While my husband fished the Hiwassee, the kids and I tootled around town. Miriam suggested we might be interested in the M&M Mars factory. What? This is the family who listened to the hilarious book
Candy Freak on our last road trip! We set out immediately. The plant no longer gives public tours, but the free bag of candy and the heavenly chocolate smell was some consolation. It's probably better that the inner workings of a candy factory remain mysterious, anyway!

There are tons of small antique shops around Cleveland. This one was a few minutes from our hotel in a pretty residential area.

I found lots of attractive wicker, tole, and bamboo--but nothing fit my budget.

The shop gave me directions to Salvation Army on South Lee Highway. It was small and disorganized, but I found new Gap khakis for Andrew ($1.50) and a periwinkle blue Talbots Kids golf shirt ($1).

After naptime, we parked at the Five Points Museum and walked all over downtown. We stopped at this old-fashioned joint, once named Orange Teaco after its signature soft drink.

This $1 frosty malt was made with the original 1938 recipe. A delicious bargain!

The Habitat Homestore was just across and down from the museum.

Ah, memories! It's been a long time since I've been to an old-fashioned junk store like this. The dimly lit brick building had more junk than building materials, though it stocked far more appliances than I expected. You can fill up a bag of clothes for $1, buy fabric by the bolt or ribbons for around $1/roll.

Be prepared, if you haven't been to a junk store before, this one may scare you with its grime. However, my fellow shoppers were cheerful and friendly, even demonstrating how to roll items of clothing so as to fit more in my $1 sack. I lucked out with children's boutique clothing--a few Ance 'K dresses and a yellow linen Eton suit.
This sounds like a fun day to me! I get excited when I step into dimly-lit junk/thrift stores- such potential treasures waiting to be found! I've never heard of the Ance'K dresses that you found, but it sounds like a good find. And that's a good tip about rolling the clothes for more space in the bag. Have another fun day today!
Susan ;-)
Meredith, I first heard about the Habitat ReStore from your blog ... and then a friend found an old jukebox in one.
So, when we were last in the City, we went to the Habitat ReStore.
Jackpot! A Jenn-Air double oven to replace our 30-yr-old one. New, at Sears, Jenn-Air double ovens run $2000-$3000. The Habitat was charging $425.
Yes, we bought it. DH switched it out with our old oven. It works beautifully -- and it looks good too!
BTW, didn't you stock up on ribbon while you were there?
How in the WORLD do you keep your children occupied at thrift stores? My 4 year old loses interest very quickly.
I'm envious!
Thanks for a fun tour. It was like going with you!
Hi Meredith!
This is the first time I've posted on your blog and I just want to say I absolutely love it! I found your blog through a link to your cobbler recipe from another blog (the recipe is great btw, my husband loves it!).
I know this is an old post, but after trying the cobbler recipe and reading some of your current posts I was so impressed by what you wrote, that I wanted to work my way through all the posts in your archives.
My father-in-law lives right outside of Cleveland in Benton, Tennessee. We make a trip up there to visit every year. Thanks for posting all these great things to do in Cleveland. I've already told my husband about wanting to do some thrift shopping up there this winter when we visit. He wasn't so keen on thrifting a few years ago, but I've since converted him. How can you not appreciate thrift stores when you find things like men's J Crew cashmere sweaters for $2.00?
Sure wish you'd come into the Museum Center for a tour. We have lots of fun things to keep your kids busy! Stop by next time.
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