Monday, September 18, 2006

Today's mystery object

My son discovered this in the depths of the corner cabinet. It must have belonged to the previous owners. Any ideas what it is? Should we pitch it or pack it?


Anonymous said...

It looks like a corn creamer to me. i remember sitting around the carport shucking corn and watching my grandmother get the corn off the cob with that.


Anonymous said...

hmmm. It appears to plane across something, that depression must slide over or under an item...I'm sure Andrew can dream up a use for it! i'd look at the quality of the metal part. is it solid brass, etc. And if there is an identifying brand name that you could research online.


Meredith said...

Oh, his eyes lit up when he pulled it out! But the blade is awfully sharp.

Jenny, you're right! I googled corn creamers and that's exactly what it is. Here's the link to the $12.99 wooden version:

Anonymous said...

I think we have the same washer! Mine's a Kenmore! Yours? :)

Anonymous said...

Looks like a tool to remove the kernels from ears of corn. Very cool!

Anonymous said...

My mom has one of these to cut corn kernals off the cob for canning or freezing. Easy to hurt oneself on it.