Andrew has an invincible, can't-get-me-down attitude. It's one of the strengths of his character, but it can make effective punishment hard to find. If you sentenced him to sleeping outside, he would say, "Great, I love camping." No TV? "My books make movies in my mind." No toys? "I can always make my own out of sticks and leaves."
He spent the afternoon making a miniature camp-out...

My mom used to make the exact same complaint to my father. "You can't just go issuing long-term punishments," I once heard her say. "You get to toss them out, but I'M the one that has to enforce them."
On the upside, it sounds like your kid is incredibly creative and resourceful. Gee, wonder where he got that from?
Your son sounds like my oldest daughter.
She didn't even mean to be snooty, but she could see the silver lining in every cloud of punishment. Upon being grounded from going outside for one full week, she perked up and said, "Oh, that will be lovely- I'll get to spend lots of time just with you, Mom."
Hello, this is Roxie in Texas again. I can say, been there, done that, as far as your son's NO TOYS for a week punishment.
When my youngest son was small, about 6 I think, my husband and I gave im the big No Toys for a week punishment too. What a back fire that was on ME.
Once though I had to laugh to myself at how my son out witted us. He took all of the clothes pins from the clothes in his closet. Took the pins apart and used them as Toy Soldiers. He had so much fun with those...we found him singing and playing in his room with his NEW toys.......
Your son is so resourceful!!
That is so wonderful..... mine are a bit like that too esp. Amaris.
Well, I also tagged you for a MeMe.... hope you don't mind....LOL
Creative kid! Well, that positive attitude may make punishment difficult, but at least he has an attitude that will serve him well in life!
I know what you mean - it can make so much work for the mommy!
I can definitely envision Andrew as a future leader but in the meantime I wish you luck this week and hope that your husband decides that he may win the battle but lose the war if he issues another such punishment. :)
That's funny! What a creative boy!! Hope you survive...
Love your blog, Elise
Take heart. As you already know, you have an exceptionally intelligent son. I'm a grandmother, and a former kindergarten teacher. Stand strong. Every ounce of effort in disciplining him now will produce pounds of satisfaction later. Of course neither parents nor child will be perfect, but don't grow weary.
Just out of curiousity, what are your plans for his formal education? When I see the splendid activities you come up with at home, I'm very impressed.
I had to laugh at all this. That Andrew is amazingly creative...kinda makes it hard to stay mad at him, doesn't it?!
Susan :-)
My friend had the same problem with her oldest daughter -- they never did find a currency for her. And she's now an adult so will have to learn her lessons on her own.
It's scary to hear it happening to someone else -- means it could be my kid!
Ah! I have a daughter like that too! Sometimes it just breaks my heart to have to discipline her on the straight and narrow for fear that it will change who she is.
How to say it? The very thing that makes her wonderful, is also the thing that needs pruning. Are my shears sharp enough to make a clean cut?
So funny! Children have the wonderful ability of being happy with whatever they can find to hand. How much easier life would be if we could carry that with us to adulthood! I have a hunch your son will be one that can.
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