Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Am I Miserly With More Than Money?

I've been a little stingy with my smile lately.

I didn't realize it until I read Chapter Eight in Martha Peace's Excellent Wife, about creating a godly atmosphere in the home. I'm serious by nature, introspective, and sometimes a little too goal-oriented for my own good.

Peace suggests that the tone God wants the wife to set for her home should be "one of joy, optimism, and a delight in the Lord and in her family." Hmmmm.

I'd be the first to argue that a frugal lifestyle doesn't exclude fun, but I'm not so sure I've been setting an example at home.

I peppered my husband with questions about how he feels we could improve as a family, now that the summer is upon us. "Well," he said, "I guess I would want more time for relaxing together."

Now, we probably do as much slouching on the couch as any other family, but we haven't been organized about it. As mom, I want to gather up these wasted hours for family fun: This is a day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it" (Psalm 118:24).

Here's to a summer of lavishing my family with time--not money!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Meredith - What a great goal! I'm inspired - spring and summer are my husband's busy seasons so it seems like we aren't seeing much of him these days. I'd like to plan some really fun things when we are all together that will be relaxing for him and not make him feel like he's missing out on family time - without spending all the money he's working so hard to earn! Great idea!