Sunday, March 04, 2007

Cleaning the refrigerator

Over a week later, and we're still sick. Every surface has been wiped with 10% bleach solution. We emptied everything open from the fridge, though the sickness predated most of the food. As much as it kills me to throw food away, it's better than throwing it up.


Alexandra said...


This stomach virus tends to hang on for some people. Have you tried just sticking to plain foods? it maybe that your stomach is just still irritated(inflamed lining) and can't take regular food yet. I had to go to my doctor for something a few years ago...he said sometimes you just need something to settle it down eventhough the virus is gone.

It took dd almost two weeks to get over hers...she threw up, then it was from the other end. It seemed to get better for a few days, then came back! She's finally over it now.

Hope you feel better soon!

Gini (Hallquist) Young said...

yeah, we've had to clorox the house before as well! It seemed like we were reaquiring the same illness again. I'm so sorry. Hope it gets better soon. Just think of it as your spring cleaning! You're practically done now! You're a mom, you know this I'm sure, but the absolutely bland and NO dairy worked pretty well around here.

It's a Mom Thing said...

Yuck! I'm sorry your family is still sick. That's just the pits. I hope everyone feels better soon. And btw, your little boy is looking not so little anymore. And I LOVE that red hair on both of your kiddos!

Anonymous said...

Ugh! So sorry you are still sick. I've heard the norovirus that is going around this year is especially awful because it can be acquired again & again. Hang in there!

Leah Spencer said...

A few not-so-oftenly-thought-of spots came to my mind. Have you wiped down the car's knobs/handles/car seats, etc? And what about something like the handle of your mailbox?

Anonymous said...

You didn't eat any of that Peter Pan Peanut Butter did you... :) My DH, DD and DS had eaten 3/4 of a contaminated jar but no one got sick, thank goodness. I hope you all start feeling better soon! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Andrew sure is getting tall! He's getting past the little boy stage, it looks like. Hope this week is sunny and finds everyone in better health!
Susan in Illinois

ed266 said...

I'm sick here in Korea as sucks. I don't have a stomach virus though. I definitely could use homemade TN chicken noodle soup or something.
Hope everybody gets better

amelia said...

I'm sorry you are still sick! We had the same virus here in FL...I nearly cried when the doc told us it's been lasting 10-12 days!! Hope you are all well soon.

Esther said...

Don't forget the toothbrushes. I have boiled and put them in the dishwasher during the midst of illness and tossed them out when we were getting better.

Mama Squirrel said...

Hope you are feeling much better soon--we've had a run of flu over the past few days as well. Lovely yard sale finds, though--that's real dedication! ;-)

Marie said...

I've been advisded by an MD to avoid plain water when rehydrating - strangely, the stomach handles teas and juices and so forth much better. I hope that might help a little.

jay n tricia said...

Feeling your pain over here. We're into day 12 of not constant, but ongoing sickness. Last night we had 3 out of 4 kids throwing up. Hope you guys heal soon.