Thursday, May 05, 2005

In My Library Bag: The Organic Suburbanite

Continuing my quest to create an “urban homestead,” I checked out a copy of The Organic Suburbanite by Warren Shultz. It’s filled with tips for “an environmentally friendly way to live the American dream.”

You don’t have to own 40 acres or farm animals to find advice a typical city-dweller can use, unlike most back-to-the-earth books. I won’t say that any single chapter blew me away, but the collective information pointed me in several new domestic directions.

For several issues, Shultz offers statistics that helped me become more discerning (how many gallons of water it takes to grow various foods, the “cons” of paper grocery bags, and differing methods of cooking outdoors).

Many of the home made product recipes are not only environmentally friendly, but cheap, too. You know how I like that!

I’ve long worried about using chlorine bleach ever since my little one picked up a bottle and said, “Milk, Mommy?” Shultz includes many alternatives for chlorinated products all over the home.

For instance, oxygen bleach for laundry can be made by combining 1 ½ teaspoons of sodium perborate (available at hardware stores) and ¼ cup of water combined and added with regular detergent.

If you like looking at vintage Americana, this book is chock full of 50’s and 60’s images:

  • mothers in aprons
  • vintage appliances
  • families picnicking in the golden age of suburbia.

Stylish design and photos make The Organic Suburbanite a visual feast as well as a nutritious supper.

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