In an act of faith that my husband's dissertation will be completed by the early summer, I am going with your excellent Pack 'N Play idea. My neighbor assured me that I will be able to dismantle it easily when the house shows.
However, true to the natural law of secondhand shopping--once you REALLY need an item, it becomes instantly scarce on the bargain market!
Since I hit 36 weeks today, I didn't want to wait too long.
Here's my money-saving strategy: I bought the most economical Pack 'N Play with bassinet insert at Walmart and taped the receipt to the box. I will continue to watch for a better buy until the very last minute. If I find one, I'll return the unopened box to the store.
In other baby news, I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed about all my last-minute projects and food preparation. I can't believe June 15 is so near!
Also, the baby has flipped back to a feet-first position. It was nice while it lasted : ) We still need to decide on a name for her, too. This is one of the two great conflicts of our entire marriage thus far!
We always use our pack and play for a bassinet for the first several months when the baby isn't sleeping in bed with us. I think whether you find one second hand or use the one you got at Wal-Mart, you will find it to be a good solution. And they are useful as a sleeping place for a baby if you ever travel, as well.
Never fear - our 23.5" baby turned at 37 weeks. There's room!
Everyone laughs when I tell about it, but I used a bag of frozen peas on her head to encourage her to flip. Say what you like: it worked.
Why don't you give the child three names? If it is causing conflict between your husband and you -- that's just not good. And i've known people whose kids had two middle names.
Have you already looked for the pack-n-play on Craigslist.com? I found one at this link...
Meredith, my fifth baby flipped into feet first position, too.
My doctor manually, by pushing on my stomach, turned her back around to head first.
We then had the decision of waiting for labor to arrive (giving her an opportunity to go breech again) or inducing before she had the chance. We induced.
All this to say all turned out well, and that babies can be turned. It was uncomfortable, but not mind-blowing like labor is!
Well, obviously since MY birthday is June 14th you should name her Megan...
Be blessed,
Miss Meg
When you say food preparation do you mean filling your freezer type plan for easy meals after baby's arrival? If you do, I would be very interested in your plans. We just found out I'm expecting and that the baby will most likely arrive 2 weeks before Christmas. Also, I'm glad you chose the pack and play. We have loved ours for over 10 years! As far as names go, we take a short list with us to the hospital and make the final decision when we see the child. There has been quite a bit of compromise to give our children names that were acceptable to both of us. If you are having trouble with the names themselves perhaps pick a meaning behind the name to both agree upon. Hang in there -Melissa
I love your blog Meredith and I think the "blogger brown" gives it a very classy look actually.
I just clicked on the art in decorating link and was struck by the pretty name of the author.........Marily. A pretty name for a daughter ? Another possible for your list ?
Your beautiful digital photos make your blog one of the best around.
walmart now is carrying something called a nursery in a box. Its a crib, changing table and I believe a dresser. I think it was $100-150. Hope this help
Those Pack n Plays are definitely scarce. We finally broke down and went to town to buy one last week since we were working outside and Knox is too big for a laundry basket. We stopped at a baby consignment store on the way to Walmart and asked...nope...and as we were leaving, she came running out to tell us that she found one in the back that had come in the day before...beautiful condition for $40....that one retails for $130-150. We were tickled pink! It has a basinet attachment so if we need if for the next one, we will be all set. I was really glad I asked. Maybe you could ask them to call you when/if one comes in.
You might want to be on the lookout for an extra port a crib sheet. Generally, the set comes with one but you know how babies have accidents when they know they're on the only clean sheet in the house. Standard size crib sheets are too big and do not fit snuggly posing a safety risk. I know you just needed one more last minute thing to locate cheaply. Take it easy- Melissa
Well, I have a Pack N Play just sitting here, that I keep meaning to take to the consignment store (for like three years). It's a nice, soft, Eddie Bauer one, too.
Wonder how much it would be to ship a Pack N Play from Connecticut to Tennesee.....
Great find, Kathryn! I've discovered lots of regular play yards, but haven't seen a one with the bassinet feature secondhand.
Melissa, thanks for the tip on the sheets. Can you believe sheets hadn't even crossed my mind yet???? I am truly scatterbrained these days.
I won't be brokenhearted if I have to keep the Walmart model. It does match the bedroom almost perfectly and it is just about the only thing I'll be buying for the baby.
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