Friday, December 29, 2006

The baby has an ear infection, I have unexpected company and my husband is working. I hope to be back later when my brain is working again!


Anonymous said...

Oh dear. Take care of your family.
Sending up a prayer for you all.
Hope the unexpected company is a joy not a burden.

Amy said...

I hope the baby feels better soon and you can get some rest! We will see you when you get back :)

Anonymous said...

I hope your little one is better soon. I always hate it when my kids get an ear infection. It leaves both them and me tired and a little grouchy! Hope Elise is better soon!

Someone Beautiful said...

I am praying for baby and you. :) I hope she feels better and you have a refreshing weekend after all. :)

Green Tea & Kimchee said...

I hope Elise feels better very soon!

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Hope Elise feels better soon and you have a happy start to the New Year.