Thanks again for all the encouraging comments. I am short on time to reply--we have distant grandparents and great-grandparents who NEED PHOTOS NOW!
UPDATE: We've been going for daily bili checks but the level is still increasing. Today's is right at the borderline for phototherapy, but because jaundice usually peaks at day 4/5, we're going to test tomorrow and pray the level goes down on its own. There are so many families with infants ill from serious problems, jaundice hardly seems worth mentioning here. However, the doctor said that more than 24 hours with 20% bilirubin can cause brain damage, and at levels over 10, sunlight alone is not enough. Also, this jaundice is high because I have an O- blood type and Elise's is A+, a double whammy on the "you might have jaundice if..." chart.
Hi! I cannot believe how beautiful you looked right after birth and what a lovely child. No jaundice in the photo - just a sleeping doll sunbathing.
As always, you are so amazing!
Be blessed,
Miss Meg
PS I didn't check your blog until today because I thought you'd take some real time off.... see my head shaking in disbelief? mm
Oh. my. word. Too freakin' cute. (You can't see the jaundice at all in the pic. Hope things are better soon!)
That baby is beautiful! I love those sleeping baby pics!
All four of mine were very jaundice and had to have multiple tests. I guess you know, but doctors have very different opinions on bilirubin and how high the count should go. Younger doctors feel it is less of a threat than older doctors. My niece in Texas was hospitalized with a count lower than my daughter's. My daughter had no problems at all. I pray everything is fine!
That photo just made my heart melt :) I just sent my little sweetie girl (now 10) over to a friend's house for a sleep over. They go from newborn to 10 WAY to fast...
I'm praying things will be fine after the bilirubin check. Let us know what you find out.
Shelley in Iowa
Ah, Meredith, what a sweet picture. She is such a good looking newborn, very filled out.
I posted a picture of my baby on my blog today, first time ever. Well, one of my babies, anyway! :-)
Hi Meredith-
Thanks for taking the time during these busy, first days at home to keep us updated with photos of your new little dolly! How is Andrew doing with all this whirlwind? I have the funniest photos of my first born, who was about 3 1/2 at the time, looking VERY glum when we brought his new little brother home. He had been the only one in the "spotlight" for quite a while and was a little unsettled when someone new came along! Is Andrew experiencing any of that?
Two quick questions: Are you using cloth or disposable diapers, and how is the pack-n-play working our for you?
Hope the billi result was good!
Susan in Illinois
Thanks for taking the time to update us all. Elise looks adorable, healthy and happy--hope the bili levels start dropping soon, I remember it's not fun to take one's tiny little baby for blood draws, no matter how good the tech is.
She's still beautiful!
Meredith - She is so beautiful! And so are you - you were absolutely glowing in that picture! I am so happy for y'all. How amazing that even with Jack only 5 months old (only?), seeing little Elise can make me long for another little baby:)
I hope by the time you read this everything is going real well with the jaundice and nursing. Jack had pretty severe jaundice, too. But I talked his pediatrician into just keeping an eye on it for a few days longer and it went away on its own. I think it tends to last a little longer in breastfed babies, so my pedia. was not immediately concerned (my mother, though, that was a different story!). I'll be keeping y'all in my prayers. Enjoy this precious time - it goes so fast!
She looks so cozy and warm out there in the sun! I hope she will be better soon. XXXOOOO!
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