Saturday, August 18, 2007

Vintage Little People

I didn't have much money to spend at the school band's yard sale. We arrived mid-morning, but I still nabbed a few great nature books. Andrew spotted this 70's Little People Sesame Street Playhouse marked only a QUARTER!

Sarah (Mommy, Are The Toys On Sale?) has been buying vintage toys for resale, so I quickly okayed his purchase. At least we'd get a quarter's worth of play from it.

I looked up the going rate of vintage Little People on Ebay when we returned. $8 (and counting!) for this Grover? Amazing! Andrew started jumping up and down, shouting "I'm rich, I'm rich! How much will I get for all the Little People?"

What looked like a fun toy was about to hit the auction block. Finding these vintage Little People will be a fantastic first business for my son. After all, he already spends all his yard sale time digging through toy boxes.


Indie Pereira said...

I've been thinking about raiding the church nursery to sell the vintage stuff. Those little people are the right size to choke on and they do sell well on ebay.

Meredith said...

Yes! I realized when we returned home, each one of the old-fashioned Little People fails the child choking test. They each slide easily through a toilet paper tube.

Too bad, because the old Little People play sets are WAY more fun than the new versions.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I had that set when I was about 7:) In fact, my Mom still has it in her closet. I always wondered why they made Big Bird's head so small and round when it always looked big and fluffy on TV;) Thanks for the info re swallowing hazzard, I wouldn't have known that to look at it. Yet another thing I've learned from your blog:)

Laura Talbert said...

Oh, I had the Sesame Street set too! Oscar was the best :)

What a great find.

TracyMichele said...

I still have my Bert. LOL.

MommyLydia said...

We had that set growing up!

Ann @TheAssetEdge said...

That playhouse was one of my favorite toys growing up, and my mom still has it. Now it's one of my kids' favorite toys at Mama B's house.

With the small pieces, maybe it's a toy for special mom time, instead of an unsupervised toy.

3boysmama said...

I just checked at its up to 20! Wow, great find for you son!

megretleigh said...

Hey! We had those growing up too, and they're still at my parents' house in VA. Who knew you could get a good deal for them! My nieces and nephews still enjoy playing with them, and I don't think my mom would want to sell them. (Maybe she would if I showed her how much they're going for!)

AmyG said...

When my Dad passed away and we had to move off the farm, we had a HUGE rummage sale. We had tons and tons of those old toys and sold them for a song, just to clear stuff out so we could move. Sure am kicking myself now! We had all the old little people from the early 70's!