Friday, February 09, 2007

Hate your kitchen?

Copper's Wife begins a series about the less-than-perfect kitchen--how to combat the excuses, how to work with no counter space or a broken oven. Looks like she'll be sharing some seasoned advice with us over the next few days. Advice I wish I had for the last two months with no oven!
Copper's Wife, I can't comment on your Xanga blog, but I hope you know how much I enjoy reading it!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I love to read her blog, too. She offers so much wisdom and we have the same taste in books!

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Meredith. Your blog is a must stop for me most every day! I think my little series will run today and for a few days next week. I hope it inspires someone, somewhere to work with what she's got to make her kitchen a better place.