I looked everywhere for eyeglasses cheaper than our vision insurance limit, with little luck. You can buy $39 glasses online, but I wear mine a lot. I wasn't willing to buy them blind.
Waiting at the Thriftsmart checkout, I noticed a perfect pair of Perry Ellis frames. Hmmm. The flex hinges, the ultra-light alloy...all better than I had seen so far. I bought them for $1 and ordered lenses from a preferred-provider optometrist. No out-of-pocket expense!
It's been a tight money month, what with the car repairs, lost shoes, and broken glasses. Finding frames that fit my face (and my budget) is a true blessing.
Meredith, I just wanted to thank you for giving me the idea & courage to prepare & serve a small light meal tonight for my church's Altar Society group. We had fruit kabobs (a huge hit!), chicken salad on croissants and spinach salad. It was stressful for me (I do not entertain much) but so appreciated by all that it was worth it! Thanks for your daily inspiration ... Carey
Thanks for the comment on my page, glad you got a laugh out of Crabmommy, she is one of my absolute favorites. Guess I should not be such a snob about christian mommy bloggers, as I am one. I just don't really market myself that way. Was proud to have such a nice mom on my page, thanks for stopping by. Looking forward to reading more from you!
Awesome bargain!
God is so good to provide for you and guide you in those finds. Thanks for sharing! Keep up the hard work. You are an encouragement and inspiration to many. :)
I just wanted to say hello, Meredith, I am here reading whenever I have time - you are one of my few must reads. I wanted to say, in reference to the plastic bag post, my son nearly choked to death on a cheese slice when he was two. I loved the photo of the shoe lace tying and I applaud your recognition of your 'me' time.
Take care love.
Where did you order your prescription lenses on line? This is something I need to look into.
You'll like the flex hinges ... I had gotten them with my last pair of glasses (after having little hands grabbing at my face and therefore my glasses more times than I can remember) and it has helped extend the frame's life. I don't think I will ever go back to non-flex. :-)
My father in law found website that has glasses for $8-he ordered a pair and was very happy with them. The site is zennioptical.com, I plan to ge a second pair soon as my 16 month old loves to 'play' with mine when I'm not looking!
What a blessing! I love to hear stories of how God provides just what you need at the right time! Thanks for sharing!
I love to hear of God's provisions - and this is another great example!
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