FYI to local readers: Thrift Smart stores have leftover 2007 Nashville Citipass books (reg. $20) for $5 while supplies last. In addition to restaurant
buy-one, get-one free coupons, the Nashville Citipass includes 10% off coupons for Best Buy and Home Depot.

My husband celebrated the start of his vacation by treating us to dinner at a local meat-and-three. The Citipass coupon lowered our bill to $8 before tip.
Hi Meredith :) What's a meat-and-three?
Oh, I didn't realize that was such a Southern term!
Elsewhere you might describe a meat-and-three like a diner, except that they usually don't cook food to order, like sandwiches.
Meat-and-threes are casual restaurants which serve homestyle food, as in meat (meatloaf, fried chicken, pork chops) along with THREE vegetable sides (mashed potatoes, green beans, cucumber salad, from among a lengthy list of choices). You can order other things, but the meat-and-three plate is the specialty.
I;m local Meredith, but I'm not sure what a Thrift Smart store is... I'd love to have one. We sure could use it!!
Hi, Karla--glad to meet another local blogger! Thrift Smart is a new chain of charity thrift stores here in the Nashville area. Right now there are only two (in Franklin on Hwy. 96 and on Nolensville Road in Nashville). However, I overheard a company higher-up taking people on a tour. He said they plan to open 3 more stores in the next 6 months.
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