Some of you may be thinking about
making your own laundry detergent, but aren't sure where to get the ingredients. Zote is a laundry soap comparable to Fels Naptha, though many groceries don't carry either product. Just wanted to let you know Big Lots now carries Zote for 70 cents a bar!
If you don't want to
make your own laundry detergent, you can use Zote as a cheap stain remover. Just wet and rub the bar over a stain before laundering. One bar will last longer than you ever thought possible.
I just saw some at Dollar General yesterday. I can't remember the price.
Our Walmart carries Zote soap. I have used it for years as a stain remover on my kid's clothing. I wet the clothing, wash with the Zote soap, and soak over night in the sink...then I wash with rest of the clothing. Comes out good as new. I also use this soap to wash quilts. I have many old quilts. When I MUST wash one I use this soap as it gentle. Roxie
We always have Fels Naptha on hand for poison ivy. Soap up and let it dry on the skin!
Does Fels Naptha work as a stain remover as well?
When I make my laundry soap, I use 1/3 bar Fels or an entire bar of Ivory? Would you use 1/3 bar of the Zote as well??
Thanks for the info...on a related note, did you know that Big Lots has a "Buzz Club" that offers coupons and special promotions? I just received an e-mail notice today that Sunday, July 22, from 6 - 9 p.m. is Friends and Family night. It is by invitation only (just join the club and they should e-mail you one) and you will receive a coupon to take 20% off your ENTIRE purchase! Hope this helps!
Great tip! I have thought of doing this, but haven't gotten around to it yet!
Thanks for posting this. I haven't been able to find Zote around here and usually stock up when we to a town where I know they have it. I'll check the Big Lots around here.
Meredith if you get a chance please check out the couple of Tupperware pieces I posted a pic of. I'm not familiar with the Tupperware pieces and thought maybe you might have some info on them. Thanks.
That's a good tip. I got my Zote soap at Dollar General for, you guessed it, $1.00. I also found Fels Naptha at my Publix, of all places. I think, from what I've read, that any grated soap will do when making your laundry detergent. I know of one woman who uses her own homemade goat's milk soap.
Thanks for the info. Enjoy these last few days of vacation with your hubby.
I've been using Ivory, but have wanted to try something different. I'll have to see if my Big Lots has it. Thanks.
I have a quick regional question. Is Dollar Tree the same thing as Dollar General? I live in the West.
Thanks, Ruth
Zote is wonderful, and now comes in a white bar for those that don't want the added coloring. If anyone lives where there is a large Mexican population, you should be able to find it at one of the small Mexican markets. We are lucky to have a huge Mexican population, so we have huge stores that cater to them and carry Zote along with several other laundry bars. I've used the other bars, but Zote is my favorite.
I grate the Zote with an old box grater into an old plastic bowl, then add enough hot water to cover and stir to dissolve. I then add it to the washer and wash a load of clothes! Two to three tablespoons works well for me. If I feel it needs a boost, I add a cup of borax.
In ref to Dollar Tree vs Dollar General. I'm from the west and I'm happy to hear that there is DT out there.
Here in SC, we have both Dollar General and Dollar Tree. Dollar General has variations of prices, where Dollar Tree is "everything is a dollar" or "multiples for a dollar".. they are not affiliated here.
I bought a bar of Zote soap. I wanted to use it as a laundry detergent. How do I use it. Do I toss in a piece or make a liquid with it.
With detergent getting so expensive this might be a help.
Thanks Linda
I use Zote soap to make my own laundry soap. I do have a front loader and it works just great. I use gallon milk jugs etc. to store it in because you need something with a lid as it needs to be shaken before every use.
Grate just under 1/4 a bar of zote soap. Put the grated soap in a large stock pot. Bring a regular size sauce pan of water to a boil. Pour the boiling water over your grated soap and fill the stock pot the rest of the way with water. Within 24 hours it will be thick like the normal liquid laundry detergent. I use a large funnel and fill up my jugs. About 1/4 a cup of this soap does even my dirtiest clothes. Very inexpensive too!!!
I just made a batch of Laundry soap with Zote. I have only washed one batch with it thus far. I am waiting anxiously to see how it goes.
Thanks for telling me it was available.
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