Tonight's the football season opener. As a good wife, I'm obliged to attend. After all, I'm thrilled and honored my husband has this job! But can you keep a secret? Going to these games is just as stressful now as it was to my socially-challenged high school self. I spend just as much time worrying about my clothes and hair as I did then. Not good when my post-baby closet is practically bare! While my husband works the crowd, I'll be the one sitting in the stands alone, trying to keep Andrew from eating too much concession stand candy. At least I don't have to worry about flirting with a cute upperclassman; the nicest guy in the stadium has already offered me a ride home.
Is the stress about low self-esteem? Or is this just an old habit that doesn't want to go away? Good luck! :o)
"To Love, Honor and Dismay"
Low self esteem is obviously a part of it. But something about going to a high school stadium dredges up all the old insecurities of adolescence.
We had a pretty good night,in the end. Having the baby along is definitely a conversation starter!
Why do you have to gussy up for a football game? Get out a team jersey, a nice pair of comfortable pants and shoes and HAVE FUN!!!! I mean, really--as long as you are neat and clean, you'll look fine! And remember, your husband has seen you at your worst and probably still thinks you look 'h*t' (don't know if I can put that word here), so who cares about anyone else?
Mom2fur, I'm pretty sure this is a Southern thing. there are two types of football game go-ers here: the type who wear jerseys, and the type who wear pearls!
As team t-shirts don't do much for my figure right now, I wore a loose linen outfit instead.
Meredith, I can see how the football stadium could bring back a lot of reminders of high school, I know it would for me! I tried to post yeterday but my connection wasn't up to it, anyhow, I'm glad to hear it went well. Did Andrew like the game?
I know what you mean about all of this. For the adult women and even some of the men, these games are totally NOT about foorball,but they ARE about social status, peer cliques, and pecking order. That's not to say that there aren't a lot of nice people at the games, but maybe we don't change after high school sometimes as much as we think/hope that we do! Glad that you had a fun time and a chance to do something different for the evening. And little Elise got to go to her first football game! Have a fun weekend!
My husband used to be an asst. coach for varsity high school football ... I *despised* going to the games (I'm not a football fan, had to go alone at first, yada, yada, yada) and know exactly how you feel. Hang in there .... :-) Blessings,
It IS a southern thing! DH and I go to his college alma mater to tailgate before football games. People take it seriously! I find myself dressing carefully as well...
Wow! Who'd 'a thunk!
Different regions, different styles.
Once upon a time, we went to the Albuquerque opera. The opera house has open sides, and it gets cold in the desert at night. I wore khakis and a down vest. For the opera! And I fit right in.
And yet Southerners wear pearls to football games!
Strange world.
Perhaps not ALL southerners. But if you were raised by my mother (or a woman of my mother's generation), you do.
A football game? Time to pull out the pearls and Lilly! Ps-Meredith I found a lilly dress at goodwill. I said Like Merchant Ships would be so proud :)
Well, I bet you looked very nice...even if you didn't wear pearls, LOL!
BTW, what's a Lilly dress? Inquiring yankees want to know...
I'm betting she means THIS Lilly...
i'm sure meredith could explain the full southern angle : )
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