanted to die!

Praying that you will get your strength back really soon.

Hopewell said...

Woops--sounds like someone didn't keep stirring those babies in that cool roaster! Sorry you were sick--glad it was still fun!

Anonymous said...

I hope you've let the church know - just so they know not to serve the hot dogs like that next time!

Amy said...

Oh, yuck! I am so sorry that you are sick. That has happened to me where I think something is free, but then it isn't. Usually happens with those free coupons that I cash in on and my personal stomach issues. If you have to spend the day in the bathroom, then it isn't free :(

Hope you guys feel better soon!

Missy K said...

Oh, dear. I hope you are feeling better by now. Ugh!

2boysmom said...

so scary with a little one. Glad Grandmom could come the rescue! Feel better

Anonymous said...

Sadness, I hope you feel better soon.


Mama Squirrel said...

Poorly handled food at church events is one of my big beefs. Can't count the times I've seen food for an after-church potluck put out way too early or otherwise mishandled (not in one particular church either, I'm talking years of experience in several denominations). Even just cheese and crackers--sitting out in the church hall an hour ahead, yuck. And then there are the dinner-for-the-kids'-group events (like group Christmas dinners) that can be absolutely scary with some of the things-you-shouldn't-do that get done repeatedly.

This isn't a recent thing either...I remember one church barbecue years and years ago where the pastor (who obviously didn't know well-done from a hole in the ground) was given the honour of cooking the burgers--and mine was still raw in the middle.

I think somebody needs to develop a safe-food-handling course aimed specifically at congregations; and one that won't offend all the older ladies (or older men too, the Easter-pancake-brigade) who think they know everything there is to know about food and kitchens.

And I hope you and Elise are feeling much better soon.

The Chatty Housewife said...

Eww, eww, eww. I have definitely eaten some questionable fair hot dogs in my day, but have never gotten sick. Thank you so much for the warning. Maybe there IS a reason for sticking to mini donuts and sno cones! Once I even ordered a hot dog and watched them pull the dripping wiener out of a big steaming electric roaster, stick it in the microwave for a few seconds, plop it on a bun and hand it over. It was a great hot dog and I didn't get sick. I wonder if the microwave was to heat the weiner, kill the germs or solve both problems??? Scary.

Rebecca said...

Oh, my! I hope you will feel back to your old self soon. I just had food poisoning a few months back when I was about 20 weeks pregnant. It is still way too fresh in my mind to want to eat at that restaurant again!