Hurray! Our houseguest is here. I still have boxes against one wall of the dining room. It's not that I have so much stuff, but that it needs to be dealt with thoughtfully this time: old linens laundered, unwanted items sold, bookshelves built. My hair was in a towel when his car pulled in the drive, but I had a few welcoming touches ready. A crockpot of chili and just-baked cornbread scented the kitchen. (We dashed out to swim lessons a few minutes later.) We ordered a couple of Netflix movies for his room, since we don't have cable TV. I always set a tray for morning coffee, should a guest wake earlier than we do. Sometimes I pamper my husband by picking up flavored coffees, which are nice when guests come, too. I add a jar of granola with bowls and spoons to the side, just in case.
What a thoughtful host you are!
Can I come stay with you? :-)
Thanks for the wonderful ideas - I will definitely use them when I have a guest.
I just love your blog and look forward to reading it every day.
Oh that was so funny about him drinking the coffee to stay warm. Surely he will laugh later. ;) I like how you have the coffee tray set up. We don't drink coffee more than once or twice a year, and I want to set something up like that for guests.
What nice touches you have. I don't even own a tray! LOL! I'm taking notes on your wonderful homemaking skills.
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