My mom thinks I'm nuts, but I've been buying colorful tins this season. It started when I needed a
container for drink mixes. Then I was inspired by
Motherload's gift closet and
House Art Journal's Playmobil storage. You can imagine my delight when these tins, normally ten cents apiece, were all half price! I've learned to buy rectangular shapes for better stacking. Now to find some bits and pieces...
I've been using recycled jars (apple sauce, coffee ect) for my drink mixes and what not, but your tins certainly are prettier! :)
I do use some tins for the kids art supplies though. One for markers, one for crayons, ect.
I use tins too. I also use empty baby wipe containers.
thanks for the links to other thrifty women! I love to get ideas from you all!
That's an excellent idea! Certainly more interesting to look at than plain old plastic rubbermade containers! (o:
I love using tins for my craft supplies.
Love finding your blog. I've got to get comfy and read up.
Cheers! LA
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