Monday, October 30, 2006

Organizing coupons

Reading Biblical Womanhood's Supermarket series made me realize how much I used to love couponing. I let my stash dwindle to a simple pocket file after we switched to a lower-carb, whole foods diet. So how to manage a bigger pile of coupons? Crystal uses her mother's file box system.
Kayla shares a step-by-step pictoral of her coupon binder.


DonnaB said...

I've never actively tried couponing figuring since I bought generics that it would be a waste of time. But I've been reading that series too and I'm willing to consider that maybe my thinking on coupons has been wrong. So I'm giving it a go for a while anyway!

Kayla said...

AW! THNX for the linkie! I'll also need to check out the Supermarket Series.

I've managed to make all my bookmarks in firefox disappear so I haven't been over for a few days. That and the >>bizzee<< life of a Mum. Luckily I was able to scrounge MOST of my faves from IE. *whew*

Donna, I'll be posting more on couponing as time permits! It is a lot of fun!