Monday, October 23, 2006

My lamp goes out at night, all right

Q: How do you manage your schedule -- housework, moving, CHILDREN, thrifting, decorating. Is it just that 'your lamp doesn't go out at night'?

A: I don't try to do it all. My kids are still young, we have few outside commitments, and I'm not a fussy housekeeper. It drives my mom nuts, how I can have laundry piled up next to fabric bolts next to a stack of magazine clippings. "We LIVE here!" I tell her. I still have to cook 3 meals a day, entertain children, and make sure we have clean underwear!

In the decorating sense, it's better NOT do it all overnight. You should live in the house a minimum of a few weeks before making major decisions. How else will you know what your operating patterns will be? Where the light falls? Which armchairs need coasters and reading lamps? Where people leave their keys?

Someone from work just asked my husband why the house looks so empty from the street. Embarassing! That was just the nudge I needed to do the living room. Can't hang pictures until you are sure where the sofa is going! Three weeks of unconscious thinking coalesced into a comfortable arrangement. We hung the Audobon print. Now I can crack open the boxes of decorative items and books for the next layer.


Anonymous said...

I have seen beautiful antique mantles sell very reasonably at auctions, and I found the one I have in my house, for $150.00 at an antique store.
The one on eBay looks more like something for a cabin to me, but that is just my opinion.

Anonymous said...

You could check with the shop teacher at a high school or technical school to see if you could have a student make a nice mantle, reasonably.
Can't hurt to ask.

It's a Mom Thing said...

I know just what you're talking about. We've been our house for three weeks now and I still am not sure where I want things to be. I've tried to unpack some decorations to make it homey, but they will most likely be moved eventually. I'm just trying to remember to take my time and be patient. So far, your house is beautiful! I can't wait for more updates and pics! And I hope you're enjoying Crieve Hall.

Anonymous said...

How rude that someone would actually mention that the house looks empty. You have not been there that long AND you have a 4 yr old and 6 month old. I'm glad it was not my husband. He would have asked what in the world was he looking into the house for? :-)

Glad to know you are not super mom, YET! You really do shame some of us!

Thanks for the great blog, as always. I love reading it. I even have it set up as my brower home page. Always looking forward to a new update,

Mrs. DMG

DonnaB said...

Rome wasn't built in a day! Neither should a house be decorated too quickly!